My biological black technology

Chapter 671 Let them completely despair (please subscribe)

Chinese fleet.

Other Level 4 civilization virtual conference rooms.

Many representatives of civilization could not recover for a long time.

Just now, they watched Domiret's ten full fleets disappear one by one, and then completely turned into dust in the universe.

"Is this...China's true confidence?"


"Ten fully-equipped fleets! Ten fully-equipped fleets of Domiret, so powerless to resist, were named and destroyed one by one..."

"Damn, damn, damn, it's too scary..."

"Yes, it's really terrible. If it were our civilization, even if its strength is still intact, facing ten fleets like this, a direct collapse would be inevitable."

"That's why I can't imagine, I can't imagine, how on earth China did this!"

"I can't imagine that China can do this."

"No wonder Huaxia has been so confident from beginning to end. It turns out that the roots are here."

"Awesome, awesome..."

They were all words of praise. At this time, they finally let go of the things they had been holding on to.

Smiles belonging to their respective races appeared on their faces.

"What do you think Domeret will do? What's the next step?"

"what to do?"

"I think there will probably be a pause for a while, right? Before they come up with a new plan, I guess they will maintain the status quo and not take any action. They will not easily send a fleet in to die."

"Well, it should be like this. I hope they can't find a solution. In this case, we estimate that we will be stable. The final result is that Domiret will no longer attack, and we can consider ourselves to have a stable base."

"I don't know how much better this is than our previous fire plan."

"Yes, as long as we are in this star field, we will not cause Domilet to encircle and suppress us. We can finally stop safely and recuperate. When Domilet continues to weaken to a certain limit, at that time, it will be us. Let’s start again and eliminate them completely!”

"That's right!"

Everyone was very excited!

Since the defeat of the main force, they have been losing and fleeing, with almost no glimmer of victory in sight. Now, they finally see a glimmer of hope.

How can we not be surprised and excited?

However, the joy did not last long.

Suddenly, a large number of red dots suddenly lit up on the combat star map. At the same time, the battleship that had been slowly annihilating all the celestial bodies also gave up its previous actions and headed straight for the core area within the critical zone.

Everyone's faces suddenly froze.

"what happened?"

"how so?"

"Shouldn't it be like this?"

"How could they suddenly launch a full-scale attack?"

"Shouldn't we just wait?"

"Is this what you want?"

Everyone was a little panicked. In fact, Domilet had brought them too many failures and caused too much shadow in the past period. When the other party moved, and did so without hesitation, they felt deep hatred towards China. Confidence, irrepressible fall.

"They shouldn't have found a way to target China's weapon!"

"It shouldn't happen, it won't!"

"Probably not."

Everyone is very nervous...

And just when everyone was nervous.

Chinese combat command center.

At this time, everyone is also looking at the combat command star chart, but the star chart and various aspects of data here will be richer and more complete.

Just saw the latest situation.

It immediately attracted great attention.

"Okay, okay, okay, these guys are indeed brave. Instead of retreating directly, they chose to press them all forward."

"It looks like it is just as we expected. They should have received the major changes in the rear!"

"They did not choose to retreat."

"It is conceivable that in the next moment, they will continue to attack in waves."

"The purpose is to use their number of warships to directly consume all our supplies and energy reserves for man-made black holes to fire."

"Once all is consumed, then, as long as we have lost the defense of black hole-level weapons, they can directly eliminate us as long as they still maintain the advantage in the number of warships. At that time, not only will they not have to escape, but they will also be able to win." Chai Chengzhi analyzed.

"Their commander has a big heart."

"This is a gamble. He is betting that the number of their warships can consume all the energy reserves of our black hole-class weapons in advance!"

"They are also betting that after consuming all our energy reserves, they will still have enough power to trap us here and completely eliminate us." Zhou Bo said slowly.

Fang Shaowu shook his head and looked at Cheng Xiang, his eyes filled with wonder, "They have no way out at all."

"Even if they retreat now, they will not be able to retreat beyond the Orion cantilever. When the time comes, they will only be completely wiped out by the final plan."

"And now if you work hard, you might still have a chance."

"You have the guts, but unfortunately, this is destined to be a road of failure." Fang Shaowu sighed with a smile.

Cheng Xiang smiled when he heard this, "If Mang can destroy the plan that we have spent ten years, countless manpower and material resources, and carefully prepared, then we might as well surrender."

Ha ha ha ha……

Everyone laughed out loud.

"Yes, if they change their opponent, maybe if they do this, it will be miraculous."

"The strongest point is often the weakest point. However, to achieve this goal, the key is to be able to break the strongest point."

"However, they underestimated us and overestimated themselves."

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and had a drink from time to time.

When the war situation reaches this point, it is like a tsunami has risen, the momentum has risen, and the layout has been completely completed. Unless the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, there will be no power to stop the sweeping victory.

"Send the order, according to the plan, bring it closer and then fight."

"Since the enemy wants to fight for a future, then I will help them and cooperate."

"Let them die in silence!" Fang Shaowu shouted loudly.

"Yes." Everyone responded immediately.

Just to make them die in silence, when they continue to attack round after round, until the end of the impact, they find that there is an insurmountable copper wall in front of them.

How hopeless that would be.

And as human beings have been reduced to the main culprit of experimental materials for breaking through the limits of civilization in the Galactic Center, they should be allowed to die like this.

Time passed slowly.

The execution of the Orion Project is becoming more and more mature. The black holes formed in the Chinese Star Territory have expanded to a threshold, and the space-time connection with the black holes in the outside world is getting closer and closer.

Invisibly, a new skeleton is forming that holds the entire cantilever together.

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