After making the call, Ethan put the phone on the table and let it ring.

I picked a bottle of bourbon from the nearby wine cabinet and after opening the bottle cap, the call was finally connected.

"Who is looking for me?" A deep voice sounded, obviously angry.

"I'm Ethan, Mr. Proctor, are you going to bed so early?" Ethan came to the kitchen with the phone and took out ice cubes from the refrigerator.

"If you have anything to say, tell me immediately!"

There were several feminine smiles on the other end of the phone, and it was obvious that Proctor's anger could no longer be suppressed.

"It's not a big deal. I just want to chat with you. By the way, our police station just raided a rave party and caught several dealers who organized the party to sell pills."

Ethan put the ice cubes into the wine glass, then picked up the wine bottle and poured half of the brown liquid into it, shook the glass slightly, and took a sip.

Proctor waited for a moment and didn't hear Ethan speak, so he lowered his tone and said, "Ethan, please continue."

"What is regrettable is that several people at the party overdosed. One of them died after resuscitation failed. Fortunately, we caught the person in charge. What was his name? By the way, it was Hansen. His hand There’s also a little red crab tattooed on it.”

Ethan lit the cigarette and blew out a smoke ring with enjoyment.

"There is one more thing I want to share with you. The boy who failed to be rescued is named Reed Schumacher. He is the son of state senator Schumacher. I feel really sad for the senator."

Watching the smoke rings slowly dissipate, Proctor's breathing on the phone became heavier. "That is indeed unfortunate news, but I don't understand why you are telling me these things?"

"It's nothing, just a chat between friends."

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, go to bed early, Mr. Proctor."

Ethan looked at the phone that had been hung up, drank the wine in the cup, and went to sleep.

The next day, Ethan came to the police station. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Emmet grabbing Hansen's arm and walking out of the police station door.

"Emmett, where are you going?"

"He wanted to make a deal with the district attorney and testify against Proctor in exchange for a reduced sentence. Gordon asked me to take him to the district attorney's office to see what evidence he had."

"Okay, be careful."

"Hansen, you are in good spirits today. You are such a great guy." Seeing Hansen staring at him, Ethan patted his arm to express friendship.

"M-FXXK, keep your stinky hands away and wait for my lawyer, asshole."

Hansen felt so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he threatened Ethan.

"Hansen, you are so cute, I can't bear to let you go." Ethan grinned, showing his white teeth, and continued to rub his wounds with a little more force.

"Okay, I'm in a hurry, so I'll leave first."

Emmett opened the back door of the police car, let Hansen get in, and drove away from the police station.

Siobhan and Brock were sitting at their desks sorting out the transcripts. Everyone was at work today, so there was no need to think about administrative leave. Last night, the whole situation was mobilized. Everyone had a share. If everyone took a leave, the Banshee Town Police Department would be shut down. .

Hood was still the same, no one was seen, and he didn't know why he was gone.

Just after sitting down for a while, the radio on my shoulder rang, and Emmett's urgent voice came.

"I feel something is wrong. Come over quickly for support."

Before he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard over the radio, and the radio was hung up.

Ethan and the others quickly ran out of the police station and drove towards the district attorney's office.

Two minutes later, Ethan saw the police car that had hit a tree trunk on the side of the road. Emmett was opening the car door and struggling to climb out.

Several people stopped the police car one after another and helped Emmett sit aside.

Emmett shook his dizzy head, reached out and grabbed Brock's arm and said hurriedly: "Two motorcycles attacked me. The motorcycle riders were wearing black leather jackets and helmets, and there was no license plate information."

Brock nodded and quickly returned to the car, started the vehicle and chased forward, but Ethan didn't have much hope for this, and it was estimated that the gunman had already run away.

"I have contacted the police chief and he is on his way." Siobhan put down his cell phone and said.

"Don't move yet, I'll check it for you."

Emmett only had some scratches and mild concussion symptoms. After Ethan confirmed that there was nothing serious about him, he radioed for an ambulance and walked over to the crashed police car.

"The tire was blown out, the vehicle lost control and hit the roadside."

Siobhan shook his head at him and continued: "Hansen is hopeless."

The window glass of the back seat of the police car was shattered. Hansen was handcuffed and lying in the back seat with his eyes lifeless, and his body was beaten like a hornet's nest.

Ethan scratched his head. He didn't expect Proctor to move so quickly. Fortunately, Emmett was okay.

After a half-second of mental silence for Hanson, process the scene with Siobhan.

A few days later, Ethan stood boredly in the crowd holding a bouquet of white flowers. Next to the coffin, a woman in a black dress sang Amazing Grace affectionately.

The state senator's son died in the jurisdiction of the Banshee Town Police Station. Although the main culprit was caught, he was silenced during the escort, and no clues have been found yet.

So today, all members of the Banshee Police Department, except Alma, came to attend Reed Schumacher's funeral as an apology.

After the funeral, Ethan returned to the car, and a moment later, Siobhan also opened the passenger door and got in the car.

"Let's go, I really don't like coming to this kind of situation."

Siobhan fastened his seat belt, urged Ethan to leave, then turned his head and looked out the window quietly.

Ethan knew that everyone in her family had died and she was the only one left. Maybe he was moved by the scene, so he turned the key and left without saying anything.

Slowly advancing along the road, after opening the window to enjoy the wind for a while, Siobhan returned to his usual talking and laughing appearance.

At this time, a white extended courtesy car in front honked its horn twice and turned into the Chino Moon Casino next to it.

The white extended limousine drove to a stop in front of the red carpet. A bald man in a white suit opened the door and stepped out of the car. Reporters who had been waiting at the red carpet for a long time surrounded him with guns and cannons.

Ethan slowed down the car and looked over. Proctor and several people from the Chino tribe were standing at the end of the red carpet to greet the people.

"Is there something going on at Kino Moon Casino?"

"Saturday night, fight night, please look forward to the wonderful performance brought by UFC player Damian Sanchez." Siobhan looked at the banner on the roadside and read it word by word.

"What's wrong, are you interested? Would you like to stop the car and let you buy a ticket?" Ethan saw the people queuing up to buy tickets in front of him.

"No, I prefer WWE, that one is better."

"Well, you're right." Ethan nodded.

Those heroes in WWE are flying and escaping, and they have all kinds of wonderful killer moves. Siobhan said it looks better, and he is right.

At this time, a car roared past.

Ethan looked at his dashboard, driving so fast, he must be speeding.

Glancing at Siobhan, she was already sitting firmly and gave Ethan a thumbs up.

Ethan turned on the police lights, held the steering wheel tightly, and kicked the oil on the floor. The Crown Victoria roared forward and rushed forward.

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