My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 36 Perpetual Motion Machine

Noon the next day.

Xia and Zuo walked out of the low wall of the school wearing standard school uniforms.

They can enter and leave the exhibition hall freely with the clothes and albums they carry. That place is not far from the school, so I just walked there to eat after dinner.

The resident mage of Starry Night City is Beatrice.

This intellectual female mage who is over two hundred years old has seen all aspects of worldly changes, and knows that pure light will only give rise to more secret darkness.

In the southeast corner of Starry Night City, in an old neighborhood called Broken Yao District, she reserved a place where flies and dogs could survive.

That is a forbidden area for college students. Apart from this, college students can travel unimpeded in any urban area without having to worry about getting into trouble.

Beatrice is not the only one who is protective of student safety.

The castle administrator Diem wrote these lines in the "Citadel Rules":

[Article 17: When leaving the school on weekends and holidays, you must wear a copper pendant. If there is an emergency and the copper pendant is dropped to the ground or wall, my elemental servants will be alerted and they will rush to support as quickly as possible. 】

Under the double protection, students of the school can walk on the crowded streets as easily as walking in the garden of the school.

"I saw the exhibition hall, it's right there."

Anru'er held Xia Zuo's arm, jumped for joy, and pointed to the white building twenty or thirty meters in front.

The three-story exhibition hall has three doors on the front. In the middle is the passage for ordinary civilians. The door on the left is closed, and on the right is the exclusive passage for students and other dignitaries of the university.

Xia and Zuo showed the album and copper pendant to the guards and walked into the hall on the first floor of the exhibition hall.

Anruer took a look at the map of the exhibition hall and whispered in her ear:

"Let's look at historical paintings first. This style is more difficult to understand, but it uses the most comprehensive painting techniques."

Xia Zuo nodded with a smile and let his delicate little hands lead him towards the stairs.

In his two lifetimes combined, the two-dimensional paintings he has read the most are comics...

Perhaps because he had never seen an art exhibition, it was really difficult for him to figure out what the appeal of art paintings was.

It wasn't until he entered the historical painting gallery and stood in front of the giant painting that he truly felt the shock of oil painting for the first time.

On a wall 3 meters high and 10 meters long, a work covers the entire wall, and the figures on it are life-size.

A group of lumberjacks wearing brown overalls were cutting wood in the forest.

The shadows and sunlight are bright and dark, and the painting style is meticulous. Even the wood chips when the ax hits the tree trunk are clearly visible.

Xia Zuo stood two or three meters in front of the painting, staring at the lumberjack's expression and body, feeling something in his heart.

When viewing vivid and realistic paintings, as long as you add a little imagination, the static pictures can be as vivid as VR videos.

Anruer stood aside and whispered:

"It looks good~ My teacher also took me to see the historical paintings first."

She pulled Xia Zuo's clothes and drew an oval shape with her fingers at the lumberjack's feet. "Look at the posture of these wild grasses, and then look at the wild flowers in the bushes behind the lumberjack."

Xia Zuo's eyes wandered between the weeds and wild flowers. He raised his chin with his arms and frowned. He always felt that there was some connection between the two.

The weather in the painting is from light rain to sunny, and there are many wet mud prints on the grass, with weeds swaying here and there in the mud footprints.

The wild flowers in the bushes have some highlights on their petals, which are the raindrops that have not yet fallen, and the flowers are slightly tilted to one side.

Xia Zuo's eyes lit up, it was Feng!

He closed his eyes and imagined this historical painting in his mind.

Three or five lumberjacks swung their logging axes alternately and shouted slogans to chop down the giant trees. Their movement of chopping down the trees brought up gusts of breeze, tearing up the natural breeze floating in the forest.

Xia Zuo opened his eyes and suddenly found that the lodging posture of those weeds could be traced.

They were trampled to the ground, but the tips of the grass swayed in the wind gusts brought by the lumberjacks.

Use tangible things to depict intangible things.

Use the poses of lumberjacks and wildflowers to depict the different wind directions.

Xia Zuo's eyes flashed with enlightenment, and he squinted in appreciation:

"This painting is definitely a masterpiece. No wonder it is placed near the gate of the Historical Painting Gallery. Although there is no diagonal line symbolizing the direction of the wind, it still shows the interaction of different winds. It's really amazing."

Anruer raised the corner of her mouth and blew lightly on Xia Zuo's neck, causing the other party to involuntarily tighten his neck, cover his mouth and chuckle and said:

"As long as it is not a portrait or a still life painting, the wind is the soul of the painting. If it is a landscape painting, water and wind are equally important."

Xia Zuo once again released the detection technique on Anruer.

[Character name] An Ruer

[Identity] Servant of Starry Night Academy mage

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[[Wind Resistance] 3%

[[Water Resistance] 2%









[Character Specialties]:

[Alchemical Linguistics], [Oil Alchemy·Apprentice Level]…

[Painting Skills·Master Craftsman Level]

【【Painting Master·Wind】Able to detect changes in wind direction and draw them with a brush.

【【Painting Master·Water】Able to detect changes in water flow and draw them with a brush.

Anru'er's spirit level increased from 10 points to 11 points, which should be attributed to reading alchemy books.

Like Corrie Muller, the miller's daughter, she both awakened the resistance to the wind and water elements, all by observing changes in wind direction and water flow.

With the support of sufficient spiritual attributes, if you want to awaken the fire resistance, you can learn the alchemy of rare objects, and experience the specialty of Little Merben Riley at the furnace [Forging Master·Fire Temperature], or other similar specialties.

If you want to awaken the earth resistance, learn poison alchemy. In the process of making and detoxifying poisons, you can understand Kulov's specialty [Poison Mastery and Compounding].

Xia Zuo discovered the difference between himself and others.

He did not obtain these resistance-related specialties through normal channels!

Instead, he sold his blood to get relevant rewards from Goldfinger.

This saves you the long accumulation process that takes several years!

Just like a fire-breathing performer, lung capacity, toxin resistance, and fire-breathing skills all require long-term practice to achieve.

However, he relied on his high blood recovery and the use of high-intensity and highly toxic fire-breathing agents to forcibly gain the [Fire Resistance] brought by his status bonus.

Elemental resistance is defined by Beatrice as acquired affinity.

Regardless of whether it is acquired affinity or innate affinity, as long as you have affinity with the four lines at the same time, you can practice entry-level meditation and become a mage.

Learning alchemy is only one way to gain these acquired affinities.

It acquires acquired affinity faster than painting, picking herbs, and blowing stoves.

However, none of these ways that ordinary people can access is faster or more convenient than selling blood for rewards.

Could it be...

A magical idea came from the depths of Xia Zuo's mind!

He may be able to rely on golden fingers to create a new way of status promotion.

Vitality flow!

Sell ​​blood, get rewards, and continue selling blood after recovering blood...

As long as the requirements for status promotion can be achieved by selling blood, then wouldn't he become a perpetual motion machine...

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