My biological black technology

Chapter 358 Curvature Limitation (Please subscribe, please vote)

The speculations of space physicists have alarmed everyone.

The enemy is not scary, the scary thing is being approached by the enemy invisibly.

"It took three years to arrive. Their spaceship is faster than we expected." Someone said sadly.

"I wonder what the spacecraft they sent this time will be like?"

"What I'm concerned about is, what kind of weapons are these warships equipped with?"

No one was sure. After all, even an existence like the Moon Fortress vowed to bring about destruction in the final blow. However, the only thing that gave everyone confidence was that in the past three years, China had become many times stronger than it was three years ago.

Space power is expanding almost geometrically.

After all, they had already experienced the Earth-Moon War, and everyone had experienced great storms. After hearing the news, they were just shocked when they first heard it. After going through it in their minds a few times, they immediately calmed down.

Not only is the psychological quality strong, but more importantly, there are more important things to do now than being surprised.

After the venue quieted down, with everyone watching, the spokesperson of the Space Physics Laboratory spoke again, "The enemy has now arrived in the solar system, faster than we expected at a normal speed. In terms of time alone, it has been shortened by about one-third. "

"In other words, their curvature navigation and related technologies are much higher than we expected."

"So, if you look at it, it's going to be worse than what we would normally predict."

"However, it is not all bad news right now, judging from the results of ongoing monitoring."

"The enemy has entered the solar system, and has entered very deep. However, the closer to the core of the solar system, the greater the curvature and wrinkles of space and time, and the greater the interference to the curvature navigation engine."

"So according to the model we revised based on the abnormal information, the enemy should have already arrived at this location."

In an instant, a 3D projection appeared in the virtual venue. In the projection, it was a dynamic demonstration of the entire solar system. The thick outermost ring is the Oort cloud at the outermost edge of the solar system, which is a thick cloud composed of ice debris surrounding the solar system.

The outermost extent of the Oort cloud is 100,000 astronomical units from the sun, and the inner edge is 1,000 astronomical units from the sun. One astronomical unit is approximately 1.5 billion kilometers. You can imagine how far away this is.

Compared with the large ball surrounded by the entire Oort cloud, the sun and several major planets are almost condensed into points.

As the projection gradually enlarges, the internal structure of the solar system can be gradually and clearly displayed.

The eight conventional planets are listed one by one.

Since China entered the starry sky, this star map of the solar system has become familiar to the participants. So soon, everyone discovered that this star map was different from what they remembered.

Outside the eight planets, not too far away, there is a red mark like a box. It is so conspicuous that it is difficult not to notice it.

"What is this box?"

"Could it be the location of the enemy's fleet?"

"It doesn't look like it. There are still about thirty-five astronomical units."

"But it should be right to mark it like this, but how can it be so far away!"

Everyone was surprised. After hearing the news just now, they rushed to the meeting and thought that the enemy was already close to them. They might even be under their noses before they noticed it, and they might even start a war in the next second.

But who would have thought that the enemy's true location is still more than thirty astronomical units away.

One astronomical unit is 1.5 billion kilometers, more than 30 astronomical units, that is about 5 billion kilometers.

Even traveling at the speed of light would take almost five hours.

Although the enemy's speed fluctuates now, it can be seen that the overall trend is constantly decreasing. According to this trend, the speed at which the enemy can sail within the solar system can reach one-tenth of the speed of light.

In other words, if this is the enemy's current position, then obviously they still have plenty of time to respond. Everyone's eyes were once again focused on the spokesperson, who was obviously much more calm now than before.

The spokesperson nodded, "Everyone's guess is correct. The eye-catching mark marked by the square here is the enemy's location predicted by us based on the existing data."

"Although they were able to enter the solar system quietly, and although we received the news late, there is no doubt that we were able to receive abnormal signals before the war started. This shows that the enemy's curvature navigation technology Although powerful, they are still limited after all. Only if their speed is lower than the speed of light can we continue to detect abnormal signals before they arrive."

"And from this, we can also make a preliminary assessment of their achievements in space physics to a certain extent."

"Obviously, their space physics, at least for now, cannot guarantee that their space battleships can continue to use super-light curvature navigation within the planetary system."

"Moreover, judging from the abnormal signals that are currently being received."

"The model is completely consistent with our theoretical research. Warp speed navigation theoretically bends space through huge energy to obtain a moving speed that exceeds the speed of light. However, the constraints of warp speed navigation are also very large. The smoother the space-time in the target direction, the more stable the space-time in the target direction will be. Then the easier it is to bend at warp speed, the higher the efficiency of warp speed, which is why warp speed is very suitable for crossing between planetary systems."

"Once it enters the interior of the planetary system, the increment of the warp fold changes in space-time is large, and the efficiency of warp speed navigation will inevitably decrease rapidly."

"To use a very simple analogy, traveling at warp speed in the outer deep space of the planetary system is like driving on a highway. It is smooth all the way. But when entering the planetary system, the road becomes a provincial road, and the farther you go, Inside, the road conditions get worse and even winding, and it’s impossible to drive fast on such road conditions.”

"Excessive speed on mountain roads may lead to car crashes and fatalities."

"If you speed in space, you may face the risk of tearing the aircraft apart due to errors or substandard curvature bending the space."

"So, naturally they will drive slowly."

"Therefore, even if they are still in warp sailing mode, their sailing speed will still continue to decrease."

"According to our current model estimates, it will take about two months, or about fifty days, for them to actually reach Mars."

Fifty days later, after hearing this news, even though everyone was meeting in the virtual space, they finally sat down and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Fifty days is enough time no matter what kind of response you do.

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