My biological black technology

Chapter 623 Tragic (please subscribe, please vote)

A fierce battle, a fierce battle of blood and fire.

In the distant and ignorant era, at that time, flesh and blood and weapons were used to fight for the right to survive.

Today, in this highly civilized interstellar era, physical fitness has evolved and weapons have turned into interstellar battleships. However, survival is still an eternal problem that needs to be faced and solved.

When you are weak, a county is like a prison.

When you are strong, even if you can travel in the starry sky, you are still a prisoner.

When you are weak, you need to face weak problems to solve survival problems.

When you are strong, you can solve the problem of survival and face tough opponents.

At present, the threat of Domiret is the dilemma and cage that China must break open for its survival and development.

The battle became more and more intense.

Chinese warriors are not afraid of death.

As for Domiret, a civilization that can stand at the pinnacle of galactic civilization, how can it be easy to get along with? Although they are a civilization produced by the wisdom of the parasite group, they are also not afraid of death and dare to die.

They have faced the end of civilization. They need to wipe out all human resistance as soon as possible, and then launch their final experiment to the sky in this vast star field as soon as possible.

The plan originally went very smoothly, but the cantilevered humans who seemed to be reincarnated over and over again, experiencing one civilization-limiting experiment after another, were actually always under the control of their domerets.

However, who would have thought that at this most critical juncture, a Chinese civilization would emerge, and such a troublesome Chinese civilization would emerge.

Nowadays, it is no longer important to investigate the reasons.

The important thing is to wipe out China as soon as possible.

The current battle is the most critical confrontation.

Since Domiret launched his first desperate charge, there has been almost no pause or hesitation. In order to break through the Chinese defense line as soon as possible, in order to eat the intercepting fleet in front of them before the main force of China returns to support, the two sides are in this long void. , using the pinnacle of civilizational wisdom, they launched the most brutal and direct confrontation.

Solar system, orbit of Venus.

The two commanders of Caredi and Miso civilization were completely speechless at this time.

Seeing the fierce competition displayed in the virtual conference hall, the battlefield burning with life and blood, both of them were deeply shocked.

"It's so intense. I didn't expect this battle to be so intense."

"These are obviously stellar-class battleships. If placed on any ordinary fourth-level civilization, they can be used as a decisive strategic weapon. But now, they are being used in such a barbaric way." Old Sun Misuo shook his head repeatedly.

Seeing those majestic, great star-class battleships colliding head-on with each other, violently exploding, and then forming a pile of void meteorites and even countless asteroids, his heart trembled.

"There is no way. At this point in this battle, the trump cards of both sides have basically been revealed. The next battle is no longer controllable by the commander. This is a competition between the combat spirit and will of the frontline combat troops of both sides. Who is competing? The will to fight is more resolute and the fighting is more courageous."

"Both sides are fighting for time." Commander Caridihan said, "China needs to annihilate the remaining enemy forces on the main battlefield as soon as possible, and then return reinforcements as soon as possible, and must rush to the battlefield before more enemy forces are encircled. Only by returning to the rescue can we have a chance to escape from the battlefield."

"As for Domiret, according to the current speed of the fleet that they have encircled, if the confrontation with the intercepting fleet still maintains the previous status quo, then it is entirely possible that the main force of China will immediately annihilate the two main fleets. Send troops back to support, that way, there is a high chance that they can successfully escape the battlefield after supporting the interception fleet before their follow-up troops arrive."

"At that time, let alone annihilating the main force of China, they will have to suffer a big loss. Moreover, after losing the two main fleets, the next battle to encircle and suppress China will reach a point where they cannot judge. That is Extremely disadvantageous.”

"So, there are not many choices left for them. Either, try their best to destroy the interception fleet in front of them and reduce China's effective strength as much as possible, or break through the obstacles of the interception fleet and go to support the main fleet. If successful, then, We can definitely pin China’s main force here, and then we can completely annihilate China’s main force.”

"If such a strategic goal can be achieved, then their goal of annihilating China has basically been completed." Commander Han said with a solemn expression.

"That's right, whether it's China or Domilet, there is no better choice at this time."

