My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 170: problem occurs

   Listening to the voice, it's a man.

   Wang Shuyue quickly turned around and leaned towards the sounding place. In the dark, there was a flat-headed man wearing a shirt and casual pants standing.

   Seeing her turn around, he immediately showed a surprised expression.

   It looks like she had expected her to show up a long time ago, and she has been waiting for a long time.

   "Hao Zhong?"

   Wang Shuyue tentatively called.

   The man looked at her in surprise, he didn't expect that she would know his name.

   But now is not the time to care about this, Hao Zhong nodded, admitted his identity, and beckoned her to come with him.

   Wang Shuyue followed up suspiciously. Originally, she only suspected that something was wrong with the Hao family, so now she can be sure that the situation is not simple.

   The two came to a side house, next to the main house, where the servants lived.

   It may be that the master’s house is not at home, and there are not a few servants in the house. The two of them walked in the garden, and no one noticed it at all.

   Hao Zhong opened his room and invited Wang Shuyue in.

   As soon as he entered the door, Wang Shuyue smelled a strong scent of medicine, which was irritating and choking.

   Wang Shuyue covered her mouth and nose and looked at the room.

   The room is full of various herbs, and there are many bottles and jars on the table. It looks like the people who live here are sick and short of time.

   Look at the owner of this room, Hao Zhong, except that his face doesn't look good, he doesn't appear to be seriously ill.

   Hao Zhong opened the chair, motioned Wang Shuyue to sit, and poured her another glass of water.

   Wang Shuyue did not drink, and took out the camphor tree demon crystal necklace and asked, "What happened on earth?"

   Unexpectedly, Hao Zhong actually shook his head and turned back: "I don't know, I just followed the instructions left by the master."

   Wang Shuyue frowned immediately.

   Hao Zhong explained: "Seven days ago, the eldest lady came back and said that she would participate in the school's trial activities and come back to pack up some things."

   "As usual, the master is very supportive of Miss's participation in the event, saying that it is possible to have more experience, but this time the eldest came back, the master seemed to not want the eldest to leave."

   "But the eldest lady did not want to fall behind the second lady, and insisted on going, and said that she would return with a good grade. The master was helpless and had to let the lady go."

   Wang Shuyue clicked on the necklace on the table, "You explain to me, why is the necklace I gave Bai Wei here with you?"

   "It was the master who said he was afraid that he missed it too much, so the eldest lady left the necklace."

   "After the eldest lady left, the master suddenly ordered me to pretend to be sick. It's better to be too sick to get out of bed, and then hand me the necklace so that I won't be allowed to go out of the room."

   "Followingly, six days ago, the master suddenly suffered from heat stroke. After two days of raising it at home, the husband and wife proposed to take the master back to the country’s hometown to escape the heat. Because of my serious illness, I stayed."

   "The master said before that if the eldest lady did not call home for more than three days during the event, let me find you with the necklace."

   Hao Zhong said anxiously: "The eldest lady used to call home at 6 o'clock every evening, but I haven’t waited for the little lady’s call for four days."

   "I think of the master's previous explanation, I always feel that something is not right, so I immediately came to you with the necklace."

   "Why did you leave in a hurry that afternoon?" Wang Shuyue asked.

   Hao Zhong nodded, "Mrs.'s people have all gone to the countryside together, and my husband is not at home. I asked the guard at home to cover me. He called me to remind me when he saw that I was not coming back for a long time."

   Wang Shuyue knows that, in this way, the surveillance she sees can be connected with reality.

   Since the old man of the Hao family can count these things in advance, it shows that he has taken precautions long ago.

   Even if Long Yutan really wants to do something, there is no need to worry about his father's life in a short time.

   Bai Wei, who had lost contact for four days, was even more worrying.

   "What kind of trial is that? Who will participate? When will it end?" Wang Shuyue asked calmly.

  The special training of the special team is still useful. At this moment, she is anxious, but her mind is very clear.

   This matter must be clarified first, otherwise the headless flies will run around everywhere, which will only delay time.

   Hao Zhong has also inquired in the past few days, and replied: "I said it was going to a small island to engage in activities. The activity time is a week. The main thing is to train with monsters."

   "Generally, the security of the activities organized by the school is done well. There will be a teacher with a golden core cultivation level. The lady has participated once before, and there are many students, and they all come back safely."

   "All the students who participated in the activity were top students, and the top 100 were able to go, and the second lady and young master Gu were also there."

   "Where is Li He?" Wang Shuyue asked.

   Hao Zhong nodded, "It's also together. At first, I thought that Young Master Li and Missy could take care of each other, and the Master did not resolutely stop it."

   Wang Shuyue immediately asked him if he had contacted Li He. Hao Zhong said he had, but he couldn't get through.

   Even Hao Lei and Gu Yechi tried to contact them, but the results were the same, but they didn't get through.

   Wang Shuyue was shocked, "Could it be that something unexpected happened during the training?"

   Hao Zhong had been working on various conspiracy theories before, guessing that this was a game between Long Yutan's mother and daughter. Suddenly hearing Wang Shuyue's guess, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

   He knows that the old man prefers the eldest lady, but the old man is not bad to the second young lady. For the old man, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat, and his old man just doesn't like the second lady's mother.

   If it's not a conspiracy, but a simple accident, and both young ladies are in trouble, how can the old man stand it?

   Thinking of this, Hao Zhong suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

   "Miss Wang, what are we going to do now?"

   "Madame, even if there is any will never count her own biological daughter together?"

   Wang Shuyue shook her head, put away the demon crystal necklace, stood up and said:

   "Things are not that simple. There is no perfect crime in this world. The heart of your wife, Sima Zhao, is well known to everyone. The matter of father heatstroke is by no means easy."

   "However, the current situation at the school may not be optimistic!"

  Wang Shuyue opened the door and was about to leave, Hao Zhong chased him up, "Where are you going, Miss Wang?"

  Wang Shuyue didn't look back, and threw a treasure fan, "Go to school!"

   Hao Zhong hurriedly shouted: "Take me with you, maybe you can help me."

   Wang Shuyue stretched out his hand and pulled him on the treasure fan. The two turned into a little blue light, and in a blink of an eye they reached the gate of the newly built Xiuxian Academy in G City.

   It's getting late, and the street lights are already on.

   Xiuxian College implements strict militarized management. Students are restricted from entering and exiting from Monday to Friday, and only open on weekends.

   Normally, only students who have applied for special orders for day school can enter and leave at a specific time.

   Today Friday, there is not even a personal photo at the school gate.

   Wang Shuyue's appearance attracted the attention of the guard on duty.


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