My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 238: Reverse routine

Although he thought this was outrageous, Wang Shuyue was a person who had been to Kyushu in person after all, and what she said did have a certain degree of credibility.

However, there is still a problem with this matter.

"We don't have an illusionist, what should we do?"

Bai Qingfeng looked at Wang Shuyue: "Didn't you go to an illusion class, can you do it?"

Wang Shuyue shook her head decisively. She was half-skilled, and she was okay with some blindfolds, but she couldn't deal with the opponent's illusionist masters.

"Let's invite Teacher Nangong Qin." Wang Shuyue suggested.

Bai Qingfeng looked at Zhanfeng, Zhanfeng looked at the two women in front of him speechlessly. He said before that he didn't need his help. It hasn't been an hour yet, right? Just forgot?

Bai Qingfeng and Wang Shuyue didn't care about this, they folded their arms close, squinted at him, squinted and grinned. They meant to do something if he didn't cooperate.

Zhanfeng only finds it ridiculous, would he be afraid of these two women?

Next second...

"Xiao Wang, you call the headquarters and borrow manpower."

The assistant Xiao Wang quickly glanced at Bai Qingfeng and Wang Shuyue, immediately took out the communicator, and applied to it.

Soon, Nangong Qin was sent over.

Listening to Wang Shuyue talking about the idea of ​​stigmatization with a small mouth, Nangongqin realized that she didn't seem to know her student at all.

However, although this method is detrimental, it is also a good one.

Nodded immediately, indicating that he would cooperate.

Wang Shuyue and Bai Qingfeng looked at each other, rubbing their hands with excitement.

Bai Qingfeng immediately went out, summoned all the female soldiers on the ship, and told them the battle plan.

The female soldiers looked at each other. Can this work?

Can it work? You have to try it before you know it.

At noon the next day, when the sun was scorching, the soldiers patrolling on the deck got hot and sweaty on their foreheads.

Suddenly, there was an excitement on the radio: "Come on!"

The well-dressed female soldiers all rushed out from the corner and stood ready.

At this speed, the soldiers on the patrol were stunned.

However, there was an enemy situation, and they didn't feel shocked for long. Under the instructions of the battle wind, they immediately withdrew to their respective posts and guarded them carefully.

At this moment, on the cloudless blue sky, a colorful auspicious cloud suddenly floated, and the curling sound was uploaded from the cloud, which was pleasing to the ear.

Standing at the forefront of the team, Wang Shuyue listened to this wonderful classical music, and instantly understood how the female soldiers who had been illusionary fell.

It turns out that this fairy sound can also shake one's mind.

A cold shout from Nangongqin suddenly came in my mind, and the gazes of the female soldiers were gradually blurred, and their clarity was restored in an instant.

In addition, everyone had eaten half a lotus seed from the heart beforehand, and he was prepared for it, and the following voices had no effect on the female soldiers.

The colorful auspicious clouds were gradually approaching. Taking advantage of the gap that artillery could only strike at a distance, these sect disciples, who were only averagely cultivated in the middle of the foundation construction, appeared unknowingly above the battleship.

Their purpose is also very simple, that is, to destroy the radar detection system on the battleship so that the high-ranking monks can break through the defensive circle.

The colorful halo of Xiangyun suddenly dispersed, revealing the twelve young men on the cloud.

They are handsome in appearance, with ink hair like a waterfall, dressed in white clothes, their hem is waving with the wind, or holding a sword in one hand, or shaking a fan in their hand, or holding a flute and guqin. The gods above are exuding divine light all over.

The **** raised his eyes slightly, his sword eyebrows entered his temples, and the slender phoenix eyes had a sense of alienation, and the temperament of abstinence was very tight.

If it weren't for eating Qingxinlian in advance, Wang Shuyue felt that she would definitely not be able to control it.

Because...this **** looks too good-looking!

Seeing the eyes of the soldiers on the ship gradually blurred, the **** gently hooked his lips, and the jade flute in his hand was lying on his back. The slender jade fingers pressed lightly. It's like a sword out of its sheath, and it's head-on!

At this moment, all the female soldiers suddenly heard a voice: "Action!"

The mellow sound of the piano sounded on the deck, the sound was not loud, but it was inserted tenaciously in the sudden high sound of the flute.

The sky fairies frowned, looked up, and met a face with a weird smile.

Wang Shuyue curled up the corners of her mouth, and suddenly threw the military cap off her head, her soft black hair poured down, and there was an indescribable allure.

This action was like a signal. At this moment, all the female soldiers took off their hats, and with a sound of "brushing", they pulled their long coats apart and threw them out coolly.

The **'s tight-fitting tank top and shorts were exposed in front of the fairy man, his long legs slid out, and they all were taken aback, full of surprise.

The female soldiers are not considered revealing clothes, but in their eyes, they are no different from not wearing them.

The music suddenly stopped, and within a short time, the male fairies suddenly had a few big blood-red characters "See no evil" in their minds, and they all moved their eyes away in fright.

Nangongqin secretly said that it was now, the hand commanded, and the strings were quickly plucked, so fast that only the afterimage was left.

The intensive sound of the piano is like a rain of swords falling from the sky. If you don't check it, you will kneel down instantly when you feel pain in the sea.

The "sudden" intensive gunfire came, and when they raised their eyes, the female soldiers on the deck had already stepped on the aircraft and held weapons to surround them.

The clothes were still that little bit, covering only the key parts. Lu Heng squinted at the phoenix eyes and only glanced at it, and he felt that the white flowers were so dazzling, he couldn't help but cursed:

"No shame!"

Wang Shuyue smiled, "This is what I learned from you. If you want to say shameless, you are really shameless!"

After that, the green feather fan unfolded, and the billowing heat rushed away, directly knocking the colorful auspicious cloud back to its original shape.

The blue light flashed, and the so-called Xiangyun was just a small flying boat.

Wang Shuyue shook the bracelet, and the colorful brilliance flashed, "cracking" and shook a bunch of spiritual weapons from the air.

"Ho~" Lu Heng took a breath of surprise, what evil magic is this?

Wang Shuyue was more surprised than him, because she didn't actually shake the Bai Yuxiao in Lu Heng's hand!

This long Xiao is actually a No wonder the female soldiers were so fascinated before.

At the moment when Wang Shuyue was surprised, Lu Heng played on the jade flute again, and the sound of the flute was fierce, as if thousands of horses were coming.

"Don't listen, don't watch!" Yu Qilin's reminder came in his mind.

Wang Shuyue hurriedly blocked her hearing, raised her hand to cover her eyes, and leaped sideways.

When I opened my eyes again, the female soldiers fell from the air like dumplings, and they couldn't get close to Lu Heng at all.

Only Bai Qingfeng and Nangongqin were still strong.

The mental attack is too evil, and the spiritual sense is not strong enough to get close to Lu Heng at all.

Lu Heng and others also knew that their mission today would inevitably fail. They didn't want to fight at all, so they turned around and prepared to evacuate.

It's hard to leave people behind, so they will let them run away?

Wang Shuyue can't do it!

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