"This kind of battle is too scary." Misuo Laosun sighed.

at the same time.

Solar system, inside the stellar battleship, combat command center.

This war has been heating up for quite some time.

The command center was solemn.

"Chief of Staff Chai, continue." Fang Shaowu said.

"Yes!" Chai Chengzhi stood upright and responded.

"According to the latest summary results, after our main force accelerates to annihilate the remaining enemy forces on the main battlefield."

"The enemy understands that the main battlefield cannot hold out until their large forces arrive."

"On the interception battlefield, we engaged in the most intense battleship battle!"

Battleship hand-to-hand combat.

What a brutal offensive this was.

Even though I had witnessed the whole process of the battlefield, I still felt trembling from the bottom of my heart when I heard these words.

Once upon a time, they were still weak and did not have powerful space technology.

At that time, the most mainstream form of combat was hand-to-hand battleship combat.

"When we first entered the third-level civilization, we relied on battleships to fight hand-to-hand, trying to knock the opponent out of warp space and then quickly annihilate it." Wen Ziqiang said with emotion.

"Yes, Director, but even the hand-to-hand combat at that time was far less brutal than the current hand-to-hand combat." Zhao Ronghao took a deep breath as he spoke. Although there were no tears on his face, the corners of his eyes were already wet.

At this moment, he wished he could be on the battlefield, dying together with his comrades and the enemy.

"At this time, at that time, the level three civilization was entering and the level four civilization was at its peak. Of course, the hand-to-hand combat in these two eras could not be the same." Liu Zhengfeng said on the side.

"The stellar battleship is too huge."

"The space-time shield generated by itself is so huge that it cannot resist the impact of the collision of warships of this level."

"Moreover, the space-time shield of the star-class battleship is not designed to protect against such a level of impact. The main target of its defense is the long-range weapons of the star-class battleship, as well as various weapons below the star-level." Liu Zhengfeng shook his head. language.

Wen Ziqiang nodded slowly after listening, "Yes, and the strategic significance of the Stellar-class battleship is not to be used to charge into battles, but to be positioned as a combat platform."

"The star-class battleships of this era, to use an inappropriate analogy, can be compared to the aircraft carriers of the home star era. There is no specific battlefield or specific situation. Who would use their own aircraft carrier to directly ram the enemy's aircraft carrier?" Wen Wen Ziqiang asked.

Zhao Ronghao was silent, then shook his head, no. Looking through the history of human wars on earth, it seems that such examples are rarely seen.

"So, only on this special battlefield, an extremely special battlefield, will both sides fight desperately."

"This is technology and wisdom, courage and bloody struggle." Wen Ziqiang was in awe.

In a trance, the fierce battle star map seemed to see the brilliance of the supreme wisdom of two civilizations. One was fighting fiercely for the sake of breaking the limits of its own civilization, and the other was fighting for the survival of its own civilization.

There is no good or evil.

There is no nobility or despicability.

It’s all for survival, for the inheritance of civilization, nothing more.

Chai Chengzhi continued to talk about the latest battle situation on the rostrum.

"So far, our side has lost thirty-eight stellar-class battleships."

"The number of stellar-class battleships lost by Domiret is ninety-seven."

"The battle losses of Domiret Stellar-class battleships mainly occurred in the two main battlefields. On our side, the number of Stellar-class battleships lost in the main battlefields was only nine, while the number of Stellar-class battleships lost in the interception battlefield has reached 20. Nine ships.”

"And, according to the current situation, the intensity of the interception battlefield will become more intense as the main battlefield comes to an end."

"Based on the current situation, the enemy's plan is very obvious. Even if they cannot break through our interception fleet, they will bite off a large piece of flesh and blood on our interception fleet."

"Even if we die together, we won't hesitate." Chai Chengzhi said quickly.

Everyone in the venue was silent.

"Domiret, you are planning to use your strength to hurt others..." Zhou Bo's voice was a little sad. Domiret's long years of accumulation and sufficient battleships are one thing. What's more important is the talent reserve that can drive such battleships. More abundant.

