My biological black technology

Chapter 296 Joint Debugging (Please subscribe, please vote monthly)

Previous nuclear fusion in mechanical technology usually relied on high temperature and high pressure to resolve the Coulomb force between nuclei, and then impact the atomic nucleus, causing mass loss, thus releasing huge energy to complete the nuclear fusion reaction.

Today's biotechnology uses special biomolecules to construct a stable force field, which can offset the Coulomb force between two atomic nuclei under specific conditions.

Compared with the roughness of nuclear fusion in the past, today's biotechnology is more delicate. Slowly, a special force field is constructed in the cavity. The two helium triatomic nuclei are constantly approaching. The closer they are, the stronger their repulsive force is. big.

When it reaches a peak and the two can no longer get closer, suddenly, in the small reaction space, a weak wave instantly passes through. Through the interference of the wave, at that moment, there is a wave between the two helium three nuclei. The extremely strong repulsive force was canceled out in an instant.

A small distance, a moment of distance offset is enough to accomplish a lot of things.

The next moment, two helium triatomic nuclei violently collided together.


The impact occurs and the mass is damaged.

Didi didi!

At the same time, the fusion energy reaction detector set up nearby was already busy ringing.


"There's a reaction!"

"Really reacted!"

“I actually succeeded for the most part the first time!”

Creating energy is one aspect. How to convert the heat energy released by nuclear fusion into controllable energy is an indispensable component of the application of fusion energy.

Various nuclear fission power stations in the world today are still used to boil water. Nuclear energy is converted into thermal energy. The thermal energy is used to boil water. High-temperature and high-pressure steam is used to do work. The thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy. The electromagnetic induction effect is then used to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is finally transmitted. .

Between the layers of transformation, the effective utilization rate of energy released by nuclear fission has been reduced by more than half.

It can be imagined that the losses involved are considerable.

Biological reactions are different. With precise control of paired nuclear fusion, the energy released is relatively easy to control. Although it is still inevitable to boil water, and the entire cell contains a lot of water, the burning is more refined.

The huge energy brought by nuclear fusion leads to a strong temperature difference between the fusion body and the cell membrane, which in turn causes an electromotive force to be formed between the fusion body and the cell membrane, thereby forming an electric current for energy release.

The current is released continuously.

"Target current detected!"

"The current intensity is as expected!"

Looking at the stable test data, the eyes of the researchers suddenly shone brightly. The current situation has fully shown that the experiment is very close to a complete success, and the joy in their eyes cannot be suppressed.

Even Zhang Shichang couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart at this time, clenching his fists tightly.

Who can think of it, who can think of it.

Helium fusion, the helium fusion experiment turned out to be so smooth. The first designed experiment was already close to success.

"Everyone, the more critical the situation is, the more important it is to remain calm."

"The progress of the experiment is so smooth because we have accumulated a lot of experience and technical reserves in the early stage."

"The complete power furnace reference brings us the last piece of the puzzle to complete helium-III biological fusion!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang is right."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang is right."

When everyone was reminded by Zhang Shichang, their emotions dropped slightly and their brains became clear.

Zhang Shichang nodded, looked at the experimental situation, and continued the experimental process, "Start the output power control test!"

"Understood, the output power test begins!"

The successful completion of helium fusion is just the beginning. There are still many things to do if the entire experiment is successful. For example, the completeness of the completion is an indispensable indicator, including the control of output power, the aging damage rate of materials, and the self-renewal of energy cells. efficiency.

An energy cell is a very sophisticated nuclear power plant.

From reaction feed, to reactor startup, energy conversion, power output, as well as self-maintenance and updating, everything relies on automated control.

You can imagine how much technical content this involves.

In terms of volume alone, it is incredible to turn a nuclear power plant covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters into cells that are only micron-sized. This miniaturization technology alone is incredible.


"Step up the testing!"

"We don't have much time."

Zhang Shichang glanced at the battle situation report that could be accessed at any time. He saw Scarlet's casualty figures and the staff's predictions. The situation had become very bad.

The mecha troops on the front line have been fighting fiercely for more than an hour. The troops have suffered heavy losses at this time. Countless soldiers have scattered their souls into space. Under the fusion explosion, they have turned into dust and can support Time is running out.

At the same time, on the other side, Cheng Xiang, who was in charge of material research, had reached the last moment.

The design phase has been completed, and the unit testing of each module has been completed.

Now, it is the final moment to assemble all the unit modules and put them into a standard test environment for joint debugging.

This is the last step in today's genetic product design engineering and the last step before research is pushed into products.

Everyone looked nervous.

The emergency on the front line was already known when they completed their respective designs.

While I was nervous, I also felt increasingly anxious.

time does not wait.

War waits for no one.

"Let's get started." Cheng Xiang stopped spending time mobilizing and nodded to the assistant beside him.


The next moment, in the smart terminal, the joint debugging button was pressed.

"The joint debugging environment begins self-inspection..."

"Total number of modules...Self-test successful..."

" your own success..."

"Self-examination completed!"

"Start joint debugging!"

The moment the button is pressed.

Within the large project, all small projects quickly began to compile their respective fragments. In the compilation equipment, after the designed gene fragments were successfully assembled, they were immediately set according to the compilation conditions, and the segments of DNA began to be ordered and correctly connected to each other's positions. .

The progress of the assembly is visible to the naked eye after a few minutes.

One thousand fully designed DNA modules of third-generation space biomaterials have been assembled.

"Start plug-in packaging!"

After the plug-in equipment is completed, it is necessary to load the meta-cell. Modular packaging of the plug-in DNA is essential. Such an operation is now a standard procedure. Accurate DNA protein transportation accurately loads the accessory DNA into the standard plug-in module. .

Soon, the freshly released third-generation material plug-ins were ready to be completed.

"Start inserting!"


Unprecedentedly smooth.

Each plug-in tadpole quickly inserted the plug-in DNA they carried into the prepared meta-cells.

Quickly extract, load, and express.

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