My biological black technology

Chapter 403 The Third Spiral Arm Human Alliance (please subscribe, please vote)

In the biological warfare laboratory, everyone's hearts were beating wildly, but the atmosphere in the entire laboratory was terrifyingly quiet.

This was something no one had really imagined.

After fighting wits and courage for so long, who would have thought that the master of civilization in this target battleship is actually a human being.

is this real?

The scene was quiet for nearly a minute, and everyone finally came back to their senses.

"My eyes are not seeing flowers." A scientific consultant habitually wanted to take off his glasses to clean them, but when he touched his ears with his hands, he discovered that his myopia had been cured long ago and his glasses were gone. When I think about something stressful, I can't help but think of my previous habitual actions.

"You didn't deliberately deceive us." Everyone was still in disbelief.

If we saw the origin of human beings on Earth and the glory of Martian civilization from the Mars box a few years ago, it would still be within the scope of our understanding.

But now, they actually saw the appearance of human beings from a target they thought was an enemy rather than a friend. This was a bit unbelievable. This was not in the same planetary system, but an advanced intelligence from more than twenty light years away. civilization.

"I'm not dreaming." Zhao Ronghao said with a trembling voice, and then tried to breathe in to calm his violently fluctuating mood.

"No, none of us are dreaming." Wen Ziqiang's eyes widened and he stared at the big screen, "However, I am wondering whether they deliberately made this based on our image?"

As a laboratory combat consultant, Wen Ziqiang is very sensitive to information. After experiencing the initial shock, Wen Ziqiang immediately returned to his calm thinking at work.

"Deliberately made?"

After being reminded by Wen Ziqiang, everyone immediately reacted, "This possibility cannot be ruled out at present. The time they stayed in orbit was enough to collect some simple information about us."

However, no one directly confirmed this speculation. It would be extremely irresponsible to confirm one thing based on speculation. It is a good thing to have questions. However, solving this problem naturally requires professional scientific talents.

Department, before they could upload the questions, the results of the problem analysis had already appeared in the combat channel. Apparently, they are not alone in thinking about this issue.

Confirming the authenticity of information is naturally the first priority of intelligence work.

With supercomputer calculations, a preliminary model covering all basic features has been established.

"The efficiency is so high."

Humans rely on vision to determine whether the target is recognized, while machines rely on the geometric characteristics of some organisms, the most common of which are aspect ratio, angle and other factors.

The next moment, everyone's expressions changed, because the dynamic calculation model at this time had more than 90% chance that the people in the current target battleship were real.

"It actually really exists?"

"However, looking at the style of construction around the target, it is indeed consistent with the evaluation given by the supercomputer. From a sensory perspective, this is consistent with human characteristics."

"Words, patterns, action gestures, physical states."

"Although fictional videos can be realistic, it is extremely difficult to completely match the real world. Even our supercomputer cannot achieve it at the scale of a planet."

"The ability of their spacecraft to travel at warp speed means that their computing power is limited. Therefore, it is largely impossible for them to construct such a realistic video in a short time,"

"So, if it is false, supercomputing will definitely be able to find loopholes. However, failure to find loopholes and evidence is the best counter-evidence!" With scientific basis and logical self-consistency, many things can be almost clarified.

Wen Ziqiang said solemnly.

"Director Wen is right."

"However, if there is no doubt about the video itself, then I am more curious, what is their purpose of exposing themselves?"

"Continue watching the video, there is enough data buffered for decoding."

"If they are really human, then their senses determine that they will develop a communication method that is similar to ours. They should be able to speak, and there should be subtitle translation." Wen Ziqiang said, and everyone started talking. His eyes lit up, and the staff started the video playback again at the right time.

In the video, judging from the video alone, the person who dominates the scene should be a middle-aged man with a dignified face and a slightly wrinkled face. He looks unknown how old he is, but judging from his condition, he should be at the age of their race's life cycle. In the middle and back section, the most obvious thing is that the blue hair is sparse and starting to turn white.

Is gray hair probably a common trait among humans?

Without thinking much, the target person spoke.

What was said was unclear and could not be understood. The strange pronunciation was similar to the dialect spoken in an unknown corner. The only value was that Wen Ziqiang and others actually heard them speak.

"It has pronunciation."

"You can actually talk."

At the same time, as expected, subtitles appeared below, and they were simultaneous translations of alien characters and Chinese characters.

"Humans of the Solar System."

"Your performance just now, after our comprehensive observation, is overall pretty good."

I can’t understand the pronunciation, but the intonation and expression are important ways to convey additional information. It looks like admiration, but it is like giving evaluation from above.

Wen Ziqiang and others did not speak, but they looked at each other with Zhao Ronghao in a tacit understanding. The meaning behind the simple greeting was not simple at all.

"How true? How false?" Zhao Ronghao asked in a low voice.

Wen Ziqiang shook his head, with a more serious look in his eyes, "It doesn't matter whether it's true or false. What's important is that once we get inside, we will play right into their hands."

"The second round of confrontation has begun."

"Their opening is to take advantage of the negotiations. Whether it is true or false, they have got rid of the disadvantageous situation they were in before."

"I believe that by this time, psychologists and linguists from other teams have already begun research. Psychological profiling and personality simulation have probably already begun."

"Watch it first, and then we will review it together." Wen Ziqiang stopped Zhao Ronghao from continuing to ask questions.

Zhao Ronghao nodded seriously.

Everyone continued to look down.

"You must be in shock right now."

"Why are we so strikingly similar?"

"Don't be surprised, because we are all humans."

"Now, I am here to solemnly tell you that we are from the Human Alliance in the Third Spiral Arm of the Galaxy! The purpose of our alliance is to rescue and help all valuable enslaved civilizations of the same race!"

"Three years ago, when the Octopus tetrahedral patrol warships we monitored began to return to the internal territory, from intelligence analysis, we knew that there was a high probability that the humans they enslaved were beyond their control."

"So we followed, no matter the cost."

"We saw your performance the whole time."

"Not only have you developed science and technology well, but what's even more rare is that you have enough wisdom to control these weapons!"

"The purpose of our Third Spiral Arm Human Alliance is to rescue all valuable and enslaved members of our race. We will never contact those who are worthless. We do not accept trash races."

"And after our test, now, I am here to officially announce, congratulations, you have passed!"

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