However, for China, in just a few decades, all the commanders and combat personnel who can step into the stellar-class battleships are the elites of the Chinese elites.

Every time one is lost, it is a huge loss for China, but now, it is a loss of thousands.

The sorrow in my heart cannot be rationalized.

However, on such a battlefield, China has no other choice.

"We have no more options."

"They are all good." Fang Shaowu said word by word, "Moreover, the current situation is much better than what we planned and calculated repeatedly in the past."

"Without the latest scientific and technological achievements of Chief Cheng's team, the price we would have to pay to achieve similar strategic goals would be even higher," Fang Shaowu said.

Zhou Bo also nodded, agreeing with this point of view, "Thanks to Chief Cheng. If we had followed our previous plan, it would be unimaginable now..."

Cheng Xiang listened on the sidelines without refuting or admitting that he had heard too many good things over the years. Although Fang Shaowu and Zhou Bo were just telling the truth, if they were normal, they could just laugh at it, but now, the frontline During the bloody battle, Cheng Xiang was also solemn and had little thoughts.

"These are what our scientific and technological workers should do."

"Soldiers are fighting bloody battles on the front lines. What those of us at the rear can do is to research better weapons for them as much as possible to reduce damage."

"However, the time for China to rise is still too short after all. Compared with these civilizations, which can easily last for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, we still lack too much in all aspects."

As soon as Cheng Xiang said this, everyone secretly lowered their heads. Yes, since China's rise, it has not really been given enough time to rest and fully transform the current scientific and technological achievements into the hard power of civilization.

It seems that the faster and faster development speed is flourishing, but this often means that there are a large number of scientific and technological achievements behind it that have not been consolidated into the foundation of civilization.

Progress is too fast and precipitation is too little.

The lack of time to settle has become a chronic problem in China that needs to be solved urgently.

However, after all, now is not the time to think about these issues.

Especially in such a life-and-death battle.

There is no room for weakness on the battlefield.

"Continue, I want to know how long it will take for the enemies to all reach our preset encirclement." Fang Shaowu continued.

Chai Chengzhi nodded upon hearing this and opened the star map again.

The star map at this time is very different from before.

The red dots on the main battlefield are already very sparse, indicating that it is coming to an end. At the same time, the number of warships confronting each other on the interception battlefield has begun to become sparse, and what is changing faster is the Domiret reinforcement fleet outside the interception battlefield. degree of advancement.

With the main battlefield as the core, the entire star map is framed by two yellow circles.

A big circle and a small circle.

"Based on the opinions provided by Chief Cheng's team and the final results determined by the supercomputing model based on data operations."

"We at least need to activate the weapons after all the enemies have entered the small circle to achieve the maximum and optimal killing effect."

"Start too early and the enemy has not yet entered the small circle, so it is possible for the enemy to escape."

"It is not advisable to start too late. The battlefield is already so fierce. Every time the soldiers persist for a little longer, it means damage to the establishment."

"Now, you can see that the decisive battle location and interception location we chose are all within a small circle. At this time, the enemy's support troops are already very obvious."

"There are a total of eight fleets in the two reinforcement battlefields, plus the two in the main battlefield. In this annihilation battle, the enemy has invested a total of ten important combat forces."

"At this time, there are two interception battlefields, and the last two are outside the small circle. According to the current speed, it is estimated that in about fifteen minutes, they will enter the final ambush circle in fifteen minutes."

Chai Chengzhi looked at the time and said.

"Fifteen minutes, interception battlefield, can we still hold on for fifteen minutes?" Zhou Bo asked.

Chai Chengzhi shook his head, "In five or six minutes at the latest, the enemy's second reinforcement fleet will arrive at these two interception battlefields."

"According to the current battle situation, our main fleet is about to complete the cleanup. In about three minutes, it can return to intercept the battlefield. However, according to the current situation, the enemy's reinforcements are coming faster than we expected."

"The enemy's second and third batch of support forces have almost completed their rendezvous at this time and are likely to arrive at the same time."

"At that time, the window period left for us to retreat will be extremely short. Once we are entangled, the consequences will be disastrous."

Thanks to Guanying for the reward.

Thanks for the support……

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