My biological black technology

Chapter 333 Capture (please subscribe, please vote)

Time passed slowly.

Various research institutions under the Supreme Academy of Biological Sciences are working hard to make progress, and the space battle is becoming more and more intense.

The entire sky above the Eastern Hemisphere has been covered by endless space defense layers, as if the earth has been put on a thick winter coat.

At the same time, there are more sky pillars supporting the space defense layer. These sky pillars all stand up from the high seas, each like an Optimus pillar. Watching the growth of countless Optimus pillars, watching the space being covered, there is no such thing at this time. People make irresponsible remarks. Just look at the intensity of the war in the space battlefield. How dare you have an opinion?

The war in space is already in full swing, and the attacks have not stopped from the beginning until now.

The battle was in turmoil, and a large amount of debris floated between the orbits of the earth and the moon.

At the same time, deep in the core of the earth, the biological peripherals of the No. 1 anomaly are still working continuously, and the salvage work is nearing completion, even if it is speculated that the equipment in the anomaly has activated its own emergency fusion energy.

However, emergencies are emergencies after all. After all, the energy consumption of equipment to maintain abnormal points cannot be provided by small-scale fusion batteries for a long time. After two days, the scope of abnormal points is still shrinking. Now, the data displayed on the big screen comes Look, the curvature bubble at the abnormal point is already quite unstable.

At this time, bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time in the biological warfare laboratory.

"According to current estimates, this anomaly will be completely disabled in two hours. By then, the curvature bubble will disappear."

"Haha, no wonder they are anxious. This offensive looks like they are ready to go all out."

"Haha, how can this not be urgent?"

"Once the spirit son hypothesis is true, then the equipment in these anomalies will definitely be their lifeblood. From that time on, the initiative in this war has changed."

"From that point on, it's not that they can fight if they want to, or they can't fight if they don't want to. It's that if we want them to fight, they must fight."

"Now other abnormal points have also started current limiting and cooling operations."

"We are driving them to death step by step."

Everyone's faces were filled with relief. Over the past two days, although the battle situation had been stalemate and increasingly fierce, it was still within the endurance of the defensive front.

The war situation is excellent.

The war situation has gradually entered the rhythm they designed, and they have firmly grasped the initiative in today's war.

On the big screen, the main battlefield of the battle between the earth and the moon has turned into a desert of death. No life can survive in such a battlefield.

The battleships rushed forward one after another, and the artillery fire continued.

Every step forward by the Moon Fortress army is very difficult.

At present, another batch of new warships are approaching a hundred kilometers away from the defensive front.

One hundred kilometers used to be a very dangerous distance.

However, today it is exactly the opposite.

In the past two days, at the position of 100 kilometers, they exchanged several offensives, and Hua successfully captured the opponent's warship alive for the first time.

What was once a crisis is now an opportunity!

"The flagship has not been captured yet. We must capture a flagship this time."

"This time we must succeed!"

The flagships in the Moon Fortress fleet are very tightly protected, which is why not a single flagship has been successful in the past few days.

According to the plan, only by taking immediate action within a few seconds of the defense loophole being torn open can you have a chance to capture the opponent.

The entire action lasts only a few seconds. If it is missed and the enemy has a chance to react, they would rather self-destruct than be captured alive.

The battle was fierce.

Frontline commanders waited patiently for the opportunity.

Suddenly, all the light prism cannons of the formation suddenly aimed at a target and irradiated it directly. The intense temperature vaporized the target in almost the blink of an eye, leaving a large vacuum.

The only target in this vacuum is the target flagship. This is also the only flagship target currently at a position of 100 kilometers.

The opportunity is here!

"Prepare to release the neutrino interference source."

"Ready for release!"

"Start releasing!"

"Understood, start releasing!"

Puff puff puff...

A large number of neutrino radiation sources are emitted. It is very rare when the neutrino signal is not captured. Once the enemy's communication principle is understood, it is impossible to interfere 100%. However, disrupting the enemy's communication to a certain extent is can be done.

And as long as it can disrupt things for a while, that's enough.

In the past few days, neutrino interference has repeatedly achieved extraordinary results.

Signal interference is the first step.

"Prepare to launch the fishing net!"

"The fishing net is ready!"

"Target locked, ready to launch!"

"Target locking completed, waiting for instructions!"


Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

There used to be net guns used to capture prisoners, but now, they are used to capture warships. The high-tenacity capture net, when condensed, is also very huge. When placed on the ground, it is as big as a skyscraper several hundred meters high.

Wrapped in a special material and shot through a potential energy slingshot, some of them were destroyed in mid-air. However, there were too many of them and at a distance of a hundred kilometers, there was not much chance to take care of them all.

With a long rope tail, the catching net just hit the battleship. Due to inertia, the fluid deformed immediately. The tough fibers inside immediately deformed. Almost in the blink of an eye, it wrapped the entire battleship, and then grew rapidly and attached. , pocketed into a mesh.

Just after the impact formed a net, the next moment, strong corrosion suddenly began to extend towards the interior of the battleship. Taking advantage of every opportunity is the most common ability of biotechnology, and a battleship made of this traditional material cannot resist it at all.

"Hit the target!"

"Quick! The light prism cannon continues to block!"

"Understood, continuous fire blockade is activated!"

A beam of light directly surrounded the battleship, and the battleship's external aid was completely cut off. The high-energy laser was blocked, and almost nothing could be transmitted.

On the captured flagship, the capture network quickly penetrated, corroded, paralyzed the flagship's power supply center, and disconnected the flagship's internal command bus.

After a few days, I have become very skilled in this kind of work.

"The power furnace is extinguished!"

"The control center has been paralyzed!"

"Arsenal closed!"

As nimble as a fish swimming in water, he shuttles freely and strikes with precision.

In less than half a minute, a flagship-style battleship was captured immediately.

“Target meets recycling standards!”

"Recycle immediately!"


The pulling force was immediately transmitted from the rope connected to the launch net, and the captured flagship returned quickly along the pulling force.

Everyone in the laboratory was even more happy.

War is bad in many ways, but this kind of war with a foreign civilization is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for civilization to take off.

It is a crisis, but also an opportunity.

Capturing the wreckage can obtain countless technological essences, and the value of capturing living and complete bodies is even more valuable.

"Good guy, I finally captured this thing." Zhao Ronghao couldn't help but said excitedly. When he was so excited, he couldn't help but hum a few words, "There are no guns, no cannons, the enemy made them for us!..."

A long hum made everyone burst into laughter.

The battleship slowly returned, and the enemy attacked the blockade established by the light prism cannon like crazy.

"Quick! Speed ​​up!"


Following the pipeline of the traction rope, it was visible to the naked eye that the pipeline was thickening, and a large amount of material was transferred quickly. The next moment, a flower bone suddenly grew from behind the butt of the original battleship. Time seemed to accelerate at this moment. In the blink of an eye, the flower bone expanded rapidly. ,open.

In the blink of an eye, the helium fusion power furnace started, and the plasma engine was immediately ignited.

The long tail flame and the jet flame are nearly two kilometers long.

The space flagship is like a beautiful landscape, heading straight for the space defense front.

Very fast.

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