My biological black technology

Chapter 596 Commander Han’s exclamation

Zhao Ronghao continued: "At the same time, what I want to report next is that our fire retreat plan, the fire plan in the outermost part of the Chinese Star Territory has been ended."

"As for the evacuation of the inner perimeter, because of its large scale, it will be completed within the next forty Earth days. If we act quickly, it can be shortened by three to five Earth days."

"Thankfully, there is chaos in the cantilever now, and there is not much power to conduct careful investigation of the occasional spatial fluctuations in the starry sky."

"Taking this opportunity, the second phase of our Orion plan is being implemented intensively, and the progress is currently going smoothly."

"According to statistical information and predictions, the second phase of the Orion plan is more than halfway through."

"And as time goes by, as the plan becomes more complete and the number of biological stars increases, the plan execution progress will become faster and faster."

"It can be said that as long as we buy more time, the situation will become more and more favorable to us."

"However, it must be mentioned that on the other hand, as the enemy's power expands, the execution of the plan deepens, and the size becomes huge, the risk of exposure of our plan will also become greater and greater."

"So we urgently need to attract the enemy's attention."

"Contain them!"

"The later the plan is exposed, the better it is for us."

The regular meeting progressed very quickly. After the latest progress in all aspects was reported, the meeting ended. The responsible persons returned to their respective posts one after another.

Cheng Xiang and Wen Ziqiang happened to be on the way. The main mode of transportation inside the star-class battleship is no longer the vacuum electromagnetic orbit. Compared with the huge size of the star, the speed of the vacuum electromagnetic orbit is far unable to meet the transportation requirements.

Inside the stellar battleship, many nodes were divided at the beginning of the planning. Each node is an internal jumping point, and the vacuum electromagnetic orbit is around the jumping point.

Inside the entire sun, a three-dimensional transportation network is formed with space jumping as the core and vacuum electromagnetic orbits as assistance.

Cheng Xiang and Wen Ziqiang quickly went to the transportation station of the jumping node through the horizontal escalator.

"Chief Cheng, I have sent the latest version of the correction plan to your Zhinao mailbox. I hope you will take the time to reply as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Director Wen. Now that we are facing a formidable enemy, it is most important to improve the combat plan to the greatest extent. I will give some modifications to the new plan as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I won't bother you any more."

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, now every minute is very precious.

Cheng Xiang hasn't closed his eyes for many days, and he can't remember the last time he slept.

The final result of the enlarged meeting ahead is a fight, a fight in an upright manner.

Only after a fight can you see the gap, and only after a fight can you truly know whether there is a chance of victory.

And now, let's fight for this head-on.

Every part of China, up and down, is working hard.

Run away? That doesn't exist.

Operations Center.

Fang Shaowu's body has already recovered. However, the mental damage caused by overload jumping is not so easy to recover, which requires a long period of recovery.

However, in interstellar operations, no one could match Fang Shaowu in terms of experience or qualifications. Therefore, at this time, he had been appointed by the Supreme Command Center as the commander-in-chief of this operation. He was also assisted by his old partner, Zhou Bo.

"Old Zhou, our net has been cast out, but we just don't know how many fish we can catch."

"Haha, Lao Fang, I don't know how many fish I caught, but the good swimmer will be drowned and the big fish can't escape."

"According to our calculations, our current space broadcast should have already been delivered to our enemies and our allies."

"Our allies will worry about our life and death, and our enemies will be eager to drag us down."

"In the last war, we fought too hard."

"But in this game, we, China, will be the protagonists!" Fang Shaowu said seriously.

"That's right." Zhou Bo agreed, and at the same time he squeezed his somewhat inflexible fist.

In the last battle, they could only do their best on the edge of the battlefield. However, in such a large-scale battle, with their extremely limited strength at the time, the effect they could play was very limited.

Even though they cooperated with the high-level alliance's bait plan, they ultimately fell short.

But things are different now.

