After Xia Zuo finished eating the white bread, he leaned against the iron fence and stuffed a few pieces of black bread into his mouth.

The completely different taste gap spreads from the taste buds to the heart, where a sour and sorrowful taste is intertwined.

"Little nose, do you want your brown bread? I want to eat some."

The figure lying in the cell opposite waved his hand.

Xia Zuo stretched out his arms, tried his best to fish out the pieces of bread from far away, mixed them with water and started eating them.

You must seize the time to gain experience and upgrade early. Only in this way can there be new attribute points. The chance of survival is just one point higher.

Clang. The iron door at the end of the corridor opened.

The evil old man came to the cell on crutches, took out a bunch of keys, and raised them in front of his face to identify the corresponding cell door.

"You two, come out and drink the medicine."

After the evil old man opened Xia Zuo's cell door, he turned his back to open Little Nose's cell door.

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes and tried his best to resist the urge to launch a sneak attack from behind, almost adding free attribute points to his strength.

He pushed away the all-or-nothing gambler's thoughts and decided to observe more.

"come out faster!"

The evil old man turned around and saw the hesitant Xia Zuo, raised his crutch and pointed at him.

The crutch, which seemed to be only over 1 meter long, instantly stretched to 2 meters, and the sharp tip poked into Xia Zuo's shoulder socket.

A dull hum came from the cell.

Little Nose lowered his head and buried his face with his hair, not daring to peek at the evil old man who was about to get angry.

Xia Zuo covered his shoulders and lowered his head to his chest. There was suppressed anger in his eyes as he walked out of the cell.

This thread will bring dangerous emotions and may be detected by the evil old man with high perception. So I was quickly conquered by reason and buried deep in my heart.

He imitated the movements of the little nose, lowered his arms and stared at the floor, keeping up with the pace of the evil old man, looking completely obedient, and quietly threw the scrying spell at the crutch as he walked.

"Telescopic crutch, a product of alchemy, can be used as a weapon. After pressing the button on the handle, it can be extended to a length of 2 meters."

The three of them came to the end of the corridor and turned into an alchemy room.

On the surrounding walls are several candlesticks blooming with light. The half-burnt candle hung down with half-solidified wax, covering the base of the candlestick.

Along the wall of the alchemy room are desks and alchemy tables, with open books and a set of glass instruments with flowing liquid.

A light-tight iron door appeared on the opposite wall. It was blocked by a wide and heavy desk, making it difficult to open it from the outside.

In the middle of the room is a large cauldron.

A mechanical arm that stirs the liquid in the pot is tied to a spoon and hovers and rotates above the water.

The potion in the crucible was steaming, tiny bubbles burst, and a pungent smell filled the room.

The evil old man sat on the only wooden stool, pointed to the potion bottle on the alchemy table and said in a hoarse voice: "One bottle for each person, go and drink it quickly."

Little Nose stepped forward first and picked up the potion bottle. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was hit by the smell of the potion and couldn't stop coughing and crying.

Xia Zuo took the opportunity to use the detection technique on the evil old man.

【name】? ? ? (Nickname: Evil Old Man)

[Identity] Villain Alchemist

【HP】? ?









[Character Specialties]? ?

The evil old man's perception is indeed very high, the highest among all attributes.

Xia Zuo looked at the potion in Little Nose's hand and muttered "Detection" silently.

"The unknown potion will cause physical damage after drinking. It is expected that 20 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes. If you successfully consume the potion, you will gain experience."

20 o'clock?

How much blood do I have?

Xia Zuo summoned his personal template and looked stunned.

【HP】18/18 (healthy)

Eating and sleeping restored the blood volume from 15 points to full blood, and the physical condition changed from slightly poisoned to healthy. The headache no longer hurts, and the body has gained strength.

However, it was still 2 points of blood short... No, it was 3 points of blood short of being able to drink the potion without incident.

Xia Zuo read the results of the unknown potion detection again.

"20 blood points deducted within 60 minutes"

In other words, if you eat and sleep immediately after drinking, you can recover a few points of blood before the blood is depleted to survive the negative state of continuous blood depletion.

Vitality can increase the upper limit of blood volume and blood recovery speed, which is more reliable than the will attribute with vague effect description.

Xia Zuo immediately added the free attribute point to vitality.

Goldfinger sent a message:

"The host is detected to add points, and the specific data to increase the upper limit of blood volume is being calculated. The calculation is completed.

"[HP] 20/18+2→20 (health)"

There is hope!

In this short period of time, Xia Zuo's palms were covered with beads of sweat, his back was soaked with sweat, his heart was beating loudly, and there was the roar of blood rushing in his ears.

At the alchemy platform, Little Nose pinched his own nose, mustered up the courage to raise his head and poured the potion into his mouth. After drinking it, he collapsed on the ground and retched sideways.

"It's your turn." The evil old man glared at the other boy.

Xia Zuo walked to the alchemy table, took a deep breath and then held it. He picked up the potion bottle with both hands and drank the spicy potion. He deliberately left a small pool in the potion bottle to reduce the amount of blood deducted as much as possible.

Then, he pretended to be exhausted and fell to the ground, letting the remaining potion spill on the ground.

"Wait here for 10 minutes." The evil old man didn't care about the boy's little moves.

Xia Zuo lay on the ground, covering his face with the shadow of the tabletop, and quietly spit out the half-mouthed potion from the corner of his mouth.

This should be stable.

After drinking a small amount of the potion, the blood volume was just enough. When he returned to the cell, he also ate the bread of the other two boys.

