My biological black technology

Chapter 588 Action (please subscribe)

The meeting is still going on. The content decided in this meeting is too critical. If we want to really get the exact result, it obviously cannot be decided in a short time.

What's more, the current situation has not yet reached the most urgent moment. Although it is imminent and the Milky Way Master will come soon, this emergency is also time relative to the scale of the universe, and relative to the entire universe. , even if the earth lasts for several days, it is only a short moment.

No matter how ordinary a space jump is, it may only take a few seconds or even ten seconds to pass through it. However, after a jump, several days or even ten days may have passed on the earth under the earth's time and space.

Therefore, the meeting can hold relatively sufficient discussions.

At the same time, although the most elite talents in China were gathering to discuss this important decision, the implementation of the Tinder Plan was launched immediately.

Chinese Star Territory.

Every entrance and exit of the interstellar highway was directly taken over by the supercomputer. The entrance and exit were completely blocked, and other ships were prohibited from entering.

Other flights that were originally operating normally began to be delayed on a large scale.

In the starry sky, there is already a long queue of ships waiting to enter the fixed high-speed jump channel.

"Old Hei, something big happened today. This is the first time that the traffic has been blocked for such a long time." As a level three bronze technician, Lao He's job in the past two years has been to go to the Chinese Star Territory. Margin conducted on-the-spot investigations. As a Chinese born before the interstellar era of China, he witnessed the entire process of China's rise in the interstellar era.

Regardless of the Bronze Level 3 technicians, they may not seem to be of a high level, but before the interstellar era, this was the level of professors at a top university, and they were professors at the subject leader level.

Moreover, even now, Bronze Level 3 technicians are the mainstream level in today's Chinese scientific research society. If you achieve this level of academic research, you can basically lead a small team to go out for inspection alone.

The Lao Hei he mentioned was, like Lao He, a third-level bronze researcher. However, compared to Lao He, Lao Hei had not gone very far in research at the third level of bronze. Therefore, Lao Hei is the deputy team leader and Lao He is the main team leader.

"It seems so. Looking at the earlier news, traffic control started three standard galactic times ago. Other information can no longer be found."

"However, such a long-term space blockade is definitely not a good thing." Lao Hei looked a little melancholy. "I think our attempt to complete this phase of our research work on time may be in vain."

"Yes, taking the low-speed jump area is too slow and takes too long on the road. It is not cost-effective. Let's wait. If the two galactic standards are the same, if it still doesn't work, we will go back and rearrange the plan."

"That's all. It's not a mission that must be done urgently. There is no need to spend so much time on the time difference between space jumps."

"However, I still hope nothing big happens."

"Hopefully." Lao Hei said hopefully.

The sudden road closure immediately caused a stir on the Star Network. What we really know will not be revealed, but what we don’t know is just various speculations. Anyway, everyone is talking about it, and it is not too big a deal.

However, in the eyes of ordinary Chinese citizens, such a big movement in China is just fun, but for the civilizations living near the Chinese star field, it is terrifying.

For them, Chinese civilization is now the sky of their star region.

If the sky stamps its feet, they will be shaken for a long time.

Because of the huge gap in science and technology, what they can do is cooperate with China in some normal scientific research cooperation, such as civilization evolution, system deduction, etc.

In the natural sciences, they can't keep up with the development of China.

However, there is much that can be explored in the development of civilization’s soft power, especially in terms of internal management and resource allocation of civilization.

Supercomputing can perform ultra-large-scale simulation calculations based on models, but the simulation results are ultimately simulations. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to introduce a real environment to verify the derived model.

China has a history of five thousand years, which is considered a long civilization in the era of the mother planet, but for an interstellar civilization, this is too shallow.

Natural science and technology is developing too fast, and the internal organizational structure of civilization is far unable to keep up with this abnormal evolution speed. Therefore, we can only continue to draw nutrients from the outside world, through supercomputing and excellent models, and continuous iterations to catch up with the evolution of civilization. The evolution of internal soft power in the process.

At the edge of the Chinese Star Territory, the Schroeder Galaxy.

This is an ordinary late-stage second-level civilization. The level of civilization is just enough to move freely throughout the entire planetary system. However, there are only five larger planets in this galaxy.

The Schroeder Galaxy was named by China after the Schroeder civilization living here.

This is also one of the advanced laboratories where China conducts civilization experiments.

They provide a practical place for civilization evolution experiments, and in exchange, China provides some necessary materials and resources for their technological development.

For them, those precious materials may be out of reach, but for China, they have broken through the unified theory of mechanics. As long as there is energy, they can be manufactured continuously.

It can be said that both parties have their own needs.

At the outermost edge of civilization, Planet No. 6, which should not exist in the first place, is China's scientific research vessel.

The interstellar high-speed jump channel is closed, but the star network is still open.

Laboratory Senior Office.

The door opened, and the young man with short hair hurriedly opened the door.

"Director Wang, I just received the news that the Interstellar Traffic Management Bureau has responded to the letter. It is currently a temporary control, and they have received orders to implement it. They are not very clear about the specific events, but the time of this temporary control has finally been clarified. "

"How long?" Manager Wang said he was a supervisor, but he looked younger than the young man who came in. In today's society, it is impossible to tell age based on appearance.

However, there is a new standard. In short, if you see a person who is exceptionally young, then it is very likely that this person is either physically developing or has gone very far in the research field, because only in this way can the potential of genes be released to a greater extent. Only by being high can you go further on the road to the evolution of the essence of life. No matter which one, you are the elite of China.

Manager Wang can be the chief experimenter in charge of a galaxy. It is conceivable that his research ability is not shallow at all.

"Three Galactic Standard Days."

"So long?"

