My biological black technology

Chapter 321 The formidable power (please subscribe, please vote)

The shock on everyone's faces has not subsided. The researchers in this online channel are currently studying the earliest research back to the time when the Galaxy Research Institute was first established. In terms of understanding and familiarity with gene locks, nationwide, They all belong to the top group.

They had thousands of thoughts about gene locks, but they never thought that the truth would be like this.

However, looking back at Cheng Xiang's explanation, that's what it meant.

Human chromosomes are born with gene expansion slots, and they seem to be dynamically pluggable. To crack the gene lock, there is no need to consider the recombination problem after cracking the gene lock. As long as the stuck position of the gene lock is removed, the gene lock will be released. This can be solved.

"This is indeed the case." Cheng Xiang nodded, "Maybe, this is science."

"Every time a problem seems extremely complicated, it must be because we don't have a broad vision or the angle of solution is incorrect. In fact, behind every seemingly complex problem, there is always a smooth and simple solution."

"Simplicity is nature, simplicity is the truth of everything."

After hearing this, Hou Zhijie felt a little dazed. Is this really simple?

This is anything but simple.

She already admires Cheng Xiang's research level beyond measure. She has thought of countless complicated solutions, especially as the war has become more and more intense recently. The genetic locks may fall at any time like a guillotine above their heads. They shoulder the fate of mankind. Their The pressure can be imagined. Their entire team worked hard day and night to solve the problem, but they achieved very little. Every time they thought about the abyss that human beings might slip into, the pressure was enough to drive people crazy, and they would lose tons of hair every day. .

But now, everything is solved with Cheng Xiang's explanation.

Nature is elegant and simple. Humans are also part of nature, and elegance and simplicity are the truth.

"Time waits for no one. Everyone, hurry up and familiarize yourself with the plan. If you have any questions, hurry up and communicate. Time waits for no one. New changes have taken place on the moon, and we must seize the time. In two hours, we will start the experiment as soon as possible! "

"Yes!" Everyone agreed excitedly.

The next moment, discussions began, with questions and answers. Cheng Xiang handled them with ease, and everything was carried out efficiently and orderly.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it’s one day, tick tock, in the blink of an eye, it’s another day.

On May 1, this special Labor Day in 2038, the working people did not have a rest, at least the working people in China did not have a rest.

All researchers are still working overtime to race against the upcoming offensive of the Moon Fortress. At this time, almost everyone in China has a popular science book on basic biological knowledge and is trying to absorb the new knowledge. The times are changing rapidly. Only by understanding these common sense can we quickly adapt to the changes in the world.

at the same time.

Biological Warfare Laboratory Control Center.

Wen Ziqiang and others had just finished today's morning meeting. At this time, the group came to the big screen, and everyone's faces were solemn. It has been two days since the lunar sky appeared.

In two days, when the moon changes its orbit, the fight should be in full swing.

However, this time it was different. The moon was as silent as death.

This silence is so depressing and terrifying.

Zhao Ronghao pointed to the big screen, "Look, everyone, this is the current investigation situation."

"Based on our test results, we are no longer able to directly observe the actual situation inside the lunar barrier, but we can also indirectly measure the density and scale growth of the neutrino signal escaping from the lunar interior."

"Through these data, we can roughly estimate the size of the other party's growth."

"Looking at it now, the strength accumulated on the moon should have already exceeded the total scale of the last attack."

"And this is just an estimate. Due to the inherent errors in our statistics, those whose signals have not escaped are not included in the statistics at all. Therefore, in fact, the effective force that the other party has accumulated can only be more."

"What's worse is that because of the lack of information reference, we don't know what kind of combat weapons the other party will produce. Therefore, we cannot make targeted defense and deployment early, which brings great difficulties to our future defense. Challenges, for now, we can only improve the breadth and breadth of defense as much as possible," Zhao Ronghao kept pointing to the estimated evaluation parameters and time nodes while describing the severity.

The situation is indeed serious.

"According to the current situation, we speculate that this time, the preparation time of the other party may be very long. By then, what we will receive is most likely their thunder blow." Zhao Ronghao concluded, at the same time, his fingers were on The void continued to operate, and the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves immediately appeared on the big screen.

"On the other hand, the good news is that thanks to the substantial improvements in material technology and energy technology, our strength is also growing exponentially at this time."

"Our advantages are gradually expanding. At present, the underground biological base organization has expanded to the entire Eastern Hemisphere, and is still spreading deep in the earth's crust and other places. Because of the explosive growth and the increase in the base, in six more hours, Our biofactory will complete global crustal coverage."

"At the same time, the thickness of the air defense front has exceeded five kilometers. Thanks to the continuous transportation of the nine pillars, the area has not only completely covered our country's airspace and territorial waters, but has also extended thousands of kilometers. According to the plan, there will be another eight In a few hours, the air defense front can cover our predetermined range."

"Facing the previous level of attack, now we don't need the mecha troops to fight desperately. At the same time, the closer their combat units are to our defense front, the stronger our defense will be. At the same time, at the orbital speed of the moon , and we have the advantage of being in the inner circle. No matter how it moves, our space defense front can quickly keep up."

"At this moment, it can be said that our defense has basically taken shape."

Seeing this ever-changing balance of power, everyone felt shocked and proud from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the power of technology, this is the power of biotechnology. Under the influence of biotechnology, at this moment, it can be said that the entire planet has become their backing.

This kind of power is terrifying, powerful, and intimidating.

Standing now, looking back at the technology of the past and the world of the past, I suddenly feel so strange and backward.

The Pangu plan is also being implemented unknowingly, and the mid-term goal is about to be reached.

Looking at the moon in synchronous orbit again, what Wen Ziqiang felt was no longer panic and anger. Although worry was indispensable, there was more of an eagerness to try in his heart.

Strength brings confidence, and they have more and more confidence when making combat plans.

They want to win this war.

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