This time, the home field is in the Chinese Star Territory, which is China’s territory.

In this place, if you don't even fight a fight and run away before you see the enemy, that is not the Chinese style. Moreover, at this time, China is not without the ability to fight desperately.

However, this fight does not guarantee victory.

However, when it comes to blood, China has never been short of it.

The wheel of time keeps turning.

Externally, China is still evacuating surrounding civilizations. At the same time, internally, it is busy preparing for war.

Within a few days.

The edge of the Chinese Star Territory.

A huge fleet jumped through space, and this sudden appearance immediately attracted the attention of the Chinese border fleet.

After confirmation through communication, this fleet from afar was the Kairedi fleet led by Commander Han.

At such a critical juncture, Caridi's sudden visit was certainly not an easy matter.

Ever since, the information about the visit of the Kairedi Civilization Fleet was quickly transmitted through the Chinese Star Domain Border Information Station and through hyperspace communications.

At the same time, Commander Han settled the fleet in the border defense camp, took the flagship, and entered the high-speed jump channel specially opened by China.

Tens of seconds later, Commander Han's battleship left the jump channel and arrived at the edge of the solar system. The stars were moving in the blink of an eye, which made Commander Han somewhat overwhelmed.


"The last time we came here was only ten years ago. In just ten years, such a huge change has occurred."

"It's unimaginable." Even though Commander Han had been prepared in his heart, he still felt incredible when he saw the prosperity of the Chinese Star Territory.

You can see the subtle details, and the details are high and low.

"This speed of development, in terms of technology alone, may have surpassed our Kairedi civilization."

"How did they do it?" Commander Han has a bad habit of being reluctant to admit other people's achievements. Especially at this time, the more powerful China becomes, the happier Commander Han feels.

However, the power of China was beyond his imagination.

"Yes, Commander, just the spatial fluctuations just captured in the channel."

"At least no less than a hundred."

"Hundreds of planet-level warships are still being dispatched outside the star field in a steady stream. Our guess has been verified. China's strength has expanded far faster than we expected. We really need to re-evaluate." The adjutant's face showed unprecedented solemnity, and at the same time this solemnity also felt a kind of joy.

Previously, he would have thought that China's behavior of expanding its influence was overestimating its capabilities. Now, he felt that China had the capital. At least, it should have the strength to resist the first wave of galactic civilization's annihilation fleet.

Times have changed, and this time, Caridi's battleship did not head directly to Neptune.

The warship was guided to dock at the VIP airport in the Kuiper Belt and passed through the dedicated space jump station. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the Neptune Station from the Kuiper Belt.

The moment you step out of the space door.

Then listen to the introduction from the receptionist.

Commander Han's head was a little dazed, "Have we arrived at Neptune?"

"That's right. Dear Commander Han, please follow me. Then through the dedicated VIP channel, we can arrive at the Interstellar Diplomatic Residence immediately."

"Your old friend, Commander Fang is already there waiting for your arrival."

Commander Han struggled to put away the shock in his heart, "I didn't expect that in just a dozen years, China would reach this level in space technology."


Through the horizontal escalator, the group quickly arrived at the VIP passage and the space jumping car. As soon as the door was closed, they could not feel any waves at all.

In the blink of an eye, the door of the car that had just been closed opened again. With this opening, the world outside had changed again.

But at this time, Commander Han could no longer care about anything else, because at this time, Fang Shaowu and others were already standing outside the door, greeting him warmly, "Old friends, you are welcome to come."

"Old Fang, long time no see."

After a brief handshake, the two sides walked side by side.

This time, Commander Han did not reject China's enthusiasm and directly tried on the life support system provided by China, feeling the almost imperceptible touch on the skin.

Commander Han couldn't help but admire, "Lao Fang, this skill is awesome."

"To be honest, when we, the silicon-based race, come to visit the carbon-based race as guests, the most unsuitable thing is the ecological environment."

