About half an hour later, Xia Zuo walked to the street holding a medicine box.

In addition to the more concentrated fire solvent and fire retardant oil, Thales also selected a relatively unpopular medicine for him.

It has to be said that people who have attended a mage college have different levels of knowledge and broad-mindedness.

"Fire dyeing solvent. Add this solvent to the fire-breathing potion to spit out flames of different colors. Swallowing this potion will cause physical damage. It is expected that 10 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes. When held in the mouth, blood will be deducted every hour. 2:00."

Thales took out three flame dyeing potions, purple, green and white.

Xia Zuo can concoct 6 colors by himself according to the color mixing formula in the medicine box.

Counting the red light of normal flames, it can spit out a total of 7 different colors of flames.

This is a novel show that has never been seen in Rosak Province, and can only be seen in Starry Night City, the capital of the kingdom.

Xia Zuo walked on the road with a smile on his face, and he could already imagine the audience's overwhelming satisfaction.

Before leaving the apothecary, he asked Thales if he could tell Audrey the latest information on elemental affinity.

Thales returned to his appearance as a dull middle-aged man. While keeping accounts, he waved his arms to drive Xia Zuo out of the store:

"What information about elemental affinity? I don't know what you are talking about. Did you hear it in the tavern?"

Xia Zuo smiled knowingly, and there was really no need to hide anything from Audrey.

The eldest sister is already well-informed and even knows the third-in-command of Piek Fortress, so she might have heard the relevant rumors a long time ago.

At this moment, a military messenger who had traveled hundreds of kilometers from Piek Fortress happened to step into Rosak City.

As soon as this travel-stained messenger entered the city, he saw the circus flag on the tipi tent.

He hurried to the backstage of the circus and dropped a letter, passed by Xia Zuo and went straight to Rossac Castle.

When Xia Zuo walked into the low tent, Audrey happened to read the letter that had just arrived.

"Take a look too. A rare piece of good news."

Audrey handed the letter to Xia Zuo, turned around and announced loudly to the other members:

"Everyone, everyone~ Another big deal has come. The war near Piek Fortress has come to an end, and the commander of the fortress has invited us to perform there again!"

"Ah ho~"

The Clown siblings let out a scream of joy, drowning out the cries of Snake and Popper.

The last time I performed for the Fortress of Piek was a month, and my income was more than double the usual amount. I didn't need to change places frequently. It was a wonderful job that the circus dreamed of.

Xia Zuo read the letter and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The villain alchemist and the gangsters in the cave are not the same group, but they have a very close cooperative relationship with each other.

With the help of the Fat Mage, the soldiers of Piek Castle captured a villain alchemist alive.

Within a minute of being caught, the man secretly swallowed the deadly poison and committed suicide.

But all his belongings remained.

The secret letters exchanged with the bandits, the diary of pharmaceutical development, the life experience record of the surviving boy, etc. were all placed intact in the desk in the cave.

The troops in the fortress followed the clues and destroyed nearly ten hidden dens of rogue bandits, successfully stopping the banditry in the southern part of Rosak Province.

Group after group of bandits were sent to the guillotine and gallows in the city. The executioners kept sending them on the road day and night. The faint smell of blood could be smelled in the streets and alleys no matter how far away they were...

Audrey put the letter into her pocket, and when her eyes met with Xia Zuo's, the two of them smiled at the same time.

During this trip, in addition to performing at Piek Fortress, we also had to go to the castle to receive rewards from the bounty order.

Maybe it will be more generous than the income from the performance!

In the evening half a month later.

The small reception room on the third floor of Piek Castle.

Alchemy lamps release soft orange light, illuminating the precious ornaments on the wall display cabinets, making the room paved with red carpets more solemn.

Audrey sat aside, clasping her hands and placing them on her round thighs, staring at the two figures standing opposite each other not far away.

"Xia Zuo, brave boy, the information you provided for Piek Castle is of extraordinary significance."

