My biological black technology

Chapter 424 Only four hours (please subscribe, please vote)

After Cheng Xiang presented his plan, no one among the participating experts spoke for more than a minute. Even though the debate just now was extremely fierce, the moment such a plan was proposed, it was so satisfying. All the plans and ideas in my stomach came to my lips at this moment, but I still swallowed them hard.

"Reading the memory directly, how is this possible..."

"It's impossible..." He said it was impossible, but everyone already believed it in their hearts, because this was what the man said.

The mutterings in his mouth just couldn't help but reveal the shock in his heart.

They did not consider the ridiculous issue of the authenticity of what Cheng Xiang said. This was what Cheng Xiang said.

The founder of the biological age and the navigator of the interstellar age. From his mouth, what he said on such an occasion and at such a critical moment cannot be just a casual talk. If he says it, it must be done.

At least, they have never seen a promise that Cheng Xiang failed to fulfill.

However, this is a discussion meeting after all. The attendees are all experts from all walks of life. Cheng Xiang’s authority belongs to him. However, after the shock, everyone gradually regained their composure and began to think about the details along this line of thinking. They believed in Cheng Xiang, but they did not Follow blindly.

"Chief Cheng, I have a question here. How long will it take to implement the technology you just mentioned?" Someone at the meeting asked. This person is an expert from the military, and he is naturally more concerned about the timeliness of the solution. Sensitive and straightforward when asking questions, without too much politeness.

Timeliness, this is key information. If this technology takes a year and a half to be developed, then it will not be able to work immediately for current things, especially when it is needed immediately.

If it is a few days or a week or two, then the meeting they held is still of great significance.

For today's front line, what is needed is to get some real and effective key information as early as possible. Even if it is just a little bit, it is very likely to have a huge impact on the front line's diplomatic and military competition that cannot be ignored.

This is why they set off from Earth to the Venus base in such a hurry.

The earlier we can get real and effective data, the better it will be for frontline confrontations.

If Cheng Xiang's research takes a few days or weeks, then they can continue the meeting and discuss a set of other solutions now. Although it is not as accurate and direct as directly reading the memory, it can at least be used immediately.

Moreover, the time is staggered and the work is done in parallel without affecting each other.

Everyone at the meeting was also attracted by this issue. They have no way to evaluate the technology itself, but timeliness is very critical.

Then everyone turned to look at Cheng Xiang.

Cheng Xiang looked calm and nodded slightly to the person who asked the question, "Calculating the time, we will arrive at Venus in about four hours."

"And it just so happens that at that time, the target will also be escorted to the Venus base."

"With this time, it should be enough to complete this technical work."

Cheng Xiang finished speaking calmly without any fluctuation.

This time, it was even more shocking than the method Cheng Xiang had just proposed.

"Can you do it in four hours?" This speed is simply shocking. This time is really too short. "This is reading memory and brain information."

"Only four hours..."


Many people took a deep breath.

It takes four hours to complete such a technical task. Is this really something that a person can do? This is even more shocking than when I first heard that this technology is possible.

"Perhaps when it is practical, we can slightly adjust the parameters according to the actual situation..." Cheng Xiang said calmly.

Everyone was even more speechless after hearing this. Is this answer any different from completing it in four hours?

Whose equipment does not require slight adjustment when it is actually used after development is completed?

You made the finished product from scratch in four hours. To you, these adjustment parameters are simply not worth mentioning if no one asks.

Everyone attending the meeting came from all walks of life, such as psychological analysis, character portraits, micro-expression management and other majors. They knew the greatness of Cheng Xiang, a legendary figure, and also knew about Cheng Xiang’s unique creativity in scientific research. However, how high is it? To some extent, a considerable number of people just stay in legends and written descriptions without having any specific concepts.

But now, they have finally cracked the tip of the iceberg about this legendary figure from this matter that has made them so troublesome.

A task that thousands of them collectively thought was very difficult, in this person's hands, turned out to be an operation that could be completed in just four hours.

Only by comparison can you feel the difference.

They are all elites from all walks of life. They are professional and are good at character analysis. Cheng Xiang's steady attitude clearly shows that he has a good grasp on this matter.

A grunt.

Most people swallowed quietly.

At the same time, they couldn't help but look at each other. If they could read aliens, then those who could read their own race would naturally no longer be Chinese. Thinking of this, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

"It is really a great era of biology, a truly great era of biology."

"Before, I had doubts about how those of us who engage in psychological research and its derivative disciplines, as well as disciplines similar to the study of human spirituality, would be integrated into the great era of biology. Now I think about it. I will wait until the corresponding legal system is perfected. Later, perhaps, when we reach that time, our disciplines may also usher in new opportunities for development.”

"Through these professional equipment, more information elements on the human body are incorporated, and more diverse parameters are included. Our disciplines that originally seemed a bit mysterious will eventually become more refined and change like the natural sciences. You have to be more professional, be well-reasoned, and have evidence to follow..."

A simple device has caused a huge response.

However, after Cheng Xiang briefly answered some key information that everyone wanted to know, he quickly left and started the next research work.

However, this meeting did not stop there, but changed the focus of the meeting.

Previously, I was thinking about what measures and methods to use to get real, effective and high-value information from the target as soon as possible.

Now, since Cheng Xiang can guarantee that the information can be obtained, it can also be obtained completely.

Then what they need to do is to make a list of the information they need to know, and then search for the required information based on the information Cheng Xiang reads from the target's memory.

In addition, and more importantly, they also need to think about the fragmented information in the other party's memory to establish the target's world view and values, and then extend as much as possible to the society behind the other party and even the surrounding interstellar situation.

Thanks for the 500 reward from Flying Every Day.

Thanks to Dao Qingchen, book friend 20170518000221475, Carving the Time of Time, 卍百世经间卍, book friend 130806065144144, for the reward of forgetful misdiagnosis.

thanks for your support.

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