My biological black technology

Chapter 130 Nine Seconds Limit (Please subscribe, please vote)

A few days later, the underground secret research institute.

There are more people working here than a few months ago. The total number of people in the two teams is close to 2,000. The ninth floor can no longer meet the needs. Some team members have been arranged to the tenth floor underground.

At this time, Cheng Xiang, Hou Zhijie and others were discussing the experimental conclusions of the past few days.

"Our dynamic monitoring over the past few months has shown that the gene activity levels of most cancer patients across the country have increased to varying degrees, but the overall increase is within a controllable scale."

"The gene activity has reached the warning range, and more than 2,000 people have been conducting key observations."

"To be precise, there are 2,326 people, and this number is still growing."

"After these months of monitoring and experiments, what we can determine is that once the activity of human genes is stimulated, it will be an irreversible process."

"The one that has helped us the most in our research is still Sample Zero. However, there is still a long way to go before we can completely separate the relationship between human genes and that lock."

Over the past few months, the more I researched, the more terrifying I felt the genetic lock. Locking up human evolutionary potential, instantly destroying the expression process of genes with deep human potential, limiting the number of breeding generations, and gradually shortening the Y chromosome, ultimately causing humans to directly lose the possibility of racial reproduction.

And being deeply embedded in human genes and confusing coding expression makes it even more difficult to truly locate the full picture of this lock, so that peeling off this lock brings endless difficulties.

Not to mention the gene activity monitoring, reverse response, and ultimate self-destruction mechanism. The more active the gene activity is, the higher the binding force of the gene lock will become. Finally, when it cannot be suppressed, the self-destruction mechanism will be directly activated. Complete genetic collapse.

"The only good thing is that the gene activity of sample zero is still increasing. We are all looking forward to whether this activity will continue to increase and there will be a chance to directly break through the genetic lock!" Speaking of sample zero, Hou Zhijie was very excited.

Cheng Xiang thought for a while and nodded, "This possibility does exist, and the possibility is very high. According to our continuous observation over the past few months, before conducting the experiment, the stronger the activity of the gene in its initial state, then, in When resisting the ultimate self-destruction mechanism, the resistance will last longer and longer.”

"From the initial collapse at the first touch, to now, Sample Zero has been able to persist for close to five seconds under the self-destruction mechanism."

"This is a huge improvement. According to our model, as long as this time can last to nine seconds, it is very possible to break through the genetic lock!"

"That's right." Hou Zhijie nodded excitedly and agreed very much with Cheng Xiang's statement. This statement was also a very scientific estimate obtained by thousands of them after careful calculations. "But all of this must be established. Gene activity in sample zero can continue to increase at the slope we predicted."

"I hope so." Cheng Xiang nodded worriedly.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Cheng Xiang came to an ordinary conference room. In the middle of the conference room was a large oval table. A nameplate was placed on the table. At the same time, a projection screen was opened on the wall next to one end of the conference.

This is a defense, and the protagonist of the defense is standing on the podium in the room. She is Shen Luoyun. Calculating her age, the little girl is only ten years old. Over the past six months, she has already completed her undergraduate major in biological sciences. Completion.

After more than half a year, because the cancer was fully suppressed and her nutrition improved, the little girl looked relatively healthy. Except for her skin being slightly pale and her hair being a little yellow, there was no other major problem.

However, she is still a ten-year-old girl after all. Moreover, due to previous illness, her height is only over 120 centimeters, which is lower than girls of the same age. He is quite short.

Therefore, the podium is still a bit high for the little girl and is not easy to operate.

Therefore, the little girl stepped on a small bench and defended her project on the podium.

The ones responsible for reviewing the defense are several researchers recruited by Cheng Xiang through the points release task. These researchers, most of all, were master tutors in the previous school. They are more than qualified to review the graduation defense of undergraduates.

With the addition of Cheng Xiang, a total of five people were responsible for the defense work.

Time passed by, and the little girl presented her performance on the defense PPT. Cheng Xiang and the reviewers expressed their heartfelt appreciation.

Perhaps the content of the topic that the little girl chose to defend is very simple to them, and they can almost understand it at a glance. However, if this research is done on an undergraduate, 90% of the time it will not be possible.

A graduation defense of this level is indispensable to the honor of an outstanding graduate, and direct graduate study is also enough.

The reviewers looked at the papers and nodded to each other.

The review work is coming to an end. Several other reviewers are asking the little girl questions about the content of the paper. The little girl answers in an orderly and well-founded manner.

Ma Baomin, as a recognized points grabber, naturally grabbed this task. He was sitting next to Cheng Xiang. Taking advantage of the question period, he asked in a low voice: "Director Cheng, have you provided guidance for this graduation defense?"

Cheng Xiang smiled and shook his head, "Don't underestimate this little girl. Although she is only ten years old and looks weak, she has a strong temper."

"That's really amazing. Where did you find it?" Ma Baomin was a little curious.

Cheng Xiang smiled and shook his head.

Cheng Xiang didn't say anything, but Ma Baomin decided not to ask further on this issue. Moreover, his main purpose was not this, "Cheng Suo, this girl has graduated. What are her plans?"

"Are you teaching yourself, or are you?" Ma Baomin asked.

Cheng Xiang looked at Ma Baomin with a smile, already understanding Ma Baomin's thoughts, "Professor Ma, are you interested?"

"Hey, why are you not interested? This little girl has a lot of talent and it's worth spending energy to polish." Ma Baomin said hehe, "But it would be better if there is a points task."

Cheng Xiang: "..."

Cheng Xiang didn't bother to think about the truth or falsehood in his words, "I can't decide on this, you can ask it yourself."

"If the little girl agrees, points will not be a problem. However, she has to pay for these points herself."

"Go out on your own?" Ma Baomin looked at Cheng Xiang in confusion, "She has just entered the research gate, how can she get out?"

"Loans, the logistics economics team has prepared to launch point loans. Researchers of different levels can apply for different amounts. The interest is also risk-controlled. The points interest obtained from settlement will be used for the construction and development of the entire institute."

"It should be launched online in the next few days. If Professor Ma is interested, you can go take a look."

Ma Baomin chuckled after hearing this, "That's for sure."

"Our research institute is becoming more and more mature. We are making good progress on our own and stepping into the door of scientific research. We need to be independent. We are definitely no longer a child who needs to be protected."

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