My biological black technology

Chapter 257 Change of track! (Please subscribe, please vote)

It takes light more than ten years to travel ten to fifteen light years. You can imagine how far away it is.

But it is said that it is close because, according to the imagination and estimation of most of them, a civilization that has developed for more than 100,000 years was able to conduct an expedition across the galaxy 100,000 years ago, so the territory would definitely be several Starting from ten light years, ten light years should not be considered too far away for them.

However, with such a distance, the other party cannot carry out very convenient management and communication.

There is a lot more meaning here.

"Is there a measurement error?" someone asked.

The research director looked at the waveform attenuation image, looked at it again and again, and shook his head, "Probably not, it should be like this."

"The exact distance may yet to be confirmed."

"But there is no doubt that in the direction of South Gate 2, ten to fifteen light years away, there must be a signal relay station for them, and it is a surviving signal relay station."

The information was reported quickly and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wen Ziqiang was no exception. He took the latest information and immediately started drawing on the star map.

"Ten to fifteen light years."

"This distance is too close!"

"It's unbelievable that they are so close to us!"

Wen Ziqiang exclaimed that as members of the combat laboratory, they could almost memorize the analysis of Moon Fortress intelligence.

Based on the strength they have shown against the moon and their current deployment on the earth, it is speculated that the appropriate distance from the other party should be about fifty light years from the earth.

"Ten light years." Wen Ziqiang took a deep breath. This is good news.

The degree of civilization and the range of activities a civilization can carry out are themselves a major symbol.

"Of course, we cannot rule out that there is a relay station for their signals there."

"However, we must study the possibility raised by Mr. Cheng more carefully and in depth."

"We must estimate their strength more accurately."

Zhao Ronghao nodded vigorously when he heard this, "Yes, if they really only have so much strength."


Zhao Ronghao took a deep breath, and so did Wen Ziqiang.

The two looked at each other and almost thought of something together.

As the saying goes, having an elder in a family is like having a treasure, and hybrid rice will develop well. In the cosmic environment, if there are other civilizations that can learn from it, and it is a civilization that has survived for at least 100,000 years, you can imagine how valuable it would be.

If the enemy is not that strong, then...

Before you start fighting, you are already thinking about someone else's fault. This is a bad habit.

But it is indeed a crisis now, but it is also an opportunity.

Wen Ziqiang was about to look serious and reprimand his principles.

Suddenly, a more piercing siren sounded. This time the siren was completely different from the one just now, urgent and shrill.


This is the highest red alert!

"what happened!"

"what happened!"

Wen Ziqiang and others quickly came to their senses, their attention completely attracted by the new discovery on the big screen.

What is displayed on the big screen is a three-dimensional simulation of the sun, earth and moon system.

Now, at this time, the eastern hemisphere happens to be backlit, and the moon happens to shine over the East Eighth District.

This was originally a very normal star map.

However, what is not simple is the change of the moon.

"what happened!"

"how so!"


"The moon is changing its orbit!"

"It's changing course!"

It is not just China that has noticed the changes in the moon. Almost all individuals or organizations around the world who are capable of conducting space observations have noticed the amazing changes in the moon.

Especially foreigners, there is no 10,000 meters underground to hide in, and there is no underground city to enjoy. Those who have the conditions can only be reminded to look at the moon in fear every day, for fear that the moon will suddenly fall one day.

However, I didn't expect the moon to fall, but I did expect the moon to move abnormally.


"The moon can actually change its orbit!"

"This is different from the last rotation change. This time the orbit change is even greater!"

"They can actually do this!"

"What is it doing!"

The gravitational tide caused by the change of the moon's orbit is almost catastrophic.

Great changes in gravity, the waves on the sea are surging. The waves have never been like this. The waves are turbulent. In normal times, a wave of more than ten meters can almost be said to be a small tsunami. However, nowadays, the sudden waves of more than ten meters are not considered at all. What can be seen almost everywhere, and more turbulent waves are still brewing urgently.

Obviously, coastal areas will be the first place where the moon's gravitational tides will cause disaster.

Endless floods will spread to all continents, just like the great floods of the past that wiped out the world.

Biological Warfare Laboratory.

Wen Ziqiang and others watched helplessly as the moon continued to change its orbit. The moon's orbit changed very slowly. The slowness was relative to its huge size.

If a giant takes one step, it may take a normal person two or three steps to catch up.

It’s the same step, but the quality is so different.

"What are they going to do!" Wen Ziqiang was puzzled.

"I don't know." Zhao Ronghao also shook his head.

"Where is the opinion of the expert team?" Zhao Ronghao still shook his head, "The conclusion has not yet been reached."

"However, there is a preliminary speculation."

"Preliminary speculation?" Wen Ziqiang asked immediately.

"Yes, yes."

"According to the speculation of the expert team and the trend of the moon's orbit change, at the current speed, in about one day, that is, almost twenty-seven hours later, the moon will be in the synchronous orbit of the earth!"

"Synchronized orbit!" Wen Ziqiang was shocked, "This..."

Obviously, Wen Ziqiang has thought about what synchronized orbit means.

"Yes, that's the most likely scenario. I don't think they can bear it. After fighting for a while, they found that the other party was hiding behind the planet."

"Besides, the distance between the earth and the moon is too far."

"The moon, at that time, will be firmly fixed in the synchronous orbit, so that they can always face us."

"And we will always be under the cover of their electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons."

"Perhaps they will also need to add new weapons that they are about to fight with us." Zhao Ronghao said quickly, "And this is only what we will face in the future."

"At the moment, the most terrifying thing is that if the moon enters the geosynchronous orbit, it will immediately cause a terrible disaster. The Earth's synchronous orbit is at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers."

"The previous orbital radius of the moon was nearly 390,000 kilometers."

"The orbit has been reduced by half to 36,000 kilometers, which shortens the distance by nine times."

"The moon we will see by then will be ten times, or even more, than what we see now."

"What's even more frightening is that by then, due to the terrifying gravitational pull of the moon, most of the satellites we humans have deployed in the sky may directly disintegrate or be damaged."

"On Earth, super tsunamis may become a common occurrence, and floods may become a continuous nightmare!"

Fortunately, I’m not late. Huh, it’s not easy. I’m so sleepy. I’m going to sleep.

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