"Cheng Xiang."


"Now the professors have abandoned their original plans and are concentrating on completing the complete set of experiments for your theory. It depends on the dean and professor, and they want to make it a signature topic of the college."

"When the full set of experiments are completed, you will be famous in the biological world. Are you excited?" Chen Wenli suddenly asked curiously, looking sideways at this boy who is the same age as herself. At such an age, he is about to occupy an important position in the academic field. Yijiao can no longer be described as talented.

Cheng Xiang's current height has reached a height that most biological researchers cannot reach in their lifetime.

"Excited? A little bit when the experiment was done. But now," Cheng Xiang smiled and shook his head, "everything has just begun."

"Is everything just beginning?" Chen Wenli was dumbfounded and glanced at Cheng Xiang absentmindedly. The smile on her side was like the rising sun.

After a day of repair, Cheng Xiang and Chen Wenli appeared again in the laboratory assigned by the research team.

At this time, the masters in the research team had already run PCR on part of the extracted genes, and the gene fragments had been copied in large quantities. The experiment can now begin and proceed to the next step.

Cheng Xiang stood in the laboratory. Different from usual, there was an extra sense of solemnity in the laboratory.

Although the two insiders, Cheng Xiang and Chen Wenli, did not say anything, everyone just knew that Cheng Xiang seemed to have made important discoveries and improvements in gene extraction, and was then transferred to the professor to work there for a week.

Even if it is just like this, the masters are not stupid. They know the weight of this kind of thing and work more seriously.

For graduate students, the most valuable thing is to be able to join an excellent research team. This is true for PhD students, and it is even more hard-won for master's degree students.

Cheng Xiang saw the subtle changes and was naturally happy in his heart.

Although Cheng Xiang doesn't think many geniuses will emerge from his team, who can say for sure about the future. When it comes to research, talent determines the ceiling, but most people simply cannot cash in on that talent.

It's time for the daily morning meeting.

Cheng Xiang is presiding over the meeting.

"As of today, three weeks and more than half a month have passed since the beginning of the project."

"The gene fragments have been extracted and copied. Next, what we have to do is to introduce these effective gene fragments into the target sample." Cheng Xiang said slowly, "Now, if you have any questions or suggestions, you can ask them. explain."

Brainstorming is always a basic quality requirement for scientific research.

"Senior Brother Cheng, I have an idea, I don't know if it's right or not." The person who raised her hand was Chen Yan, who went to collect samples with Cheng Xiang last time.

"Say it. Say what you want. This is a discussion meeting. If you say something wrong, it doesn't matter." Cheng Xiang encouraged.

"Well," Chen Yan nodded slightly, "That's right, Senior Brother Cheng, you just told us that today's gene fragments are made through precise cutting."

"So, is there anything special about this precisely cut gene fragment?" What Chen Yan said is also a question that everyone wants to know.

The same is true even for Chen Wenli. Although Chen Wenli was more involved and even read the initial proposal report, she could talk a lot about the benefits of precision cutting. However, she didn't know much about how to apply it to the current topic.

Where exactly is precision cutting used in this project?

Everyone's eyes focused on Cheng Xiang again.

Cheng Xiang didn't answer directly. He walked to the electronic display board, picked up the pen, and started drawing.

"This is the target yeast."

"This is a genetic fragment."

"During this period, based on everyone's familiarity with the information, we also know that using microbial means to absorb pollution is not a new topic in the study of environmental pollution control."

"Among the existing research results on the market, there are some that absorb formaldehyde, TVOC, and benzene compounds."

“However, the actual results of those studies were unsatisfactory, which is why these studies ultimately did not survive in the market.”

"The precisely cut gene fragments mentioned earlier are the basic guarantee for the effective purification of indoor pollution."

"Let's put it this way, during gene recombination in the past, due to imprecise cutting, the information carried by the gene fragments was not only the effective part of the target gene. Some of the excess information may not interfere with the experimental results, and some say It’s uncertain, and it’s likely to be the most direct factor influencing the failure.”

"This also creates what is often referred to as uncertainty in genetic engineering."

"The main road is one hundred meters long, fifty meters depends on walking, and the remaining fifty meters depends on confusion. Naturally, there will be uncertain results."

"And precise cutting."

"It can solve this pain point!"

Cheng Xiang turned around and continued drawing on the electronic board.

"Not only that, precision cutting can make the entire operation of genetic engineering more flexible and detailed. A very important application is to double the traits expressed by some genes. In layman's terms, multiple expressions are achieved by repeatedly embedding precision cutting genes. Increase in gene expression and trait traits!”

"This application is the key to the success of our research!"

Cheng Xiang knocked hard on the simple shape he finally drew!

"Doubling the expression of genetic traits!"

"Can this kind of thing be done?"

"Can it really be done?"

Everyone here, even if they are just master's students, understands the concept of doubling the expression of genetic traits. Everyone couldn't help but get excited.

Since the beginning of genetic engineering, for a long time, the expression of traits that can be artificially intervened has been very limited. It may be possible to switch the expression of some traits on and off, but it is not possible to freely intervene in the degree of trait expression to a certain extent as Cheng Xiang describes now.

Although not all genes can do this, even if it is only a part, it is still very remarkable.

This can be regarded as a landmark advancement in the field of genetic engineering.

Bang bang bang...

Chen Yan was the first to applaud, and the conference room suddenly started to crackle.

Cheng Xiang waved his hands repeatedly.

Soon, new work tasks were arranged.

The process of gene binding is much easier than precise cutting. Although Cheng Xiang did not specifically produce the corresponding binding protease, this task can be completed even by following past methods.

Out of the desire to train the team, Cheng Xiang stopped intervening.

According to the plan, one month later, they will get the first generation of heavy genetic recombination samples in the experimental plan. At the same time, they will select the groups with the expected potential scores among these large numbers of recombinant samples.

The final actual product will be born from these selected samples.

Please recommend and collect, I saw the tickets and collections flying~o(〃'▽'〃)o

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