Xia Zuo was a little disappointed.

It seems that there is no hope of going to the Eastern Continent, so I can only honestly follow the spiritual flow mage route...

"But, you don't have to sacrifice the near for the far."

Mars rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds.

"Lord Thales said that your willpower is good, more like the style of the Demon Hunting School. There happens to be a branch of meditation in Starry Night Academy that is similar to the Demon Hunting School.

"There is an 80% chance that you will be assigned to the Poison Alchemy Department."

Xia Zuo straightened his back, widened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Department of Poison Alchemy?"

Mars walked to the bookshelf and pulled out a black-covered book.

"Basics of Poison Alchemy: Separation of Toxins"


The heavy tome was placed on the table with a muffled sound. The pages are three fingers thick and contain thousands of pages.

"Poison alchemy is quite special. Its alchemical products are highly toxic. The school focuses on teaching methods of separating toxins. As for how to use toxins to make poisons..."

Mars turned pale, as if thinking of bad memories.

He swallowed hard and said in an erratic tone:

"You will know when you take Professor Kulov's poison-making class. Not only does he teach you how to make poison with your own hands, he also asks you to drink the poison..."

"That taste..."

Mars shuddered, "Anyway, people like me who are not strong-willed will easily suffer from nausea and vomiting. But I have to remind you, don't really vomit it out, otherwise Professor Kulov will let you do it again." Make a bottle and drink it…”

Xia Zuo held his forehead and smiled dumbly.

He actually started testing the medicine again, but this time he drank the poison he made himself.

He shook his head speechlessly, and then asked: "Then do I still need to learn other branches of alchemy?"

Mars chin slightly, "Of course. It's just that the focus is different. You focus on poison alchemy and learn some other branches of alchemy. After all, the poison-based meditation method requires strong resistance to poisons."

Mars took out a palm-sized notepad from his pocket, flipped through a few pages, read and said:

"The resistance to toxins has been found. According to the acquired affinity theory written by the head of the hospital, the resistance to toxins comes from the soil resistance."

"But, what I have is fire resistance..." Xia Zuo blinked.

"So, you still have a 20% chance of being assigned to the Department of Rare Objects and Alchemy."

Mars came to the bookshelf and walked twice, "There are no books on the alchemy of strange objects here..."

"Then let me tell you briefly."

Mars pointed to the alchemy wall clock in the library, "This is the product of the alchemy of strange objects, and it belongs to the discipline of strange objects."

"Do you still remember the element bottle that Mr. Thales asked you to hold during the second round of testing? That is a work of the elemental concrete discipline."

Mars looked around, walked to the window and looked a few more times, and finally shook his head and said:

"The third discipline is called Giant Creation. There are no products of it here in Rosak City. In fact, there are not many of them in Starry Night City."

Xia Zuo buried his head in thought for a moment, then opened "Basics of Poison Alchemy: Separation of Toxins" and started reading.

Or is Poison Alchemy more suitable for me?

The alchemy of strange objects sounds very complicated and requires a strong sense of space.

It's not like the alchemy of poisons. The hardest part is drinking the homemade poison. In the face of high blood recovery, isn't this as easy as eating and drinking?

Seeing that the other party was about to indulge in a sea of ​​books, Mars hurriedly clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Don't just read. Come have lunch with me first."

Noon one month later.

The gates of Rosac were wide open, and guards lined up on both sides of the street to block the onlookers from the roadside, leaving a few meters wide road in the middle of the road.

Six strong black horses walked into the city.

The shapely mane on the long neck is black and shiny, trembling up and down with the clattering footsteps.

They are taller than ordinary horses, with distinct black muscles.

The most rare thing is to be well-trained.

There was no trace of panic in his two black eyes, completely turning a blind eye to the bustling crowd around him.

The six horses dragged three overly wide carriages to the Fountain Square under the control of the coachman without squinting. They circled along the arc-shaped road and changed the direction of the carriage.


The coachman sat on the semi-enclosed driver's seat and tightened the bridle, and the horse immediately stopped in front of the inspection station.

The waiter at the inspection station stuffed the freshmen's luggage into the mezzanine below the carriage.

Mars stood at the front of the group and nodded to Thales Meso beside him:

"Your Excellency, the resident mage, would you please escort us out of Rossak Province."

Thales, who was wrapped in a black burqa, lowered the brim of his hat as much as possible, hiding his entire face in the hood.

He used alchemy tools to distort his voice and pretended to be a vicissitudes of life old man:

"Yes. The resident mages of Stariel and Yenan will meet you in their respective guard areas. Just don't worry along the way."

"Then we'll set off."

Mars turned to look at the new student behind him.

In previous years of innate affinity testing, only one person in Rosak Province would meet the admission requirements every three to five years.

In the first acquired affinity test this year, four people became freshmen in Rosak City alone, and there were at least a hundred people in the country.

In the first year after the institution was restructured, the number of students enrolled was more than in the previous decades combined...

