My biological black technology

Chapter 578: Counterattack (please subscribe)

The first time they came to the conclusion, the two people looked at each other and subconsciously froze for a moment, and then they were shocked.

What task is the scariest on the battlefield, and none is more terrifying than taking on the task of being a decoy.

In the home star era, small-scale wars, the price of taking the bait may be the death of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people, and in this vast interstellar era, especially such a battle that determines the future destiny of the cantilever .

Serving as a bait on such a battlefield is probably one of the most terrifying battlefields in the history of Cantilever.

Life will be harvested in pieces.

Because what they are about to face will be the most powerful enemy in history.

Moreover, no matter whether the decoy plan succeeds or fails, needless to say, the fate of those who act as decoys has long been settled. If it succeeds, they will be the most direct target of the desperate enemy and the final battle between the trapped beasts. For those affected, the outcome is not much better.


deep silence...

"Could we have guessed wrong..." After calming down for a while, Zhou Bo couldn't believe his guess because it was too scary.

On this front at this moment, it is not just China, whose strength here is negligible, but more importantly, the huge fleets of those fourth-level civilizations.

"Using such a force, such a huge force as bait, is expensive." Zhou Bo found a reason to refute his guess.

Fang Shaowu took a deep breath after hearing this, and then shook his head vigorously, "Old Zhou, in fact, in your heart, you are already leaning towards the conclusion that this is a bait."

"What's the best way to convince the enemy that this is not a bait?" Fang Shaowu asked rhetorically.

"That is to prevent our own people from thinking that we are bait..."

"This is tactical deception... this is a trick..." Zhou Bo understood.

"That's right, even if we pay the price that makes us feel sore, the people below us will not believe that we will be the bait. Then, the enemies will naturally not believe it even more."

"Only when you have deceived your own people can you deceive the other party and fight a real war of annihilation."

"From ancient times to the present, from the era of cold weapons to the era of hot weapons and then to the era of interstellar warfare, the form of war has changed, but the essence of war has never changed."

"As a commander for decades, I am more and more certain that our suspicion is a fact."

Fang Shaowu was extremely sure as he spoke.

And Zhou Bo has been completely convinced, "If this is really the case, then the situation we face will be troublesome."

"You absolutely cannot retreat." Zhou Bo analyzed, "There are battlefield disciplines on the battlefield."

"However, if we do not retreat, we may suffer heavy losses on such a battlefield..."

Zhou Bo's face was full of worry, "Should we report our guesses to Commander Han in Caredi?"

"Report to Commander Han?" Fang Shaowu was a little moved when he heard this opinion, but immediately rejected the proposal, "It's inappropriate."

"As things stand right now, it looks like our relationship with Caredi is in a honeymoon relationship."

"However, compared to their internal situation, it is still a layer apart."

"In addition, we can make two assumptions first."

"Assuming that Commander Han knew about the bait, then why he didn't tell us but kept us here, then his intentions can be imagined. If we report it, let alone the consequences."

"Assuming that Commander Han didn't know about the bait, then the problem would be even more serious. Since Commander Han, the highest officer in charge of the reserves, wouldn't know about it, wouldn't this confidentiality measure be a bit too much?"

"Old Zhou, although we are currently participating in a decisive war against the galactic civilization, we must not forget things other than military matters. In the process of such a war, internal struggles may also be everywhere. .”

"Perhaps our Commander-in-Chief Han has become such a political victim without knowing it?"

"This kind of internal fighting, at this time, it is even more unsuitable for us to get involved."

Fang Shaowu directly explained the key point in a few short words.

Zhou Bo gritted his teeth after hearing this, "In that case, it's not appropriate to notify them."

"Yes, let's not say that this is just our speculation now. Even at this time, we have conclusive evidence that we are part of the decoy plan, and we cannot tell it."

"If we spread the news, it will shake the morale of the military!"

"If we retreat without authorization, we are running away from the battlefield."

