My biological black technology

Chapter 532 The value of human existence (please subscribe)

"I also want to see if there is a civilization that can truly step out of this cruel filter of the starry sky..."

"Star filter?" Xiao Ao thought thoughtfully.

"It's the star filter."

"According to your Chinese language translation, it should be called like this." The watchman's mood has returned to calm at this time, and the amplitude of the vibration of his voice is steady.

"According to what you Chinese people call it, in other words, you should be more familiar with the theory of cognitive circles."

"The inside of the circle represents the individual's understanding of the world."

"The endless area outside the circle represents the endless unknown world."

"In order for an individual to grow, he must continue to expand his or her cognitive radius."

"However, to expand the cognitive radius, it is easy to see that for every increase in cognitive radius per unit length, the required cognitive circle perimeter will continue to increase significantly."

"Reflected in the real world, it is a single intelligent biological individual. The richer his knowledge of the world, the more difficult it will be for him to continue to expand his knowledge."

"This difficulty is not only the subjective aspect of life, for example, continuous persistence in learning, learning methods, understanding, and application."

"It also includes the difficulty of understanding the knowledge itself, and more objectively, it even includes personal energy, physical condition, and even life length."

"An intelligent individual cannot learn every second of his life. Likewise, even if he spends his entire life learning, he cannot learn all about this starry sky and this universe."

"Manpower is limited."

"And the basic unit of a civilization is the human being."

"Manpower is finite, so civilization is also finite."

"People need to overcome their own laziness, overcome the aging of the body, overcome the troubles caused by learning, and overcome the difficulty of learning itself to continue learning."

"The same goes for civilization, and so does civilization. It is necessary to optimize the internal structure, create an atmosphere that continues to maintain a strong learning environment, and cultivate the seeds of talents in all aspects."

"Facing one difficulty after another and overcoming one problem after another."

"A large number of civilizations were eliminated in this process."

“The more civilization develops, the more problems it will have.”

"Problems always develop with development."

"On that day, your ability to solve problems cannot keep up with the speed of problem development, and civilization will stagnate, regress, or die. This is the starry sky filter."

"This starry sky has become unsuitable for our continued survival. Countless glorious ancient civilizations are buried in this starry sky."

"Although we can't find the reason, although we can't solve it, from another perspective, from the perspective of the starry sky filter, those splendid ancient civilizations cannot survive because they still have no understanding of the universe and the starry sky. not enough."

"And we are still not enough." At this point, the watchman seemed to have given up even the last of his fatigue. He was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked again a topic that Xiao Ao attached great importance to.

"Do you know why our Oktup civilization wants to breed you humans?" The watcher asked the question straightforwardly.

This feeling is as if one day the pigs and sheep gained wisdom, and humans asked this question in front of the pigs and sheep.

"Why?" This question is harsh, but if the other party takes it out alone, it must have some meaning. The underlying logic of Xiao Ao's existence is to let the other party talk more, "Spirit Son?"

"That's just part of it. It's not the key."

The Watcher sighed.

"Our Oktup civilization is also a famous existence in the Galactic Center. Over the long years, we have accumulated countless high-purity spiritual sons. Even if it declines, flees, and is forced to give up the rich area of ​​the Galactic Center, it still remains. With enough spiritual energy."

"There are so many solidified souls that our civilization won't be able to use them up even if they completely disappear."

The watchman's answer once again allowed Xiao Ao to come up with a new logic. This logical link had been prepared for a long time. After the other party's previous statement denied the decline of civilization caused by the hypothesis of poisonous spirits, Xiao Ao was not convinced that the Oktupu civilization was truly based on Preparations have been made for breeding purposes.


"For observation, of course."

"The entire third spiral arm is our testing ground in exchange for profits."

"To try to solve our problems!"

replied the Watcher.

The answer is often thousands of miles away from guessing.

Who can imagine that a civilization can use a cantilevered place as a place for experiments, and the purpose of this experiment is to solve its own shortcomings.

The statement is very simple, but it is deeply shocking.

A cantilever becomes the proving ground for an experiment.

What a vast and majestic project this is.

As for such a great project, imagine that only the peak civilization at the center of the Milky Way could do it.

"So, most of the entire third cantilever is the human race, and it was also your handiwork?" Xiao Ao asked a question of his own, which was also a question that has troubled the Moorish civilization for countless years.

There are simply too many humans in the Third Spiral Arm, and there are also an incredible number of types.

There are carbon-based ones, silicon-based ones, and even from interstellar diplomacy, we know that the third spiral arm even has sulfur groups and amino groups. The basic structures of humans are different, but the expression of traits is almost the same. , are all human-like in shape. Such anomalies cannot be explained at all with China's current knowledge base.

It’s no wonder that such a problem is recognized by a large number of human civilizations as an unsolved mystery of the third spiral arm.

Nowadays, when facing such an old antique, it is natural to ask such questions.

In the third spiral arm, no one is more qualified than him.

An antique that has survived for 400,000 years.

However, the answer he got was once again beyond Xiao Ao's prediction.

"The emergence of human beings is our handiwork?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, the watchman laughed wildly, uncontrollably, ridiculous, and ridiculous. It wasn't until he was tired of laughing and it hurt that he stopped.

"If your appearance is our work, and we are your creators, then what value do you have for us to study?" With these words, the Watcher indirectly gave the answer.

"Not you?"

"Of course not us."

"Your creator made a good analogy."

"The seawater has its ebb and flow, and the seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter."

"The wave of our Octopus civilization has declined, but your human wave has just begun."

"Don't think that humans only appear on the third spiral arm. Human beings are appearing on the galactic disk and even within the galactic center at an accelerating rate."

"It's just that inside the Silver Plate, the human beings who appeared could not develop at all and were extinguished."

"Only in a desolate place like Cantilever are you allowed to set foot here."

"It is also because you have such value that you are allowed to survive in this place. Because the greatest value of your existence is to explore a way for the advanced civilization in the galaxy to cross the death barrier of civilization."

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