My biological black technology

Chapter 482 The terrible decline (please subscribe)

The new discovery of genes left almost everyone present blank.

Although there have been octopus hypotheses and other corresponding hypotheses in the past few years, and it is highly doubted that the Oktup tribe is an octopus life form, when the gene comparison results were really seen in front of their eyes.

No one can really calm down.

"A high degree of affinity means that the genetic error between them does not exceed 0.01 percent."

"It's incredible. The internal physical structure is so different from that of an octopus, but the genetic level actually tells us that it is the same creature."

"It's indeed incredible." Everyone marveled.

"However, this is actually understandable. In our current genetic theory, even organisms with the same gene will have different levels of gene expression, and the final vital signs will be different."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Like our current China, which has just stepped into the universe, everyone's gene activation level is not the same. However, from a superficial point of view, they are almost the same. From a genetic point of view, they are also similar. However, the structure of the body is different. There’s already a pretty big gap.”

"Body weight, trace elements, and even various indicators will have different performances with different levels of potential activation."

Today's scholars have a different understanding of genes than in the past. After sighing for this phenomenon, they understood the key to it.

But after understanding the key, everyone felt a strange feeling, and even felt a little uncomfortable.

"If they are really a family, then we seem to have a lot to eat..."

"There are a lot of them, steamed, boiled, stir-fried, roasted, stir-fried, fried... It seems that they can also be eaten raw with some sauce..."

"Especially in the past few years, with the introduction of the octopus theory, out of righteous indignation, if wild protection had not been carried out in advance, they would have almost eaten out."

“Even with breeding now, the supply is still in short supply…”

As they talked, everyone's voices became quieter.

Even Shen Luoyun and even Cheng Xiang felt something strange.

What the hell is going on?

Who could have imagined this scene today.

Once upon a time, the enemies on the Moon Fortress made China pay a huge sacrifice and an astonishing price.

If you include the blood debts in history, it would be too numerous to mention, and people and gods would be indignant.

And as time goes by, as the information gradually becomes richer.

The decline of the Oktup tribe gradually appeared before our eyes, and the tetrahedral battleships that followed had powerful technological weapons, but they did not exert their original power and were directly captured.

Nowadays, it is hunted by many civilizations.

Everyone personally participated in this whole process, even the enemy. However, when the enemy was in this situation, he truly felt the sadness of the decline of civilization, and in turn felt an indescribable feeling.

Especially now, when the relationship between the enemy and the Earth Octopus is truly confirmed, the sense of absurdity is even stronger.

"Who would have thought that the terrible enemy who once bred us would already be on our dining table..." Shen Luoyun shook his head, "Our enemy is on our dining table?"

"It's really ridiculous."

Cheng Xiang shook his head after hearing this, "It is indeed ridiculous. Perhaps, whether it is the octopus on our earth or the enemies of the Oktup tribe raised in the core warehouse, they have long been not the real Oktup tribe." Cheng Xiang looked at it. The big screen sighed a little.

In the video on the big screen.

Those octopuses were still swimming, playing and playing carelessly in the water. When they were hungry, they would go to special eating places to get synthetic food. When they were bored, they would lie down and sleep.

If this was not an octopus aquarium in the spherical cabin of the Octopus tribe, no one would doubt it.

Obviously, these octopuses have no idea that they are already under the observation of other intelligent creatures. Especially, this observer is the civilization where they were bred.

The once top civilization, the galactic civilization that once had a glorious past, is now in a state of decline.

"Brother Cheng, tell me, how did they get to this point?" Shen Luoyun asked, "Seriously, seeing such a scene."

"It is conceivable that in such a decline, the high-level officials of the Oktup civilization would feel desperate as they watched their own civilization gradually degrade from a highly developed intelligent civilization to an era of ignorance." Shen Luoyun Shaking his head, it was unimaginable, just imagining it was terrifying. This scene in the unit should never happen to humans.

"The fact that they are declining is a good thing for us. However, although they are enemies and mortal enemies, this tragic decline is too disturbing. Moreover, especially according to the existing data, It seems that throughout the Third Spiral Arm, there are many ancient civilizations that have declined like the Oktup tribe."

"A considerable part of it has long been completely lost in the long river of history."

"One may be an exception, but when there are so many, it is very abnormal."

"Moreover, there is this third spiral arm human alliance that is still a lot of mystery." Shen Luoyun was a little worried.

Cheng Xiang patted Shen Luoyun on the shoulder, "The issue of the decline of ancient civilization is indeed a very serious issue."

"This question is also one of the top ten unsolved mysteries that the Moorish civilization once puzzled about."

"The appearance of one may be an accident, and the appearance of two may be accidental. However, if a large number of them appear, then there must be a reason that we are not aware of."

"However, this problem is still too far away from us after all."

"When your butt is there, just think about what kind of problems, why ancient civilizations declined. For us at this time, it is like whether the universe will collapse one day. Even if we know the reasons, we are unable to solve this problem. .”

"It will do us no good to be immersed in it. We just need to remember. What we need now is continuous accumulation, hard work and progress."

"If by chance there comes a day when we really encounter this problem, every moment of our efforts now will bring more opportunities to our country and our civilization to fight hard." Cheng Xiang sighed with emotion. A sound.

Shen Luoyun nodded vigorously.

Time passes quickly.

The second and third floors in the spherical cabin have finally been surveyed and mapped.

"The full-space 3D modeling of the spherical cabin is completed."

"No enemy found..."

"No intelligent life that can communicate has been found..."

"Threat monitoring is in a stable state and no threats have been found yet."

"Start model analysis..."

No intelligent life has been discovered. Such a discovery is indeed a bit strange.

However, no one doubts such a result. Having captured so many carbon-based life forms, and has also seen silicon-based intelligent life forms, the technology for using spirit seeds to determine the level of intelligence is already quite mature.

If there is no discovery, then it can almost be concluded that there is none.

"How come there isn't?"

"Such a big battleship adopts smart mode? It doesn't make sense..."

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