My biological black technology

Chapter 327 Chapter 133 Nuclear explosion in the core of the earth? (Please subscribe, please vote)

Wen Ziqiang's worry was completely on his face.

Just imagine, if a large-yield nuclear bomb is eventually needed to detonate an anomaly, no one in the center of the earth knows what the consequences will be after the detonation. If it ends up going down the same old path as Mars did, and a few years later, the earth becomes increasingly unsuitable for survival, it will undoubtedly inflict a thousand wounds on the enemy and eight hundred on itself.

The price is too high.

Therefore, even if there is little hope, Wen Ziqiang still hopes that, at best, this operation will succeed.

Right now.

The command center issued the order to start the operation.

After a sound started.

Twelve huge biological submarines began to turn around one after another. The tail of this new type of submarine that sailed freely in magma was not a propeller, but a powerful helium fusion plasma engine.

Plasma engine, suitable for all-terrain environments.

In this operation, due to the laying of lines, the twelve explorer fleets participating in the operation were all remotely controlled.

The engine erupts, a powerful plasma beam, the tail flame is shocking, and the hundreds of meters long plasma flow is like a magical knife. It opens up a vacuum in the magma. Compared with the plasma beam with a high temperature of millions of Kelvin, A mere few thousand Kelvin of magma is nothing to mention.

As soon as it came into contact, the magma was immediately vaporized. The powerful kinetic energy pushed the twelve biological submarines to start. The rope began to tighten.

Everyone held their breath tightly.



The net tightened tighter and tighter, and everyone became more and more nervous.

At the same time, monthly testing is becoming more frequent.

In this operation, capturing the anomaly is not the most important thing. The ultimate strategic purpose is to consume the effective forces on the Moon Fortress.

Rows of indirectly monitored data scrolled quickly on the large screen, and important data indicators kept switching between green and yellow.

"The target is not moving!"

"No abnormalities found yet!"

"There's none?"

Wen Ziqiang and others took a deep breath and focused their attention on the capture site of the abnormal point again.

The power of the twelve biological submarines surged, the biological submarines advanced rapidly, and the entire network was collapsed.

However, the abnormal point remained motionless.

Wen Ziqiang's heart beat wildly when he saw it.

"Engine afterburner 10 marks!"

"Understood, engine afterburner 10 marks!"

The order was issued, and the plasma tail flames behind the twelve biological submarines became even longer, almost nearly a kilometer long.

However, the No. 1 anomaly remained motionless.


"how so!"

"This unscientific!"

Can't move!

It couldn't be moved at all. It was clear that the giant net constructed of a large number of biological materials had wrapped all the abnormal points, but it just couldn't be moved.

Wen Ziqiang felt cold in his heart and panicked in his eyes. He subconsciously moved closer to what Cheng Xiang had said before. Is it really necessary to use a nuclear bomb to blow it up and follow the path of Martian civilization?

There's no choice.

Strategically speaking, the enemy must be lured out and cannot be left to accumulate strength.

If the last resort comes, then even if it means using nuclear bombs, even super-large-yield nuclear bombs, then they must be used.

"Continue to increase power! Scale 30!"

"Understood, engine afterburner, scale 30!"

The forward finger command was issued again.

Everyone in the Biological Warfare Laboratory was in an uproar.

"Afterburner 30? With such a large pulling force, the stress on the material of the giant net will reach a critical value and it may tear!"

"There's no way. If it's torn and you can't move it, then this road won't work."

Everyone was startled, these words were not to their liking, but they were right.

Immediately afterwards, on the big screen, the tail flames of the biological submarine were sprayed farther away. The giant network had become so tight that it had completely lost its elasticity. The powerful cortex, the fascia rolled within the tissue, and the magma were constantly corroding.

Under the influence of huge pulling force, this process is accelerated.

However, at this time, it has not been pulled yet!

Not moving at all.

Everyone was heartbroken to see it.

The only thing worth watching is that the rope pulling the giant net has not broken yet.

"Continue to work harder! Scale..."

The instructions have not been given yet.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound coming directly from my ears.



Bang bang bang!

One by one, one after another.

Four or five ropes broke one after another. Once the rope broke, it directly declared the failure of the operation.

There was silence in the control center.

The operation failed.

Monitoring the important data of the moon, the color remains between green and yellow, very quiet, which obviously shows that the other party has no intention of taking any action.

Everyone looked solemn.

If there is no way to draw the enemy out to fight, then if this war really has to end in a decisive battle, the war potential of the moon may not be as great as that of the earth.

However, if it really hits that level, the earth may also be beaten to a semi-destructive state.

This is definitely not what they want.

"It failed. Do you really want to use a nuclear bomb?"

Compared with the tragic consequences that the decisive battle may bring immediately, the earth countless years later, thinking about Wen Ziqiang, a hint of bitterness flashed at the corner of his mouth. He turned to look at Cheng Xiang, only to find that Cheng Xiang's face had a look that he had known for a long time, and it suddenly became even more bitter.

"Chief Cheng, what if we really want to use nuclear bombs?"

"In your opinion, how much yield should be used? How can we minimize the harm caused by nuclear explosions on Earth?" At the critical moment, Wen Ziqiang naturally knew what was important.

What needs to be done, no matter how painful it is, must be done.

"Nuclear bomb?"

Cheng Xiang was surprised. Just as he was thinking about other things, he suddenly heard Wen Ziqiang's question and suddenly understood, "Why use nuclear bombs?"

"Now that the operation has failed, you didn't mean that we only have nuclear bombs..." Wen Ziqiang said bitterly.

Hearing this, Cheng Xiang suddenly had a rare smile on his face, "Director Wen, what I was talking about was the former Martian civilization. Just because they used nuclear bombs does not mean that we can only use nuclear bombs."

Hearing this, how could Wen Ziqiang not be surprised? If he could take out this thing without using a nuclear bomb, it would be a complete victory.


"Of course it's true!" Cheng Xiang nodded.

"We have said before that these anomalies are in curvature bubbles, and these curvature bubbles are maintained by the continuous thermal energy of the earth's core."

"So, what if we cut off the source of these energy?" Cheng Xiang said with a smile.

"Cut off the energy source?" Zhao Ronghao also joined in, "Chief Cheng, this may be more difficult. Deep in the earth's core, under the high temperature and high pressure environment, we may not be able to complete this idea."

"Even the net we just dragged has a lot of gaps. Once sealed, a strong pressure difference will form between the inner and outer layers, which will directly tear our biological materials apart!" Zhao Ronghao mentioned.

This is indeed a problem, and it is also an issue that each combat laboratory has considered when formulating action plans before this operation. Wen Ziqiang did not speak and turned to look at Cheng Xiang to see what solutions Cheng Xiang had.

"The strong pressure differential is certainly a problem, but at the same time, it's not a problem."

"We don't need to seal them all, nor do we need to seal them all. We only need to rely on biological tissue to set up a suitable structure around the abnormal point, balance the pressure difference, manage the magma flow rate, and gradually control the heat input! Just slowly! If the magma input is reduced, the equipment in the abnormal point will gradually lack energy."

"Equipment that lacks energy, no matter how advanced the technology is, is just a piece of scrap metal." When Cheng Xiang said this, everyone still couldn't understand. Wen Ziqiang's eyes gleamed, "Chief Cheng, you still have a way. "

"This method should be feasible, Rong Hao, prepare the report immediately!"


Everyone's confidence, which had just dropped, became excited again.

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