My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 236: Ecstasy

The so-called resident is actually a super aircraft carrier. With it, the joint team of the top ten sects will not dare to approach it easily even if it is led by the strong Yuan Ying.

The ship is equipped with the most advanced military weapons in the world. Fighters line up on the deck and stand by at any time.

The updated psionic radar system monitors 24 hours a day. Once the enemy is found, the missiles on the battleship will be launched immediately.

On the sea, there are no dead ends at 360 degrees, and preparations are also made under the sea.

Submarines and torpedoes have been prepared for a long time, and they can be launched as soon as an order is given.

However, the seemingly sturdy station, in fact, could not withstand the attacks of illusion.

The existence of the aircraft carrier did block the attack of the high-ranking monks, but it could not effectively attack the low-ranking monks who were not slippery.

As soon as Wang Shuyue's team arrived at the East China Sea station, the wind of war that came to greet them showed a look of disgust:

"Why are so many women here?"

Bai Qingfeng looked back at his team members. There were twelve girls and eight boys. They were a bit unbalanced between men and women. But when is this all, they still engage in **** discrimination?

"Why? Women are hindering you?" Bai Qingfeng asked in an unhappy tone.

Zhanfeng just frowned, said nothing, and then pointed to the cabin behind him.

"What do you mean?" Wang Shuyue glanced suspiciously at Zhanfeng, and stepped into the cabin.

As soon as I entered, my dear, there were more than 20 female soldiers lying on the ground, all of them looked like idiots, holding their faces to the sky, muttering something to themselves.

When I got close and listened carefully, I was talking nonsense like "I want to marry a little brother", "My brother is so beautiful", "My fairy brother is so amazing, I want to die."

The military doctors and nurses gave these female soldiers medicines and tranquilizers, but they failed to make them normal.

If they are just ordinary people, that's fine, but they are all fighters.

In this state, the combat effectiveness was completely lost, and the combat effectiveness of the entire East China Sea station was reduced by at least 20 to 30%.

"What happened to them?"

Then Bai Qingfeng, who walked in, frowned when he saw this scene.

Zhanfeng said with a black face: "Unexpectedly, men can also use beauty tricks. They only become like this when they have been hit by the enemy's illusion."

"Are you sure this is an illusion? I'm afraid it didn't take the soul out, right?" Wang Shuyue vomited.

Zhan Feng gave her a cold look, "So what do I say to you so many women over here? You can't play, isn't this a waste of resources here?"

Wang Shuyue's shadow against Zhanfeng hadn't completely disappeared yet, seeing the coldness on his face, she shut up angrily.

Bai Qingfeng sneered "Heh", and grabbed Wang Shuyue's shoulders, "What are you afraid of him? It's just an incompetent leader who is incompetent and furious here."

When the voice fell, the breath on Zhanfeng's body instantly turned cold, and the brown eyes stared at you, making you feel cold.

Feeling the body under his hand shivering subconsciously, Bai Qingfeng narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Staring at my little boy again, be careful my old lady picks out your eyeballs for ice hockey..."

Wang Shuyue stunned: Who is your little boy! Don't talk nonsense!

Bai Qingfeng ignored her, looked at Zhan Feng's cold face, and said:

"I want to see what kind of beauty tricks can fascinate our female soldiers like this!"

Zhanfeng contemptuously hooked the corner of his mouth and raised his hand to make a gesture of invitation, "Yes, just let me and the brothers rest for a while, then it's up to your special forces team. If you are fascinated by the beauty, Don't ask us for help."

Bai Qingfeng raised his eyebrows, "Don't worry, no, if they are so beautiful, take all these beauties into captivity, give them a good training, let them beat their shoulders, pinch their legs, and pour tea for the sisters of our special forces. , Isn't it beautiful?"

Wang Shuyue responded positively: "I think it's OK!"

The fighting wind snorted, "The women of the special forces have ideas." The little soldier who left behind, turned and left.

When he walked away, Wang Shuyue immediately asked excitedly: "Bo Qingfeng, do you really have a way?"

But not wanting, Bai Qingfeng spread his hand and smiled maliciously at her, "What can I do, you are my Zhiduoxing."

"Hey, think about it, what kind of strategy we are going to use, I will help you get the information, you first think slowly, don't worry."

Not in a hurry?

Wang Shuyue feels that she wants to hit someone now!

It's a pity that the culprit ran so fast, and when she reacted, she had already followed the little soldier who came to respond.

Looking at the restless gazes of the rest of the teammates, even though he was full of anger, Wang Shuyue couldn't say a word.

The military spirit cannot be shaken!

Yu Hong came up and asked in a low voice, "Senior, do you really have a solution?"

Wang Shuyue said: No, my mother's brain is blank now!


"Don't worry, you guys go back to the dormitory to rest first. I'll go to the group leader and discuss the details later." Wang Shuyue looked like she was ready.

Upon seeing this, Yu Hong relaxed immediately.

"Then let's go to the dormitory first."

Wang Shuyue nodded: "It's only the first day we came here today to get this kind of treatment. Take a good rest, and then it won't be so easy."

Everyone nodded and went to the dormitory first.

Wang Shuyue watched them walk away, and the calm and strong support instantly cracked, angrily and helplessly stepped on the ground!

But she forgot her own cultivation base, and she also forgot that it was on the ship. She stomped down with all her strength, and the entire cabin trembled.

The military doctor who was taking care of the female soldier was taken aback by the sudden bump, and subconsciously shouted:

"Enemy attack!"

At the moment the words fell, the soldiers in the cabin, whether they were resting or patrolling, all raised their weapons and prepared to rush out.


Wang Shuyue yelled, and the soldiers all looked at their eyes were bad.

"Please don't make a loud noise, and don't walk vigorously!" The soldier warned solemnly.

Looking at the three-dimensional mobile device around his waist, Wang Shuyue knew that this was a member of the Zhanfeng's supernatural force. She apologized in embarrassment, walked aside, found an empty seat, and brazenly observed the female soldiers who had suffered from the illusion. , And did not mean to leave.

There happened to be a female soldier sitting and looking at the sky. Wang Shuyue looked at her closely and found that the female soldier had completely ignored herself, as if she was completely in a fantasy, unable to perceive everything outside.

"What kind of illusion is this? It's so powerful." Wang Shuyue whispered in her heart.

Jade Qilin flew out, relying on the low level of cultivation of the people present to not feel his own existence, and the whole thing was stuck on the face of the female soldier, looking at her curiously.

Wang Shuyue hugged it back, "Don't be a hooligan."

"I'm not a man!" Yu Qilin refused.

But he didn't insist on paying close attention to others.

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