Wilson was wearing a brown military robe with a stand-up collar and three shining golden medals on his chest. His face was solemn and his tone was solemn.

"After deliberation by the Rossak Council, it has been decided that I will reward you on your behalf."

Wilson picked up a volume tied with a red ribbon from the table behind him.

"This is the first reward, the naturalization document of Rossak Province. According to the "Starry Night Kingdom Nationality Management Act", all civilians who are recorded in the historical archives of each province can obtain the qualifications for naturalization."

Xia Zuo's eyes were full of confusion and confusion, and he felt that the place of origin Wilson mentioned seemed different from what he imagined.

He first took the book with both hands, and then asked, "Uncle Wilson, what is your place of origin?"

Wilson smiled gently and explained in layman's terms.

Xia Zuo's eyes instantly shone, he quickly picked up the pen on the table, and left his clearest and neatest signature on the naturalization document.

"A change in the host's [Identity] was detected, the character template was updated, and an advanced entry related to [Identity] was added. As it was recorded in the history of Rossak Province, it gained 1 point of charm attribute. Unlocked 1 [Character Skill] .”

[Identity] Fire-breathing performer

[[Hometown] Starry Night Kingdom, Rossak Province

Obtaining a place of origin means that your personal information is recorded in the archives of your place of origin.

When you meet the people of Starry Night Kingdom for the first time, you can gain a higher initial favorability by revealing your place of origin.

[Charm] 3+1→4 (Due to your significant personal contribution, you will be recorded in the history of Rossak Province with your real name. Your deeds will be known to everyone who joins the Warriors Guild or the Mage Academy.)

[Character skills]

[Greeting Etiquette·Starry Night Kingdom] Within the Starry Night Kingdom, when you introduce yourself with the fixed format "I am Shazo of Rosak", you will temporarily gain the effect of +1 charm attribute. The effect lasts until the first meeting is over.

In the previous life, I was given birthplace and identity certificate right after birth. How could I have imagined that for the common people in this world, birthplace is something that is elusive and out of reach.

Before obtaining the place of birth, when anyone introduces himself, he can only say "I am from such and such a place" instead of "I am so and so from such and such a place."

Simple statement changes are subject to strict legal constraints.

Those who have not contributed to the Provincial Council and the Kingdom cannot put their place of origin in front of their names.

In many cases, naturalization documents can also be used as certificates of good citizenship or passes.

Take for example the heavily guarded Piek Castle.

Before today, if Xia Zuo wanted to enter the castle alone, he would be severely interrogated. Even if everything he said was true, he might not be able to enter.

But after obtaining his native place, he only needs to show his naturalization documents, and the guards will try their best to meet his requirements within the scope of their authority.

"Xia Zuo, this is the second reward. You can choose one from it."

Wilson took out two thin volumes and placed them on the table.

They are the deeds of the fortresses of Rossac and Piek.

The one in Rosak City is a small bungalow, and the one in the fortress is a small house with a backyard.

Xia Zuo glanced at Wilson's expectant look and knew that the house in the fortress was added by this uncle.

He had not forgotten what Wilson said when they first met. The other party wanted to recruit Xia Zuo into the army of Piek Fortress.

That can't be done, I'm going to Starry Night Academy to be a priest. After going to the capital, I may not come to such a remote place as Piek Fortress...

Xia Zuo apologized secretly in his heart, pretended not to know Wilson's intentions, and simply took the property deed of Rosak City.

Wilson's expression remained normal, he smiled and laughed at himself:

"The houses with backyards are not as good as the bungalows in Rosac City. It seems that Piek Fortress is very popular with you."

Audrey stepped forward and patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder:

"Giggle. This little guy already knows the changes in Xingye Academy. If you want to keep him in the army, these alone will not be enough."

Wilson seemed to know where he lost, and laughed:

"The news spreads so fast. It is indeed a good thing that people with acquired affinity can enter Starry Night Academy. In the past, the entrance threshold was high and the number of mages was too small. Maybe in the future, they will even be qualified in the army of the city. I'm following the military mage."