After about 5 minutes, the potion heated up the stomach, turning from warm to hot, spreading from the abdomen to the limbs, and finally rushed to the forehead, and the whole body became as hot as soaking in a hot spring.

The heat waves emitted by the potion became stronger and stronger each time. Xia Zuo curled up in pain, and so did his little nose.

Once the 10 minutes are up, the hot burning sensation disappears instantly.

"Successfully took the unknown potion, gained 1.33 experience points, and the current upgrade progress is 1.5/10"

"Affected by the unknown medicine, the body has been damaged and entered a state of mild poisoning. It is expected that 18 blood points will be deducted in 60 minutes."

Two pieces of information came to mind one after another.

Xia Zuo was secretly happy. Not only did he gain experience, but he also lost 2 blood points. This medicine-drinking experiment suddenly became a little brighter.

However, when he thought that these potions were becoming more toxic, his expression darkened again and he returned to his numb expression.

"Everyone, get up and go back to the bedroom."

The evil old man used his cane to beckon the boys to follow him.

When Xia Zuo passed by the short man's cell, he took a quick glance at the scene inside and outside the cell. The prostrate figure inside seemed to have not moved, and the black bread under the iron fence was only missing a few slices.

With a kick of his foot, he kicked the remaining pieces of bread to the front of his cell.

The evil old man locked the cell door and returned to his alchemy room.

Xia Zuo immediately picked up the pieces of bread in front of the cell door, rubbed them in water a few times to wash away the dust, and ate them after the water softened the black bread.

On the personal template, the negative effect of continuous blood deduction has appeared.

[Health volume] 19/20 (mild poisoning: 18 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes)

After Xia Zuo finished eating the bread, he immediately rolled up his bed and went to bed. My body felt very cold in my sleep. After the blood deduction effect was over, my body temperature returned to normal.

In a dark place, it’s hard to count the days.

Xia Zuo could only calculate the approximate time based on the number of times the evil old man appeared, and started the day by handing out slices of bread.

In the past few days, the evil old man took Xia Zuo, Little Nose, Little Fatty and Little Skinny to the alchemy room to test the medicine, and made Xia Zuo drink a total of 6 bottles of potion.

Every time you drink the potion, you gain more experience, the toxicity becomes more intense, and the hot feeling that fills your body becomes more and more unbearable.

You will be upgraded after drinking the potion today.


Just 0.02 difference.

"Little nose, I'll eat two slices of your bread."

Xia Zuo finished his bread and reached out to get the little one.

The other party has become accustomed to the inmate having an improved appetite, and the body wrapped in the straw mat twists twice before agreeing.

After eating two slices of bread, information surged through my mind.

"Earned 0.02 experience points, current upgrade progress is 10/10, upgrading in progress..."



Xia Zuo was disappointed to find that his blood volume did not return to full as the level increased. It seemed that his plan to use the upgrade as a blood replenishment plug-in was completely in vain.

Fortunately, when adding points to the vitality attribute, the current blood volume will increase along with the upper limit of blood volume, which can be regarded as a life-saving means.

"The upgrade is successful, and the free attribute point reward is being calculated... The calculation is completed, and 1 free attribute point will be awarded."

When adding points to vitality, the increased upper limit of blood volume is calculated.

The number of free attribute points given by upgrading is also calculated.

Xia Zuo asked curiously in his heart:

"What are the rules of calculation?"

He thought there would be no response, but he didn't expect that Goldfinger, who was usually indifferent, gave a reply this time:

"The number of free attribute points awarded for upgrades is calculated according to specific rules. The higher the level, the more free attribute points you get when upgrading. More rules need to be explored by the host."

"Okay, at least there is hope for an upgrade." Xia Zuo moved and returned to bed to sleep.

A few more days passed. These days, in addition to trial medicine, there have been some subtle changes.

The evil old man gradually became irritable and his temper became worse and worse. His attitude toward the boys changed from indifference to disgust, and he would beat them with a cane even if they had done nothing wrong.

The worst time was when the evil old man dropped Little Nose's white bread and stamped on it several times, venting his unknown anger on the rare and delicious food.

White bread that has been trampled to pieces is better than black bread.

Xia Zuo took out half of his white bread and exchanged the dirty bread with Little Nose, which was regarded as repaying the other party's brown bread.

One day, the little fat man and the short man came back from testing the medicine.

The sound of breaking glass bottles came from the alchemy room and echoed in the several-meter-long corridor, waking up the sleeping boy.

Xia Zuo walked to the iron fence and looked sideways at the end of the aisle.

Under the candlelight, a twisted figure was projected on the wall, raising his crutch high and smashing another glass bottle.

This time the sound of breaking glass woke up the little nose on the other side.

The two looked at each other across the aisle, seeing a hint of fear in each other's eyes.

"What's wrong, old man?" Xia Zuo asked quietly.

"I don't know either."

Little Nose said feebly while coughing. The past dozens of days of drug testing have made his body extremely fragile. He probably won't be able to survive the next time.

"Go back and lie down quickly." Xia Zuo said worriedly.

Little Nose nodded and lay down again.

When trying the medicine for the first time, the experience gained is 1.33 points. The last time I tried the medicine, I gained 1.7 experience points. After testing the medicine more than ten times, the toxicity of the medicine increased by at least 20%.

If he hadn't been opportunistic and secretly poured out the potion, coupled with good food and good sleep, Xia Zuo would have died long ago.

But next time I try the drug…

Xia Zuo looked at the figure on the wall of the corridor, feeling an uneasy premonition growing.

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