My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 224: National will

The three provinces sent Wang Shuyue to the administrative building to avoid suspicion and left. Wang Shuyue came outside the office alone and shouted:


Several people in the house immediately turned their heads and looked at the door. They were all familiar people, including political commissar Yao, Tang Lin, Lin Kui and others.

As soon as Political Commissar Yao saw Wang Shuyue at the door, he burst into laughter and motioned for her to come in.

"Did you think clearly?" Tang Lin asked seriously before going through the enlistment procedures again.

Wang Shuyue nodded earnestly, and he confirmed with her twice again, and only then helped her handle the formalities.

Political Commissar Yao couldn't stop the smile at all, patted Wang Shuyue's shoulder and kept saying: "Good girl, she is a good girl!"

With Wang Shuyue here, it is equivalent to the army having the power behind her, a powerful returnee.

"Okay, now that you are back, let's go back to the team. The situation has been tense recently. Be prepared in advance and be ready to play at any time."

After Yao's political commissar gave a very official account, he smiled with satisfaction at Wang Shuyue, and then left.

After he left, Lin Kui, a tall man, came over and looked at Wang Shuyue up and down, amazed.

"I said what do you guys think, the family finally got involved and picked you out, why are you back again?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lin Kui was puzzled.

In the eyes of his soldiers who have served in this way for many years and have been to foreign battlefields, Wang Shuyue's behavior is simply taking the initiative to seek death, and he is a bit naive.

Of course Wang Shuyue is afraid of death, but she will not evade responsibility because of fear of death.

"I am a soldier." Wang Shuyue said with a smile.

Lin Kui was stunned for a moment, and had nothing to say.

Tang Lin said lightly beside him: "You have also expired, can you leave? But you also chose to stay."

After talking about Lin Kui, she turned to Wang Shuyue again, looking at the rare kind of kindness, "Wang Shuyue, you made me admire again."

Wang Shuyue grinned brightly, as if she had won a big victory. She lifted her chin proudly, saluted, turned around, and walked to the third-class dormitory of the special forces with his warm military credentials.

On the way to the dormitory, passing by the playground, Wang Shuyue saw the newcomers in Sanshengkou.

Their number is twice as large as the team, and their cultivation level is very balanced, and they are all above the tenth level of Qi training and below the foundation.

They lined up in a square formation, standing all over the playground, and were conducting actual combat exercises under the supervision of instructors.

Seeing her, an old man walking around the base without a military uniform, some of her concentration was not enough, she couldn't help but glance at her, but the instructor slapped her back.

When Wang Shuyue saw this scene, she couldn't help but laughed, as if she had seen the days when she and her teammates were training.

A staff member pulled the aircraft, and the newcomers stepped on their swords and guns, stepped on the aircraft, and listed various phalanxes in mid-air, adding hundreds of people together, and the momentum was huge.

Listening to the shouts of the newcomers in unison, the blood in Wang Shuyue's body suddenly surged, and a faint fever was faintly heated.

Looking at all the soldiers around her who were actively preparing for battle, she suddenly felt the strong will of the country!

Amidst the lightning and flint, Wang Shuyue suddenly had a bold idea.

These newcomers, as well as all the members of the special forces, may have been prepared by the country in advance to deal with the emergence of space cracks.

It was like the army of supernatural powers of the wind of war. On the first day of aura recovery, they fell from the sky like gods and saved the flower growers who were supposed to be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuyue looked down, only to realize that a thick layer of goose bumps had formed on her arm.

In fact, the upper echelons took far longer than they thought.

If this battle is inevitable, then they would have been prepared long ago!

Wang Shuyue smiled, walked to the dormitory, and was surprised to find that all the members of the special forces were already preparing.

Mo Xiaoyan, who was wiping the gun, suddenly noticed that the light in front of her was blocked, and when she looked up, she met Wang Shuyue's smiling face.

She was startled, and immediately put down the gun in her hand, rushed forward, and gave Wang Shuyue a big bear hug.

"Hahahaha, I knew you would come back! How could you, Wang Shuyue, escape!"

Mo Xiaoyan's loud roar attracted all the people in the dormitory next to her, and many people swarmed into the small dormitory in an instant.

"Nangong Qingteng, Lin Siqi, Wu Xi, you are all here..."

Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, Wang Shuyue suddenly felt that he had made the right decision to come back!

Nangong Qingteng's smile was still gentle, nodding lightly, her eyes full of joy.

Lin Siqi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Where can we go if we are not here?"

Wang Shuyue could only laugh, she really didn't dare to answer these words.

"Step aside!"

The overbearing female voice came, and the female soldiers who were still making love with Wang Shuyue were taken aback. When they looked back at the voice, they saw that they were sweating and steaming all over, and they had just finished a hundred laps in the gravity field. Bai Qingfeng, immediately gave way.

When Wang Shuyue saw those eager eyes, she suddenly shook her heart, and said hurriedly:

"I refuse to compete!"

Bai Qingfeng squinted dangerously, without saying anything, Bing Ling had already swung over in his hand!

Feeling the chill of the heart, Wang Shuyue avoided it and said in surprise: "Have you successfully built the foundation?"

"if not?"

Bai Qingfeng smiled provocatively and bullied himself. The tyrannical coercion came from all directions, and the sharp ice pierced from the ground, pushing Wang Shuyue to the corner of the wall.

When Lin Siqi and others saw this, they evacuated quickly so as not to endanger the pond fish.

Wang Shuyue silently looked at Bai Qingfeng who was full of fighting spirit, "If you still want to be punished, you go by yourself, I don't want to be dragged into the water by you!"

After all, as soon as he flashed his body, the person had disappeared in the corner.

Bai Qingfeng quickly turned his head, his black eyes locked on the familiar aura in the air, and he drew his sword and rushed out.

The two ran one after another, from the dormitory to the small playground, which instantly attracted the attention of all members.

The recruits who were training in the playground next door suddenly looked up at the two men flying in the sky.

As a result, was almost blinded by the refracted rays of ice that burst out.

"Fuck, Bai Qingfeng, can you rest for a while!"

Didn't she know she was tired after a hundred laps? Wang Shuyue complained in her heart.

However, she had noticed that an instructor had discovered that she was two of them. She knew that she couldn't escape with a punishment, and she no longer blindly evaded. Qingyu took out the fan and waved it out.

The newcomers saw a flash of blue light, feathers falling from the sky, murderous intent was hidden under the beautiful exterior, the heat wave evaporated, the ice melted, and the grass on the ground instantly withered, leaving a burning trace.


The newcomers were breathing air-conditioning in the big playground.

After seeing the uniforms of Pai Qingfeng's special team and knowing that these two were seniors, he stopped training, all stopped, excitedly watching the evenly matched battle.

The instructor wanted to stop, but Tang Lin didn't know when he would appear, and raised his hand to stop the instructor's actions.

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