Mars stood there for a moment with emotion, raised his arm and pointed at the carriage:

"Keli and Anru'er are taking the second carriage. Xiao Moben and Xia Zuo come with me, and we'll go to the third carriage."

Keri Mueller's parents, dressed in white, stood on the street waving handkerchiefs.

Little Merben Riley's parents hugged each other and sobbed softly.

They both hesitated as they waited for the bus.

Mars took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"Go ahead, five minutes at most. We have to rush to the northern pass to meet the other carriages."

Xia Zuo watched Xiao Moben and Keli hugging their respective families, and was surprised to find that Anruer, like himself, had no one to say goodbye.

"I'll get in the car first."

An Ru'er smiled playfully, as if she had long been accustomed to living alone, and boarded the carriage carrying a thick leather suitcase.

It turns out that she and I are both orphans...

Xia Zuo smiled silently and walked up the steps carrying a book box full of books.

The interior decoration is simple and the space is spacious.

Four bed boards are fixed to the wall, and there is a half-step ladder beside the bed.

Under the bed board are two rows of soft seats and a long table, all of which are nailed to the floor and cannot be moved at will.

There is a wooden door at the end of the carriage.

Xia Zuo opened it and took a look. This is the bathroom, where you can use the toilet and take a shower.

A water pipe was connected from the water tank on the roof of the carriage to the bathroom, and branched out into two branches to connect to the faucet of the sink and the shower head of the shower room.

The sewage is discharged directly to the ground along the leak in the center of the floor.

Compared to the carriages in the circus, the carriages in Starry Night Academy are luxurious.

Xia Zuo nodded with satisfaction, put the book box on the table, stood in front of the car window and looked at the end of the street.

That's where I've been living for the past month.

I took the deed to this small bungalow with me, and I made a copy of the key and gave it to Audrey.

It is the link between Xia Zuo and everyone in the circus. Letters from the capital will be delivered to the house.

"It's time to go." Mars urged from the car.

"Mom and Dad, if we can't handle the mill work, we need to hire more people. I'll write back."

Keli's voice trembled slightly as she said goodbye to her parents and closed the second compartment door.

"Dad, drink less. Mom, I'm leaving."

Little Mo said a few words, turned around and boarded the carriage, leaned behind the door frame and cried sadly.

Mars pulled the car door shut and shook the brass bell on the wall.

The wheels turn. The carriage drove smoothly out of the city gate. There were garrisoned mages from various places helping secretly, and the road was smooth.

Daily meal boxes are delivered through the window at the front of the carriage. Except for stopping to change drivers and horses and replenish supplies, the rest of the time was spent driving at a constant speed.

Early morning on the third day.

The carriage traveled northward and arrived at the pass between Rosak Province and Sbreer Province.

Xia Zuo was sitting at the table, reading books on poison alchemy.

The sound of exotic flutes drifted into the carriage.

Snake's special flute!

He hurried to the window and burst into tears.

Snake played his flute, and green snakes danced in front of him.

The clown brother and sister made funny expressions.

Poppy stroked his creamy hair, "Hey, I just said Xia Zuo would cry."

Audrey wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and just smiled without speaking, but her eyes were full of reluctance.

The carriage drove past the four circus people.

Xia Zuo leaned on the railing and looked at the figure that was getting further away.

Suddenly, they noticed a strange and beautiful figure standing behind them, with long pale golden shawl hair vaguely visible.

Looks like the big sister has found a new flamethrower.

Xia Zuo grinned with tears in his eyes, wiped his face with his sleeves, turned around and saw Mars standing behind him with a smile on his face.

"That's my sister Miffy Morton. With her around, the circus will be safe. Business will be good."

Xia Zuo frowned slightly, "Is your sister a student of Starry Night Academy? Or a fire breather in Starry Night City?"

"She is one level higher than me. She is already a mage apprentice. Although her spell casting is not very smooth, it is only a matter of time before she becomes an official mage. Her joining Audrey's circus was specially arranged by the school."

A mage's apprentice travels with the circus throughout the Rossak province...

Xia Zuo recalled the contents of "Introduction to Meditation". This book is one of the must-memorize books for students in the academy.

According to the description in the book, the students at Starry Night Academy are all mage servants.

As long as you finish learning alchemy and pass the test of the four branches of alchemy, you can practice entry-level meditation.

Meditation can help meditators enter a unique perspective and find the unruly elements wandering between heaven and earth.

Meditators use their thoughts to communicate with unruly elements. If successful, they can absorb the other person into their body and tame them into well-behaved elements.

The mage servant who completes this process becomes a mage apprentice and can use the power of the clever elements in his body to release some simple spells.

There is only one way to advance from a mage apprentice to a formal mage:

Absorb more elements until you can practice intermediate meditation with them.

This requires the mage apprentice to travel around, meditate in various places, and look for traces of unruly elements.

Mars' sister joining the circus is a win-win choice.

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