"It's just so long..."

"What about three days later?"

"The lockdown may be lifted, but it may also continue..."

"So, some experiments must be postponed." Director Wang sat down and sighed silently, "Xiao Zhang, how many experimental projects are being carried out in our civilization during the same period that may need to be postponed?"

"About two thousand five hundred and twenty-two..."

"Two thousand five hundred and twenty-two general extensions..."

"I see..." Manager Wang muttered silently. Although the Traffic Management Bureau did not give the clearest answer, such an answer was enough for Manager Wang to smell something unusual in this matter.

Every step forward of civilization is full of hardships.

The peace and stability that ordinary people see are based on the silent efforts of countless people.

Throughout the Chinese Star Territory, China's interstellar fleets accumulated everywhere, as soon as they received the order, had already entered the interstellar high-speed jump channel and quickly headed towards the target location.

The entire interstellar high-speed jump channel is already at full capacity at this time, and all those passing through are large planet-level battleships, which are suitable for carrying people. Nothing is more suitable for loading people than planet-level battleships.

Moreover, in the past ten years, for this possible fire plan, China has specially observed and collected the basic information of these civilizations. In China's genetic database, a fairly broad-spectrum human biological gene bank has been stored.

The concept of human beings has never been so broad in the history of China.

And so many research samples also promote the rapid development of China's human biotechnology. Likewise, for the implementation of the Fire Plan, plans for transforming the target living environment have been prepared.

China's Eastern Star Territory.

Leaving here is beyond China. What exists in the void here is the east gate of the Chinese Star Territory. Around this gate, the Chinese Eastern Legion is stationed at all times.

At this time, a steady stream of star battleships appeared at the space jump channel at the east gate, and then quickly left the place, went to the designated jump point, and jumped towards the destination.

Planets larger than the earth are emerging like glass beads.

"The target Mota civilization requires 13 standard jumps. Everyone is ready!"

"The life support system is ready!"

"The energy system is ready!"

"The jump engine is ready!"

"Start jumping!"

"The jump program has been detected and can be jumped. Execute it!"


The huge energy power increased rapidly, and the radiation intensity of the entire battleship in the void could not be suppressed. It shone uncontrollably, with tyrannical fluctuations, and the gravity was violently torn. The next moment, the space channel was opened, and the battleship in the warp bubble suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, this star field is like a special jumping point. Looking at the past statistics, there are almost dozens of warships jumping towards the distant starry sky at every moment.

In the vast starry sky, if there is a large-scale detector, it can be found that at this time, a large number of planet-level battleships swarm out from the Chinese Star Territory.

Other civilizations in the Chinese Star Territory were unable to feel the powerful space fluctuations due to the closed nature of the space jump channel technology. However, it was different outside the Chinese Star Territory, especially the civilizations close to the Chinese Space Jump Point. Although they had not yet been able to After entering the fourth level, their research on space technology is equally profound, especially those civilizations that have been immersed in the third level civilization for a long time. After many years, they feel the crazy jump again.

Just seeing those signals made everyone feel frightened.

"This...what exactly happened..."

"So many battleships..."

"Something must have happened. Is China's fleet in full force?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it must not be very good..."

"With such a large number of warships jumping, something must have happened at the end of the cantilever. Our warships cannot quickly cross the starry sky, so we must send envoys to the Chinese Star Territory quickly to meet the master of the Chinese Star Territory."

"Yes, we must go. The master of the Chinese Star Territory is a relatively easy-to-communicate civilization among the fourth-level civilizations. As long as we understand the rules, they usually won't embarrass us and make arrangements as soon as possible. I feel very uneasy."


No one in the civilization that has survived and developed to this day is a fool.

On this day, many civilizations on the outskirts of the Chinese Star Territory felt the crazy jumping signal. Seeing the signals flying away, each one was stimulated to death.

For them, China is equivalent to the sky in their star region.

If something goes wrong in the sky of China, then, for them, it would be equivalent to the sky falling, so how could they not panic.

After dozens of space jumps, warships have arrived near the target civilization of the Fire Project.

Battleship command hall.

"Commander, Commander, after confirmation, our warship has arrived at the target location. It has arrived at the target location. It is currently located in the Mota galaxy..."

"Very good, send the communication digital token! And the plan digital token, activate the Tinder Plan!"

"Understood, start sending, prepare to activate!"

Level 3 civilizations, especially potential level 3 civilizations, will be included as key inspection targets by Cantilever. At the same time, once they are included in this scope, they will have some authority to learn some of Cantilever's secrets.

At the same time, these civilizations are also eligible to be included in the Tinder Plan.

After annihilating the Oktup civilization, Commander Keridihan invited Fang Shaowu. This was what he meant.

However, time flies, and in just a few decades, China has transformed from a target to be investigated to the maker and enforcer of rules.

Mota Civilization is a potential civilization that has been prioritized in the priority evacuation sequence.

"Mota Civilization, 13,000 standard galactic years, from the birth of the civilization to the entry into the top three-level civilization..." Battleship Commander Li Yishou looked at the information on the big screen.

This mission came very suddenly. Along the way, besides rushing, what they needed to get familiar with most was the civilized objects currently included in the execution plan.

"Only when systematic writing and other thinking carriers exist can it be called a civilization. It takes 13,000 standard galactic years to reach the top of the third level. This can be listed as the most potential." Li Yishou sighed, but accepted this result.

The more exposed he is to a wide range of interstellar information, the more Li Yishou can feel the rapid and difficult development of China.

China has lasted for five thousand years, which is less than two thousand years when converted into standard galactic time. Two thousand years is so short, especially when the information age of the home star enters the interstellar age. The changes during this period are really too fast.

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