My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 151: Serve the people

  Chapter 151 Serve the People

When I heard the price of the membership card, she thought it was a good deal. Although she was dissatisfied with the attitude of these people, they were crowded and their mobile phones were also held by them. , Ready to apply for a membership card.

  Unexpectedly, the manager actually asked her to pay 30,000 yuan.

  Now, no matter how stupid it is, you can see that these people are blatant bullies.

  Of course she refused, and this group didn't dare to treat her really, but they just refused to let her go.

  The two parties were in a stalemate in this small shop. She also saw two ordinary people who were tricked into applying for a membership card.

   Ten thousand sheets, under the pressure of their secret threat and the original price of five thousand, both of them chose to compromise.

  She was in this gap and sent her son out.

  I originally wanted the child to find the police, and then he could leave.

   But now looking at the calm expressions of the two big guys, and the policeman who his son found, who didn't even have a police uniform, Chen Huizhen felt hopeless.

  Does it really have to swipe 30,000 membership cards for these people before they can leave?

  Wang Shuyue walked in and looked up. The shop was decorated in a decent manner and looked very high-end.

  Look at the staff in the store. There are men and women, plus the two big guys outside, for a total of fifteen people.

  So many people guarding an unarmed mother and child, it is conceivable that it will cause much pressure on people.

  Wang Shuyue glanced at Chen Huizhen, and the woman looked at her with distrust and suspicion.

  But she didn’t believe it and it was normal. After all, she didn’t even have a police uniform, and it seemed more like she was doing her routine again.

  Two big men walked into the store and said a few words to a man with a bald head. The bald man who claimed to be the manager immediately came forward to say hello to Wang Shuyue.

   "I don't have any eyesight to see, pour tea for my little sister!"

  Bald head scolded the staff who stood stupidly, turned around and laughed at Wang Shuyue as a Maitreya Buddha, and asked her to sit down on the sofa.

   "No, I am neither thirsty nor tired."

  Wang Shuyue shook the spiritual honey tea in her hand, indicating that she had something to drink.

   Seeing the situation with a bald head, he didn't listen to her, and still asked the staff to bring the tea.

   "Sit down, sit down and say." The bald-headed manager smiled very kindly.

  Wang Shuyue ignored him, walked to the cash register, and read all the certificates and so-called licenses hanging on the wall.

  At this time, Chen Huizhen brought her son behind her.

  Perhaps thinking that Wang Shuyue would definitely go over this matter, the bald heads and the others watched the mother and son come to Wang Shuyue to complain, without any panic.

  Don’t panic, the phrase "I have a protective umbrella" in my eyes is almost printed directly to tell Chen Huizhen and mother that there are people above us, you just complain, anyway, we will be fine.

  Chen Huizhen doesn’t believe in Wang Shuyue, but now she can only be a dead horse doctor.

  Although the family conditions do not worry about food and drink, 30,000 yuan is not a small amount of money, besides, this matter is no longer a matter of money, but she can't swallow the breath!

  So, Chen Huizhen was still 15 to 10, and she told Wang Shuyue what happened. The more she talked about it, the more she felt angry and aggrieved, her red eyes and tears almost fell.

  The shop assistants next to Ke saw this situation, only their faces were full of disdain.

  One of the female employees also said: "We are not liars, she has to blame us, so everyone is a little angry and deliberately scared them to detain them."

   Immediately afterwards, she brought over the so-called consumption bills and showed them to Wang Shuyue, "Police officer, look at it. It is clearly written on it, five thousand adults, half price for children."

"We told her before we went in, but our people took them and made them feel at ease when they walked through the rental center. When they came back to the checkout, they said we were liars. Tell me, can you please? Get angry!"

  Wang Shuyue glanced at the female employee, who looked even more aggrieved than Chen Huizhen.

  Look at the so-called consumption bill again. Well, it does say five thousand adults and half price for children.

  It’s just the five thousand. In Arabic numerals, the first two 50 are written as a thief, and the remaining two 0s are so small. If it weren’t for her good eyes, she almost didn’t see it.

  Wang Shuyue glanced at the female member again. She seemed to know that she was embarrassed, so she coughed awkwardly and forcibly explained.

   "We are all in this business, it's just that they didn't see clearly."

  Chen Huizhen heard this and almost beat others out of anger, pulling Wang Shuyue hurriedly to add,

"At that time, I was going to look at the consumption bill. They took it away as soon as I got it. They also said that they were partners in the rental center. There was absolutely no problem. We followed them, and what she said was Fifty."

  Piao Xiaojie nodded his head heavily, "Yes, I heard it, this aunt said fifty yuan, and my mother was fooled by her."

The female employee rolled her eyes silently, "You really think, do you know how much risk we bodyguards take for your safety? How can it be fifty yuan! Obviously I'm talking about five thousand yuan, it's you I heard it wrong!"

  Piao Xiaojie stomped his feet with anger, but he was small and didn’t know how to argue, so he could only say to Wang Shuyue in a hurry:

  "Police sister, don't believe them!"

  Wang Shuyue patted the child’s head, motioned him not to get excited, took the ridiculous consumer bill, turned to ask the bald head sitting on the sofa drinking tea,

   "I'll be fair. There is a big problem with your consumption list, but you are indeed serving them. Tell me how to solve it?"

  Bald head heard this, and he was secretly delighted, thinking she was going to make things smaller.

  As everyone knows, this is Wang Shuyue's last chance for him.

  The bald head winked at the female employee. After receiving the instructions, the female employee reluctantly said to Chen Huizhen:

   "You and I are both wrong about this, but I did serve you. You can't pay nothing at all. In this way, the five thousand yuan will be half of each of us. What do you think?"

   said and added, "My salary is only two thousand a month. Your trouble, I have been doing nothing this month."

  Wang Shuyue saw with her own eyes that Chen Huizhen's eyes softened, showing that the female employee's miserable betrayal perfectly pinched the victim's psychological vitals.

"Tsk tsk tsk~" Wang Shuyue smacked, pointing to her bald head and said: "You are really shameless, things are all here, and I still want to deceive others. It seems that I must serve the people well today. !"

   His bald expression changed, and he stood up suddenly, "What do you mean?"

  At the same time, the hands behind her back gestured to the two big men.

  Wang Shuyue saw this little movement in her eyes and smiled.

  Who can't call people?

   "I want to kill you guys who are disrupting order today. All in one go!"

  Wang Shuyue took out her mobile phone and immediately dialed the number of the headquarters.

  Bald head and eyes dangerously narrowed, "Newcomer, do you know the rules?!"

  Wang Shuyue's dark eyes looked at him coldly, “I’m right, I’m new here, but the rules, you don’t need to teach me, I understand!”

  (End of this chapter)

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