My biological black technology

Chapter 171 Live up to your trust (please subscribe, please vote)

Privately, they buy and sell, but the public war of words has never stopped from the beginning until now. It has always maintained a suitable heat, neither cooling nor heating up.

However, these pharmaceutical companies are far from the only ones who need Galaxy Base biological products.

And whether they buy it for their own use or for research and cracking, they all have reasons for buying it.

Exchanging technology for products is just like when they exchanged food for oil.

Even the ones sold to them are all emasculated versions, and each device is only bound to be used by a single person. They have no choice but to accept such harsh conditions.

In this seller's market in the high-tech monopoly field, they have no pricing power, whether they like it or not. If you want to buy it, exchange it for the technology that China needs.

In just over a year, the world has moved to an unknown place because of the push of Cheng Xiang's hands.

Now, the man who caused changes in the world is at a critical moment of life and death.

In the blink of an eye, the last five minutes passed.

Success or failure will be revealed immediately!

All members of the monitoring team did not dare to blink for twenty minutes, staring at various test data. They were unable to directly observe the concentration of gene activity reagents inside the cells.

What they can detect is the result of the supercomputer's calculation of the raw data regularly scanned based on the gene activity feature model.

The first report is very important. With the previous data for comparison, the initial value has extremely important reference value.

If the estimate is wrong, the injection time is too early, and the dose is exceeded, they will still have a few minutes to grab people.

The reporter of the detection team was extremely nervous, and his calves were shaking. Members of the rescue team, confrontation team and other members were already ready to snatch people away.

Sun Ruiping stared at the summarized data with red eyes, while Mu Jiangfei stood behind him and gritted his teeth.

Finally, the first set of data came out.

"97.4%!" The reporter of the testing team shouted this number with almost all his strength. After shouting the first time, he couldn't help shouting again immediately, "97.4%!"

The data of the last timed test for the first time was 97.0%, and the final result of the last time was 0.3% away from the target. He remembered it very clearly.

The initial value of this injection was 0.4% higher than the last time.

Simply looking at the numbers, there is a gap of 0.1%. However, if the scanning and model calculation links are taken into account, this 0.1% error is allowed. The final result depends on the final gene lock reaction. Sure.

What's more, the increase in this percentage value is not proportional to the increase in concentration. The further back the time, the more difficult it is for a unit concentration of gene activity reagent to increase gene activity.

Therefore, the first 0.1% more, even if it is not a theoretical error, is perfect enough!

So, that joy in the counter's voice, that sense of release. It feels like a person is fished out of water after collapse and narrowly escapes death.

Everyone else in the control center was stunned when they heard this number.

It wasn't until the second count that I realized this.

"97.4%, Old Sun, you succeeded!"

"you made it!"

Cheers continued, and Mu Jiangfei's clenched fists finally relaxed a little.

The first time Sun Ruiping heard the sound, he also breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the side effects of the high mental tension and the rapid heartbeat immediately appeared. A strong dizziness came up, and Sun Ruiping couldn't bear it. As his body swayed, Mu Jiangfei immediately noticed something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Director Sun!"

"Director Sun!"

"I'm fine!" Sun Ruiping took two deep breaths and pushed away Mu Jiangfei's hand. Mr. Cheng is still in the experiment, and he cannot fall down at this time.

"Attention all teams, continue to be vigilant! We have only taken the first step. We must not relax until the final results are available. The testing team will continue to report!"


Each group responded, and you could feel from the sound that everyone was more confident. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but now, this most critical first step has been successfully taken.

This time, it will definitely succeed!





The closer it is to ninety-nine point seven percent, the more nervous everyone becomes. This was where they failed last time.

What about this time?


The growth rate is getting slower and slower, everyone's breathing is slow and heavy, and the heartbeat seems to stop at this point.

"99.7%!" After half a minute, the reporter from the testing team reported again!

Reached the final result of the last time!

Success or failure is right in front of you, and everyone is nervously looking forward to it!

One minute later...

The numbers that had stopped beating for a long time started to beat again.




"We must succeed, we must succeed!"

Nervous, excited, suffocated, the last moment is coming.

Two minutes later, "99.9%!"

Only one step away from final victory!

The last 0.1 percent!

Some people in the control center couldn't help but pinch their thighs, and some couldn't help but bite their collars, fearing that they would interfere with other people's operations by shouting nervously!

Another four minutes later.

Seconds are like years!


"It's done!"


"Success, success!"

"We made it!"

Everyone was as happy as children, and at this moment, the most sober person was Sun Ruiping, who immediately shouted, "Detection team, quick! Scan the gene lock for signs of imminent collapse immediately."

It's just the numerical value, it's just the model that's correct.

And if the scan for crash signs matches successfully, then it is a real victory!


Scanning speed is fast.

In just a few seconds, the testing team immediately gave the answer, "I saw it, I saw it!"

"Just reached the critical state!"


"Completely suitable!"

As soon as the results came out, the emotions that everyone in the control center had suppressed for a long time could no longer be controlled. They all vented their emotions, cheering, crying, laughing and dancing.

Even the inspectors who insisted on staying at their posts were smiling and crying at the same time.

They succeeded!

They lived up to Mr. Cheng’s expectations!

"Old Sun, I really belong to you!"

"Old Sun, you did a great job!"

If you can do what others cannot, you must be praised.

Sun Ruiping smiled when he heard the sound and stared at the detection data again. Although the alarm was still ringing, according to the model's estimation, it would pass soon after the test was over.

"Mr. Cheng, I did it and lived up to my trust!"

The most critical task is completed. At this time, I can finally breathe a little relieved.

But as soon as Sun Ruiping relaxed, suddenly, a dizziness far stronger than before came to his head. In the blink of an eye, his vision went dark. Sun Ruiping felt that his body had lost control and he slowly fell down. Only his ears could vaguely hear the surroundings. Panic shouting.

"Old Sun!!"

"Director Sun!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Rescue! Rescue!"

After hearing these few words, Sun Ruiping completely lost consciousness.

Two updates have been sent, and work has started. The updates will gradually be advanced, and finally return to normal time.

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