My biological black technology

Chapter 636 Immortality (please subscribe)

With the transmission of space broadcasts, more and more surviving human civilizations have received this news, whether they are those civilizations that were not selected for the Fire Project or those level four civilizations that still remain at this time.

At this time, they were all crazy happy.

"China wins, China wins!"

"Hahaha, China has won, China has won!"

"Bless China and we must continue to win."

"You must."

At this point, in the darkest moment of humanity, it seemed as if a ray of light suddenly broke through the darkness.

Hope appeared just like that inadvertently.

In the blink of an eye, it was already ten days later.

The battlefield has been cleared, and the countless unmanned warships that have penetrated into the deep space of the universe have spread the news of China's victory even further.

Today is a special day.

At this time, except for the staff who had to stay at their posts, all other people came to the nearest square.

Every square was filled with people.

Cheng Xiang and his family are now among these countless living beings.

It's 8 a.m. Earth time.

The sky above the square, through panoramic transformation, seems to have opened up, revealing the endless starry sky.

It was as if at this moment, they were all standing on the surface of the fiery star and looking out.

Mercury and Venus in the distance are constantly rotating around the sun. The Earth, the mother star of China, seems to have become a small ping pong ball that is almost undetectable.

But at this time, everyone's attention was not on these scenery.

Instead, he silently stared at a new celestial body closest to the orbit of the sun.

A brand new artificial celestial body.

As the sky opened, a familiar newscaster's voice sounded simultaneously.

"Thirty-three years ago, at that time, China was still a civilization on its home planet and had not yet entered the starry sky."

"We used to think that life in the starry sky was very rare, that intelligent civilization was very rare, and that we were very lonely."

"Now that I think about it, it was just a joke."

"We used to yearn for the starry sky very much, full of yearning for the sea of ​​stars. We only thought that the starry sky was full of future and hope, but ignored its danger and cruelty. Now that I think about it, it is hard to avoid feeling funny."

"In that year, we discovered the genetic lock hidden deep in our genes. At the moment of discovery, we were extremely frightened, thinking that it was our enslavement by other intelligent civilizations, and that we were designed beings. "

"Fortunately, we did not completely immerse ourselves in fear, and we did not give up. We are very fortunate that our civilization gave birth to a great leader - Cheng Xiang."

"I am also very fortunate that we have countless scientific researchers who risk their lives to carry out scientific research. I am very fortunate that we have countless soldiers in the army who are not afraid of sacrifice and fight bravely. We are even more fortunate that all of us in China are united as one. In this way, we are all the way Fighting against thorns and thorns.”

"Conquer the Moon Fortress and defeat Oktup."

"Our Chinese civilization has gradually grown from an insignificant civilization on the home planet to an advanced civilization spanning hundreds of light years."

"Along the way, we have also re-examined the starry sky."

"We used to think that it was other intelligent civilizations that kept us in captivity and harvested souls in a steady stream."

"But we all know now that that's not the real truth."

"Now, we have clearly understood that not only we in China, but our entire cantilevered human race, are just experimental materials selected by the Galactic Center Civilization in order to break the limits of civilization."

"The genetic lock originally set on us was just an experiment among their countless branches of experimental projects."

"And our enemy has also changed from Octup, who once came to an end, to the current master of the galaxy, a civilization that has dominated the galaxy for countless thousands of years...Domiret."

"But even against such a tough opponent."

"Even as soon as the Great War began, our entire cantilever of human power suffered a devastating blow."

"Even if we find out later, we cantilevered humans have always been under the control of the Milky Way Master."

"We still don't despair, we still don't give up."

"Because, we in China, from beginning to end, have such a group of lovely people."

"It is precisely because of the existence of countless of them that we have continued to win despite the ups and downs along the way."

"And in order to win along the way, we have to say goodbye to these most lovely people again and again."

"They fell on this long journey."

"Did you see that blue monument above the orbit?"

"It is a thousand kilometers high, two hundred kilometers wide and eighty kilometers thick."

"Our warriors fought bloody battles for the survival and future of China and were buried in the starry sky."

"The fighting was fierce, and some of their bodies have been unable to be recovered by us."

"But we must let their souls return home!"

"This blue monument is the home we prepared for them!"

"Warriors, you have worked hard, it's time for you to go home!"

"You will not be forgotten. You will be remembered by generations of Chinese people along with our Chinese civilization until the end of our civilization."

"Your life and deeds will be engraved on this monument of Chinese heroes!"

"You will always live in the epic of our Chinese civilization!"

"You will be immortal!"

"Today we say goodbye again."

"Farewell to all the commanders, scientific researchers and public officials who sacrificed their lives in this battle for China's victory today."

"Attention all!"

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

"The first item in the farewell ceremony for Chinese heroes!"

"Raise the flag and play the national anthem!"

The familiar horn sounded, beep... beep... beep... beep...

The exciting music beats the drums, as if sprouting from the depths of the heart, as if it is like a bolt of lightning cutting through the darkness, allowing people in the darkness to find the direction and strength to move forward.

At this moment, countless eyes gathered towards the cyan monument.

In the void, on the blue monument, the bright red national flag slowly rose from the base of the monument. As the drum beat progressed, it seemed as if the national flag was covering the monument of heroes.

Invisibly, those countless hard years flashed by quickly like a revolving lantern.

The work of forgetting sleep and food, the battle of risking one's life and death, and the determination that will never return.

In the end, everything turned into simple smiling faces.

They are heroes and heroes.

They are also ordinary Chinese people.

They are buried in the starry sky.

They went home today.

They will sleep forever covered with the national flag.

They will accompany China forever!

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