My biological black technology

Chapter 149 Immersive naked-eye 3D imaging

"found it!"

"What have you found?" At this critical moment, Ding Qing and others couldn't react at all. For a moment, their brains almost shut down, and then they immediately realized what else they could find. Naturally, they found the model, "Really found it!"

Ding Qing was so shocked that she immediately took two steps forward, her voice trembling a little, "Mr. Cheng! Have you really...really found...?"

"'re not joking."

Cheng Xiang turned his head and looked at Ding Qing, smiled and nodded, "I found it."

"Really...?" Ding Qing felt like her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Really." Cheng Xiang nodded affirmatively again.

Ding Qing took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Cheng, can you tell us what the model is?"

Everyone in the conference room also looked at Cheng Xiang, their eyes full of expectation.

Cheng Xiang stood up, with a sense of joy on his face.

He never thought that he would directly find a very approximate answer without using any skills. Moreover, the more he applied it, the more he felt that the idea was correct. It felt like directly using the answer to solve a multivariate equation. , get the correct answer to verify whether the equation is established, and of course it will be extremely smooth.

"It's been almost a year, a year ago, just moved to this location, and not long after that, we started our first big project."

"At the beginning of the project, we held a general meeting."

"During that conference, we used 3D naked-eye projection technology." Cheng Xiang gave the answer directly.

Everyone grasps the information very clearly.

"3D naked-eye projection?"

"Cheng Suo, you mean that the content in this file is 3D naked-eye projection data?" a researcher who attended the meeting said directly.

"It's impossible. We have considered 3D naked-eye imaging. Whether it is light barrier technology, folded lenticular lens technology, folded directional light source, direct imaging or even the partial overlapping screen technology, the application of these technologies We have tried all the data structure models, and they look similar, even somewhat similar, but in the end they are very different." Another person quickly rejected it.

"A year ago, we also learned about the 3D imaging of the Galaxy Research Base, which was direct imaging and supported 360-degree naked-eye observation."

"It can't be this."

"It can be ruled out completely."

Ding Qing was silent. To be honest, she was a little disappointed when she heard Cheng Xiang's answer. It was clearly recorded in the document. These technologies were all models they had already tried, and to be cautious, they repeated them one by one. Confirmed.

However, Ding Qing did not refute directly because she wanted to wait for the reason why Cheng Xiang said this.

Faced with doubts, Cheng Xiang did not panic at all, "Yes, the data used in these technologies are indeed similar, but the final verification results are not."

"I didn't say that the data storage structure model used in the 3D naked-eye projection can be directly applied."

Cheng Xiang was unhurried and seemed extremely confident.

This made everyone present a little unsure, and Ding Qing was no exception.

"Is there any difference between them?" someone asked cautiously.

"Of course there are differences. The current 3D projection technology starts from the data model, no matter what technical means it is completed with, but in the end, it is all done by constructing visual effects."

"There may be slight differences, but generally they are similar."

"And judging from the position, people are observing from a distance from the imaging position."

"The one we are studying is similar to 3D naked-eye imaging, but it is a variant." Cheng Xiang pointed out the key point.

"Variant? How?"

Ding Qing was thoughtful and said, "Mr. Cheng, do you mean that the thing we are studying is another 3D naked-eye imaging technology that is different from the existing 3D naked-eye imaging technology on the market?"

Cheng Xiang nodded, "You can say that, or to be more accurate, I think it should be named immersive 3D projection technology."

"Immersive?" Ding Qing heard the word and immediately grasped the key. Her mind was running rapidly, immersive 3D naked-eye technology imaging.

"You mean that the person observing the image is standing within the range of the image playback, and the observer's position is within the projection range, not outside the projection range. Is that what you mean?"

Cheng Xiang smiled and nodded.

"In this case."

"It seems possible!"

Ding Qing intuitively sensed the possibility. It was not just possible, but the possibility was very high.

The next moment, Ding Qing took the manuscript paper from Cheng Xiang without any courtesy, and then started making calculations directly on the manuscript paper. Whether it was true or not, she had to check it herself, and she wouldn't waste much time anyway.

She already knew the specific data in the code, and had simulated it over and over again so many times that she knew the key parts by heart.

At the same time, other researchers attending the meeting also noticed the possibility mentioned by Cheng Xiang. Without saying anything, they immediately picked up their notebooks and started making calculations.

The entire conference room was filled with the sound of writing.

They, a group of technical experts who specialize in information research, have long been familiar with the data model of 3D naked-eye imaging. Nowadays, to verify Cheng Xiang's statement, there is no need to consider the display of the player or the device used to play it. What they have to do is to change the observer's reference position at the data level, from a position far away from the imaging to the imaging data center.

When coordinates are switched, the data follows the transformation model.

Just like doing multiple-choice questions, use the answers to solve the questions.

Ten minutes later, Ding Qing slapped the pen on the table and clenched her fist, "I seem to understand!"

"If it is really an immersive 3D naked-eye view screen, and the observation point is placed in the center of the image playback, then it makes sense, it totally makes sense!"

Almost as soon as Ding Qing completed the calculation, several other information experts also completed the calculation.

The calculation results are completely consistent with the statement made by Cheng Xiang.

"Really, it totally works!" Several people looked at Cheng Xiang as if they were looking at a god.

Ding Qing looked at Cheng Xiang and had no idea what to say.

It took them more than ten minutes to verify. I really don't know how Cheng Xiang went from ordinary naked-eye 3D imaging to immersive holographic imaging.

This is definitely not luck. This ability can only be said to be as high as the mountains.

"Mr. Cheng..." Ding Qing hesitated to speak.

"Haha, why are you looking at me like this? This is also luck. I didn't expect it to work. The model construction is successful. Let's get the data inside as soon as possible!"

"I can't make an immersive naked-eye device, but I think everyone should have the ability to delete the 3D spatial data and make it into a flat image!"

As soon as Cheng Xiang reminded them, everyone quickly woke up. Compared with this little surprise, there was the most important thing waiting for them to do.



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