"With this thing, it feels like there is no problem living together."

"This is a good thing."

"It's amazing..."

Commander Han couldn't help but admire it. While admiring it, he couldn't help but caress it carefully. Don't look at the inconspicuous thing, it looks like a life support device.

However, standing at the height of a fourth-level civilization, he saw scenery that other lower-level civilizations could not see.

In the past, when civilizations at all levels had to achieve in-depth exchanges with each other, their inconsistency in ecological needs would be the biggest obstacle.

Some absorb oxygen, some absorb nitrogen, some absorb carbon dioxide, some absorb methane, some need high temperature, and some need low temperature.

There are hundreds of millions of people with almost hundreds of millions of needs.

However, at present, China's life support system gives the human race the prospect of unification.

This is something no one has ever done.

Perhaps at the moment, only a few human races are included in it. If there is a future, Commander Han can imagine the huge power of this thing.

However, the time is different now, and he doesn't have more energy to pay attention to this.

Right now, there are more important tasks.

There will be no dinner in this meeting, and Commander Han does not need to be so polite. Time waits for no one.

The two sides quickly started talks in a special conference room.

On the Kairuidi side, there was a group of people headed by Commander Han, while Huaxia was represented by Fang Shaowu, Zhou Bo, Ruan Tingjin and other representatives.

Both sides quickly entered the topic.

The expression on Commander Han's face also became solemn for the first time.

At this moment in the meeting, the atmosphere became solemn.

"This is the latest battle situation we have." Commander Han motioned to his adjutant, who quickly took out a data projection display and placed it on the table.

The projection immediately turned on, displaying exactly the star map.

This star map is somewhat similar in style to the star map mastered by Huaxia Target. They are marked in red, yellow, and green, and they represent the same meaning.

However, in addition, there are more than a dozen specially marked red arrows on this star map.

This has never happened before.

Without waiting for Fang Shaowu and others to raise questions.

Commander Han immediately began to introduce, "I think everyone has noticed that on this star map, in addition to the friend-or-enemy identification zones marked in the past, there are also fourteen new red arrows."

"This is what I want to focus on this time."

"After the main decisive battle is over, our senior members of the human race will immediately begin the evacuation of the corresponding areas."

"The next thing we found was the identification friend or foe area map we had discovered."

"At that time, we believed that after the enemy eliminated our main force, they immediately began to disperse their actions and began to exterminate the Cantilever human civilization from all directions."

"However, the facts tell us that we were all wrong."

"These fourteen arrows are the latest summary of information we have received."

"After the enemy wiped out our main force, on the surface it seemed that they started to exterminate in all directions, but in fact that was just a cover-up for their actions. Secretly, they directly divided fourteen forces and moved towards the surrounding areas. The super-civilization base camp is heading straight for it.”

At this point, Commander Han fell silent, seemingly leaving time for China to think.

Fang Shaowu and others stared at the fourteen red arrows on the star map with wide eyes.

Heading straight to the base camp, after the decisive battle with the main force, the enemy paralyzed them with false impressions, but secretly, they immediately headed straight for the fourth-level civilization base camp.

The information revealed here can be imagined.

There is only one meaning inside and out. The specific location of the fourth-level civilization coordinates and the highest-level information have been leaked, that is, there must be a traitor in the high-level alliance of the cantilevered humans, and it is also a very high-level traitor.

"You see." Commander Han said with a solemn expression.

"This fully proves that there is a traitor among us, and it is a very high-level traitor."

"That's right." Commander Han nodded deeply, "Now everyone in the alliance is in danger and is in a quarrel. The latest accurate news obtained is that among the fourteen civilizations that Domiret rushed towards, nine were destroyed. Completely annihilated, the remaining five level-4 civilizations were far away from the main battlefield. After the main battlefield changed, they saw the opportunity early, so they were able to escape."

"However, under such an emergency escape, the power that can be preserved is reduced to ten percent."

"lost heavily……"

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