Wilson looked at Xia Zuo with a cunning look, "When the time comes, I will ask the commander to issue a reward in the school. What do you think? Little guy."

If the pay is not high, I won’t accept it. hey-hey…

Xia Zuo smiled and said a few polite words, and, accompanied by Wilson, left the castle with Audrey.

The next morning, his one-month performance officially began.

When Xia Zuo entered the performance venue, he had a medicine belt full of glass bottles wrapped around his waist.

In the transparent glass, fire-breathing agents of different colors flowed. The color of the potion corresponds to the color of the fire.

Xia Zuo walked to the audience, randomly selected a cute child, and spit out white flames at him.

"Oh my God! White flames! Flying like butterflies, so cute."

The children hugged the adults' arms excitedly.

The color of flames that I have never seen before is inherently attractive, and the noisy auditorium is strangely quiet.

There is a breathable skylight above the tipi tent. The bright sunlight passes through the window and casts several bright beams of light on the performance venue.

Xia Zuo walked to the middle of the light pillar and took a large mouthful of more intense fire-breathing potion.


White flames shot out diagonally upward from the light pillar.

The fire-breathing performance seems to have become a meditative ritual to find spiritual solace.

The breath of purity and peace spreads from the dancing white fire into the hearts of the audience.

After Xia Zuo breathed out the flames that lasted for more than ten seconds, he unexpectedly found that many viewers were trapped in memories.

He turned his head and looked backstage. In the eyes behind the curtain were complex expressions of anticipation and reluctance.

Xia Zuo took the medicine into his mouth again.

The white firelight and sunlight merge into one, complementing each other, like lingering dance partners hugging each other inseparably in the air.

Xia Zuo's departure is inevitable, although there are still a few months as a buffer.

The members witnessed his transformation from country boy to fire breather.

Snake always felt that the scene of Xia Zuo lying on the roadside seemed to have happened yesterday.

Poppai still remembered the process of carrying Xia Zuo from the muddy grass to the carriage.

The boy, who was thin and light, seemed to be able to stand alone in the blink of an eye.

The corners of the clown brother and sister's eyes turned red, and gurgling tears silently dripped from their cheeks.

Audrey crossed her arms to try to stay calm, wiping away tears with her fingers from time to time.

The more she and Xia Zuo get along, the more she understands that each other's potential should not be restricted by Rosak who lives in a corner, let alone wasting time in the circus.

Starry Night Academy is really going to lower the admission threshold and will start new testing within 3 months at most.

The news spread throughout the city earlier today.

Joining a warrior guild will no longer be the only option for young girls and boys when they reach adulthood.

All those who have not practiced breathing techniques can go to the testing stations in each city to test their elemental affinities again in June and July every year.

Those who have already practiced breathing methods... They are no longer suitable to switch to meditation due to the hidden wounds in their bodies.

The difference between Xia Zuo and the circus is a witness to the birth of a new generation of mages.

"White is the light of the sun."

Xia Zuo breathed out long white flames.

"Green is full of vitality."

"Purple represents inevitable suffering."

"The fiery red flame is our will to overcome setbacks."

He took out a mixture of green and white indigo potion, "This is the color of wind and rain. It calms our anger and soothes our pain."

"After the rain clears up, we will see the eternal shining rays of the sun again!"

The powerful white fireball was the perfect ending to the performance.

The applause at the scene could not subside for a long time.

Audrey pulled Snake and the others onto the stage, took Xia Zuo's hand and bowed to the audience to thank them.

"A unique show, little one. You have to give it a name."

Audrey stared at Xia Zuo with eyes full of expectation.

"Let's call it life like fire."

Xia Zuo put aside the golden finger information that came to his mind and hugged Audrey gently, "Thank you, eldest sister, for helping me become a fire breather."

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