My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 210: Bargain

, The fastest update of my aunt's grandma, she is back in the latest chapter!


The mournful cry of children from the street attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw a little girl in ragged clothes with a straw ring tied to her head. She was forced to kneel on the muddy ground by a vicious person, lashing and cursing:

"Frustrated thing, crying master sewed your mouth again!"

But the child only knows that fear and pain can be controlled? Instead, she cried louder.

As a result, the maiden slammed off the whip, leaving the little girl with flesh on her back!

"Hiss~" The pedestrians took a breath, with sympathy on their faces, but they looked like they were accustomed to, pitiful, pitiful, and no one stepped forward to stop them.

"Don't look." He Qiang pulled Wang Shuyue who had stopped, led her to move forward, and whispered:

"Look at this less, this world is a backward feudal society, and people are barbaric, you can't stop it."

Far away, the unbearable and unbearable scene that violated the law seemed to lag behind and would not appear in front of my eyes.

But Wang Shuyue was still very shocked!

After He Qiang reminded him, he continued to say several times: "Horrible and terrible." Obviously, he was also uncomfortable with the stimulation of this scene.

"Let's go, go in and see if there is a map."

He Qiang slowed down and pointed to the grocery store in front of him with a booming business.

Wang Shuyue took a deep breath, nodded, and the two squeezed into the grocery store together.

This is the only grocery store in the town. The shop is not big, it is very complete, and the business is very hot. It is full of people.

From this glance, they were all monks, but the cultivation base was generally not high, and the fourth and fifth levels of Qi training were already outstanding.

Behind the counter stood an old man with gray hair and piercing eyes, who was skillfully greeting the guests.

As soon as Wang Shuyue and the two entered the store, the old man who was greeting the guests immediately raised his head and looked at them.

Across the heavy gauze curtain, Wang Shuyue and the old man looked at each other.

An invisible coercion spread between the two in an instant. Wang Shuyue twisted her brows and squeezed the spear knife in her hand. The old man's eyes darkened, and he smiled:

"Guests pick whatever you want!"

Wang Shuyue did not answer. After leaving Tao Village, she and her uncle walked through two small towns. This was the third one in front of her. In these three small towns, she saw the hypocrisy and ruthlessness of the world's cultivators.

The old man in front of her would smile at her, but it was because she had the upper hand in the invisible competition just now.

Wang Shuyue didn't speak, He Qiang walked up. The guests who had checked out at the counter had already left. The old man smiled and asked:

"What do the two guests want? The shop has a complete range of goods, including Lingcao talisman paper cinnabar, good condition and fair price, and it is fair to young people."

He Qiang nodded, indicating that he had heard it, and turned his head to scan all the items on the shelves of the store, pretending to be confused and dissatisfied.

"I heard people say that your store has a complete range of goods. I came here to take a look. I didn't expect it to be the case."

When the old man heard this, he didn't get angry, but he explained with a good temper: "It's inferior to the Duobao Pavilion in Fucheng. If the customer wants that great thing, there is really no small shop."

He Qiang waved his hand and opened his mouth as soon as he lied. "I don't need the best things, but I'm taking the family girl out to practice. I don't know where to go for a while, and I'm ready to buy a map of Kyushu."

As he said, he glanced at the old man, and said with contempt: "I looked around, thinking about coming to your little shop, there won't be anything like that, causing my lady to run in vain."

Hearing this, the old man looked at Wang Shuyue who was standing behind He Qiang without saying a word in surprise.

The cyan dress and the veil on the head look rough in workmanship, and the materials used are also very common. It is really difficult for people to compare such an image of a woman with that lady.

However, the strange-looking knife in his hand and the disgusting look that didn't look at his family were a bit of a eldest lady's temper.

What kind of person hasn't seen the old man who has opened a shop for decades?

It is guessed that these two weird people should come from extraordinary origins. Since they dare to ask about things like maps, there is no shortage of spirit stones in their hands.

Seeing that He Qiang was about to leave, the old man hurriedly shouted: "Please wait a minute, guest!"

"What's wrong? Your little shop really has what my lady wants?" He Qiang didn't believe it.

The old man smiled and nodded, "Naturally, this is a precious thing. The old man dare not leave it at will. If he encounters someone who doesn't know the goods, he will break the baby, and the old man may not be able to afford it."

With that, he motioned to Wang Shuyue and the two to wait, turned around and opened the shelf cabinet, took out a wooden box, put it on the counter, and raised his hand in a gesture of asking.

He Qiang didn't expect to encounter a map in the two towns before, and he couldn't help showing a surprised look.

Seeing this, the old man immediately opened the box and signaled He Qiang to check it.

However, He Qiang really wanted to get started, but he didn't allow it, only spreading out a half angle to let him see.

He Qiang looked intently and saw some pictures of mountains and rivers. He was delighted. Just as he was about to get closer and take a closer look, the old man closed the box, raised a slap, and said:

"Five thousand low-grade spiritual stones, if there are medium-grade spiritual stones, 400 medium-grade spiritual stones plus 700 low-grade spiritual stones are enough!"

He Qiang laughed immediately when he heard this, wanting to cheat him? Your old man didn't know where he was when he was cheating people!

"One thousand!" He Qiang compared one by one, with a firm attitude.

The old man was taken aback, and sneered: "Guest, but five thousand can be changed to one thousand without you bargaining. How can you keep teasing me? At most, give you two hundred Lingshi and four thousand and eight you take it away. !"

He Qiang added an extra finger: "Two thousand, no more pictures, don't worry, just pick a direction to go, my lady also finds it interesting."

The old man frowned and stretched out four fingers: "Four thousand!"

He Qiang: "Two thousand!"

"Three thousand and eight!" The old man gritted his teeth.

"two thousand!"

The old man's forehead burst into blue veins, "Three thousand! Can't be less!"

He Qiang showed up because of the old man said impatiently: "If you two have not thought about it, they will go to Fucheng to buy it. The old man has a small business and can't afford it!"

"make a deal!

Wang Shuyue walked to the counter and put her fisted hand on the counter. The old man raised her eyebrows and cupped her hands with both hands. Only when two cool and slippery things fell on her palms, her heart jumped.

Busily put his hand under the counter, opened a slit, and there were two round and round third-order demon crystals!

The old man laughed immediately. The monster crystal of the monster beast in the base-building phase can still earn one or two more spirit stones when sold. This young lady is rich enough, but much more generous than the servant next to her!

Immediately, He Qiang received a contemptuous look from the old man.

But before He Qiang grabbed him, the old man smiled and handed the map to Wang Shuyue, and asked in a low voice:

"Miss, do you have extra demon crystals?"

Wang Shuyue handed the map to He Qiang and signaled him to put it away. Then she glanced at the old man and said, "Can you put it away?"

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