"Because even if this matter is later made public, from the perspective of the morality of the entire Cantilever human race, the person who made the plan is still the right party. Even if we decoys die, even if the truth is made public in the end."

"However, as long as you win, sacrifice a small part to win the entire battle. Compared with the overall situation, that is correct."

"And if you fail, you probably won't have to judge what's right or wrong, because at that time, no one will have the time to judge this or that."

Zhou Bo knew what Fang Shaowu meant.

Once they fail in this war, the only consequence will be cleansing.

They have all been purged, where is the chance to judge?

Where to comment, where to judge?

The underworld?

It depends on whether the King of Hell gives him a chance.

"To be honest, if this plan can really succeed, then if I were in the position of commander, it would be appropriate to make such a plan if necessary."

"And to be able to come up with such a plan is also very courageous."

"At least these guys who are being used as bait also need the civilized decision-making behind them. This price is not light at all."

Fang Shaowu was very calm at this time.

"This..." Zhou Bo could also understand what Fang Shaowu said. The situation was very unsolvable. The problem was not the problem of this plan, but that the place where they, Huaxia, stood at this time, was the position of the victim.

This is a bit painful.

Their original intention of coming to this battle was to learn, to observe, and to gain experience.

This was great, almost all at once we reached the most intense place on the entire battlefield.

"Lao Fang, what should we do?"

"Notify Chai Chengzhi immediately and prepare to convene an enlarged meeting of all combat staff."

"In the current situation, we are already in the middle of the situation. We can't escape, but we can't sit still and wait for death!"

"Okay!" Zhou Bo immediately made arrangements.

Soon, an emergency meeting was held immediately.

The meeting made a statement on the current situation and mainly on the possible decoy plan. For a moment, everyone was shocked.

I really wanted to come here and shoot some secretly, so as to gain some experience.

Who knew that this time, he would be standing directly in the wolf's den, and he would be greeted by the most direct fight.

A bit caught off guard.

However, under such a grand strategy, the development of things does not depend on human will.

Regardless of whether Fang Shaowu and Zhou Bo's conjectures are true, as combat staff and as a forward combat laboratory, they have the responsibility to design a more targeted combat plan for this possible event.

At the same time, it must be done as soon as possible.

Because time is already very tight.

Moreover, it is not enough to have a plan. Combat units at all levels also need to be familiar with the plan and able to cooperate properly.

They are not one battleship, but an expedition formation composed of twelve battleships.

Therefore, time is even more urgent.

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up for model review of this information!"

"Quick! The results must be available within three minutes..."

The entire fleet staff department is now fully staffed and working continuously. Other departments of the fleet have also started appropriate training exercises as the staff department plans are gradually updated and iterated.

The entire fleet was mobilized.

Fang Shaowu, Zhou Bo, and Chai Chengzhi were in charge of the overall situation. At this time, they had just returned from a tour of the main departments of the fleet. After these days, they were already quite tired.

After sitting down, he immediately started a small meeting without taking a rest.

"Three days have passed. One-fifth of the half month that Commander Han said earlier has passed." Fang Shaowu said first.

"Yes, and more importantly, we don't know the authenticity of this time. Should we put a question mark on it?" Zhou Bo added.

If the decoy plan is just their conjecture, then the time is probably true, but if the decoy plan is true, then the authenticity of this time is open to question.

"We have no way to verify it at this time, and we don't have time to verify it, so let's put it aside for now." Fang Shaowu said, turning to another question, "Where is the information department? Is there any new discovery?"

The person in charge of the inspection of the information department was Zhou Bo. Zhou Bo shook his head and said, "There are no new discoveries. It's just that after all signals were silenced, the starry sky was very quiet."

"Moreover, under the influence of the neutralization force field in their respective regions, the gravitational wave signals have also been shielded."

"It can be said that the current reserve front seems vast and endless, but on a cosmic scale, it is just like that, and under such signal concealment, it is equivalent to a ghost. The concealment measures are in place."

