My biological black technology

Chapter 39 I want to use it for testing (please recommend and collect)

Zhang Deming stood aside. He was also suddenly invited by Cheng Xiang. Although he didn't understand technically, according to Cheng Xiang's simple explanation on the phone, Zhang Deming got a general idea, "Professor Cheng, what you mean is that you want to Will this chip be promoted to mobile phones?"

"Yes, to make food safety monitoring more convenient and easy to use, what can be more suitable than a mobile phone in each hand? Before eating or buying something, if you want to check whether it meets the hygiene standards, take out your mobile phone and click on the follow-up developed The APP starts to detect, the light source of the mobile phone shines on the food, and the corresponding spectral signal is fed back to the biochip, and the biochip analyzes the results and transmits them to the mobile phone."

"Once the data is transferred to the mobile phone, this valuable data will definitely be used with current network information technology to form a huge big data network. By then, what can be seen on the mobile phone is not only It’s just about whether it tastes good or not, and whether it’s safe or unsafe to eat, and whether you can eat it!”

"At that time, our technology will force all food manufacturers and catering establishments to make food that not only tastes good but is edible, being able to eat is more basic and more critical. If the taste is not good, if it is cooked cleaner, there will still be some customers. Merchants that are harmful or do not meet the hygiene standards will really lose the soil for survival. At that time, everyone can really order takeout with peace of mind." Cheng Xiang talked eloquently, and there was no fool present. If the chip in front of him can really If the desired effect is achieved, then the day described by Cheng Xiang will come soon.

In the entire laboratory, if there is anyone who is most shocked and has the deepest understanding of this research result, only Peng Yongzhong, as a senior professor of the School of Information Technology, no one can understand the meaning of this small chip in front of him better than him. This is not Silicon-based chips are not carbon-based chips, but pioneering biochips.

Although this chip is still relatively crude and can only generate corresponding electrical frequency information after receiving light signals, there is no doubt that it can generate correct electrical frequency signals, which is the most difficult first step for biochips.

The most difficult thing is to start something from scratch.

Going from one to a hundred is much easier.

Moreover, this thing can quickly emit corresponding electric frequency signals based on spectral information. This function is quite powerful. Doing this kind of thing on a computer requires not only a high-precision camera, but also a lot of data calculations, and the result error is relatively small. To put it bluntly, the entire process requires a response time of one second to obtain the results, which is simply not possible with an average computer.

However, this small piece of biochip did just that.

This is the advantage of biochips. Just like the comparison between computers and human brains, the computing power-power consumption ratio of the human brain is far beyond the comparison of existing computers.

A supercomputer with computing power comparable to that of a human brain consumes enough power to power a skyscraper, while the human brain only requires the power of an ordinary lighting bulb.

As you can imagine, there is a huge gap.

Life is full of magic.

"Professor Cheng, I want to take this chip for testing immediately." Peng Yongzhong was excited. In this era, six generations of communication technology are still being developed. Although quantum computers are improving every year, it still takes a long time to successfully spread them into society. There are plenty of obstacles.

Shonan University's School of Information Technology, as a first-class discipline in a first-class university, naturally participates in these big topics and jointly develops these technologies. However, the technical strength of Shonan University does not occupy an important position in the entire project.

In Peng Yongzhong's view, the biochip in front of him has unlimited potential.

Perhaps, a new computing revolution will start from this small chip. The unparalleled superiority of biochips in specific scenarios will definitely cause a stir. Computers may switch from a single-based chip model to a diversified one.

Peng Yongzhong can’t wait to participate in the verification.

"Of course." Cheng Xiang naturally agreed. He also wanted to see how effective this half-biological, half-mechanical chip was.

"Director Cheng, can we go and take a look together?" After a month, Zhang Dingkai has been completely convinced by Cheng Xiang. In the office, he no longer calls Cheng Xiang by his name, but by his job title.

Cheng Xiang is not opposed to this change. It is best for a team to have consistent management and work together.

"Let's go together? Professor Peng, is it convenient?" Cheng Xiang looked at Peng Yongzhong.

Cheng Xiang understood everyone's desire to witness together, and everyone contributed a lot to the rapid acquisition of this chip.

Peng Yongzhong agreed generously, "Together together, this person is nothing. Although the equipment we have there cannot withstand bumps and bumps, it is still not as delicate as your laboratory."

Soon, a group of people called two campus minibuses and rushed to the affiliated research institute of the School of Information Technology.

As soon as the vehicle arrived at the gate, Cheng Xiang saw a large group of people already waiting at the entrance of the institute. A quick glance at the number of people showed that they were almost catching up with his own large force that had two cars packed into it.

As soon as this group of people saw the vehicle stop, they immediately greeted it. This posture was a bit big. Looking at the average age of this group of people, it was clear that their level was not low.

"What is this?" Cheng Xiang asked.

Peng Yongzhong said helplessly, "These old guys are still so well-informed. Why don't I just borrow a high-end chip testing laboratory."

Cheng Xiang smiled, not having any objection. Anyway, Professor Peng can handle this matter.

The leader was about the same age as Dean Shen. Cheng Xiang had a vague impression that he seemed to be a dean of the School of Information Technology.

"Xiao Peng, you just broke the big news without saying a word. I heard that the quantum chip instruction set you are responsible for research has made a major breakthrough. We have been waiting for you for a long time, but how can you, a person in the car? What's going on? Is this Professor Cheng?" Wang Peiguo asked with a smile and said hello to Cheng Xiang.

As the recent signature figure of Shonan University, his name and photo have been circulated all over the place. In the entire Shonan University, except for a few faculty and staff, no one knows Cheng Xiang.

Cheng Xiang also responded politely.

However, facing Wang Peiguo's congratulations, Peng Yongzhong had a question mark on his head: where is this?

"Quantum chip instruction set? Breakthrough? No?"

"No? Then why did you borrow the advanced chip testing laboratory?" Wang Peiguo was surprised.

When asked by Wang Peiguo, Peng Yongzhong couldn't understand. He immediately couldn't laugh or cry, "Dean Wang, I don't know who gave you the wind. I just borrowed the advanced chip testing laboratory, and I didn't tell you about the quantum chip instructions I studied. A major breakthrough in the collection.”

"Besides, my project only lasted for more than a year, how could I make a sample so quickly?"

Please recommend, please collect

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