"Old Fang, how can you ensure that this place becomes a bait when it is so well hidden?"

"One space jump can span dozens or even hundreds of light years, and it will pass by without paying attention. Compared with the scale of the entire cantilever, although the scale of the battleships assembled here is huge, it is still very difficult for the other party to find it directly. Difficult." Zhou Bo asked.

Fang Shaowu smiled and turned to look at Chai Chengzhi, "Chengzhi, tell me, I know you know it."

Chai Chengzhi was not polite after being called such a name by Fang Shaowu. He looked at Zhou Bo and said, "Mr. Zhou, there is still a way to do this."

"In terms of direct tactics, it may be difficult to find such a team in the sky."

"However, other methods are still possible." Chai Chengzhi thought for a while and said.

"Besides tactics, what other methods are there?" Zhou Bo looked at Chai Chengzhi and suddenly thought deeply, "You said you should take the initiative to reveal it?"

Seeing Zhou Bo's reaction, Chai Chengzhi nodded immediately, "It was revealed voluntarily, but from the specific implementation point of view, it should be a countermeasure!"

"Reverse time?"

Chai Chengzhi nodded, "From the information we have obtained, it is not difficult to know that the relationship between the senior leaders of the Cantilever Human Alliance and the Galaxy is complicated."

"They are both hostile and have an exchange of interests."

"For various reasons, both sides are acquiescing to this exchange."

"Think about it, since we can open up the relationship between civilizations on the edge of the galactic center through interests."

"Then, who can be sure that our human alliance is truly an iron weight with one heart? Will the Galactic Center Civilization bribe one or two of us?"

"In the face of life and death, has any civilization made any private agreement with the civilization that is about to come to Cantilever for its own selfishness?"

"We can't be sure about this, but we absolutely cannot rule out this possibility. Mr. Zhou, you think so." Chai Chengzhi said seriously.

Zhou Bo nodded after hearing this, "It really cannot be ruled out."

"Similarly, could there be someone who deliberately undercovers the other party?"

"This cannot be excluded."

"Perhaps there is another possibility." Chai Chengzhi continued.

"Go on, don't squeeze out the toothpaste." Zhou Bo scolded with a smile.

"For example, the senior leaders of the Cantilever Human Alliance knew that there were traitors, but they did not clean them up immediately, but instead used them to pass the news back?"

"I can't say it. The traitors received news that this is the main interception force. In fact, their main force is indeed here, and it is so large."

"In this way, if their information comes out through channels and their credibility will be more credible, it should be easier for the enemy to rest assured."

Chai Chengzhi analyzed it bit by bit.

At this time, Zhou Bo had completely understood.

"The situation is getting more and more complicated, but the headquarters' judgment is still very accurate."

"In this war that will determine the future pattern of the Cantilever for hundreds of thousands of years, the internal competition is not only against the advanced civilizations from the galactic center, but also the competition among the civilizations within the Cantilever."

"Compared to 400,000 years ago, the power of the cantilever has been greatly enhanced. It can be seen from the partial strength displayed here."

"Yes, this war is getting more and more complicated." Fang Shaowu was a little worried, "But no matter what, taking the lead in defeating the threat of galactic civilization should be the first step."

"After the foreign enemies are eliminated, it will be a bit difficult to say." Fang Shaowu was also a little worried.

The more information you have, the more complex the situation will be.

As a front-line commander, the most important thing to do now is to lead the team to survive in the current situation. Only by surviving can we have the opportunity to pass back the battlefield intelligence and analysis of the future situation we have obtained.

Living and living well is the first challenge they face.

Time never stands still.

Through fierce battles day and night, with the concerted efforts of the entire command and combat personnel, this emergency response plan for emergencies can be considered a real preliminary, and drills at all levels can be considered initially in place.

Just at this time.

The alarm sounded.

A large number of signal characteristics of space jumps appeared on the perception radar...

There is a target, passing through this space...

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