The next morning.

It is a cloudy day today, with a few gray clouds floating slowly in the sky, and it looks like there is a sign of rain.

After Xia Zuo and An Ru'er finished their breakfast and rested for a while, they went to their instructors' classes.

He walked into the basic alchemy room and greeted the figure at the desk:

"Good morning, Professor."

Kulov put down the pen in his hand, opened the drawer on the side, took out "The Enhancement of Poison Effect" and put it on the table:

"Your performance yesterday reminded me of one thing. You are not an ordinary student. Your memory and alchemy talent are much higher than others. Take this book and read it. I believe you will not make any mistakes."

Xia Zuo looked at the instructor with a serious expression and piercing eyes, couldn't help but shrink his neck, walked to the desk, picked up the book and hugged it in his arms.

This is a big reward~

He used scrying on this book yesterday, which gave him 120 experience points and 0.5 spirit points.

After the mental attribute exceeds 10 points, the mental rewards obtained from reading will be weakened.

"Alchemical Linguistics" used to give 0.5 spirit points, but now it only gives 0.25 points, a 50% reduction.

This may be the revelation given by Goldfinger to the host: at what stage should he read the book.

"Thank you, Professor."

Xia Zuo rubbed the cover of the book, as if he were holding a delicate beauty in his arms.

With a delighted smile on his face, he asked:

"Professor, after the white palate poison is refined, its poisonous effect has been improved. Then does its antidote also need to be refined?"

Kulov was startled and touched his beard to hide his bitter smile:

“We’ll talk about it later, we’ll talk about it later.

"You go inside to refine the poison and refine the powder. According to your own interests, try whichever one you want to try first. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Xia Zuo nodded in response while holding the book, and walked briskly into the advanced alchemy room.

He noticed something unusual about his mentor.

Seemed to become more welcoming and tolerant overnight?

what happened?

Forget it, whatever, just do your own thing.

Xia Zuo spread "The Enhancement of Poison Effect" on the shelf and started reading from the table of contents and introduction at the beginning.

There are a total of 5 trainee-level poisons.

White palate poison causing a suffocating effect.

A black eye poison that causes visual hallucinations.

Brownfoot poison that causes a slowing effect.

Venus poison that causes a disorienting effect.

A green bone poison that causes vulnerability.

Except for the white palate agent, the other four are non-lethal agents.

The most special of these five poisons is undoubtedly the black-eye poison. Today's plan is to refine the refined powder of the black eye poison.

Xia Zuo turned to the corresponding page and spent half an hour writing down the recipe.

Blackeye Poison is associated with two resistances, wind and earth.

Its refining powder requires the use of four basic toxins at the same time, and the refining difficulty is much higher than yesterday's.

Should I ask the instructor to demonstrate it again?

He walked back to the basic alchemy room with some hesitation, only to find that the other party had already started meditating...

Ah this


Am I being put away?

Xia Zuo looked in the direction of the soft sofa speechlessly. After standing there for a few seconds, he silently walked back to the advanced alchemy room.

He dragged a chair to the shelf and simulated the refining process in his mind.

After the complexity of the recipe has been significantly increased, the success rate must first be ensured.

What alchemical operations are prone to accidents?

Operations such as stirring, standing, and grinding at room temperature will generally not cause the raw materials to be scrapped, except for the unpleasant smell.

Heating, baking, steaming, drying, these operations related to high temperatures can cause the pot to burn or explode if you are not careful.

But the recipe for the refined powder in front of me takes the most difficult step of baking as the last step.

If this step is wrong, the entire refining work will be wasted.



Why baking again?

Yesterday's recipe also ended with baking.

Could it be that..

Xia Zuo turned over the pages of the book with a surprised look on his face.

The poison refining powder recipes recorded in this book all end with baking.

This is a highlight.

He took out a blank notebook from his schoolbag and wanted to record this discovery.

The moment the pen tip came into contact with the paper, Xia Zuo's movements suddenly stopped.

He climbed onto the shelf and stood, overlooking the four-pointed star array invented by Ms. Starry Night.

Taking true north as the starting point, the sequence of one counterclockwise rotation is:

Fire element, oven, earth element, condensing stove, water element, clear pool, air element, stove.

There are 8 things in total.

Xia Zuo climbed down from the table, tore off 8 pages of white paper from his notebook, arranged them on the table in the order of the four-pointed star array, and then wrote the names of the corresponding things.

He looked at the white paper with the word "Oven" written on it.

What is the use of an oven?

Close the oven door to form a sealed space and isolate the moisture in the air.

Therefore, in terms of only removing moisture, baking is better than steaming.

Xia Zuo wrote the word "drying" next to the "oven".

If the function of the oven is to dry, then the stove is to heat.

He wrote the word "heating" on the "stove" piece of paper.

Heating and drying are both associated with the element of fire

"Pa!" Xia Zuo clapped his hands suddenly, "I know!!"

Heat and dry! These are the two qualities of the fire element!

He was trembling with excitement, and with his right hand trembling slightly, he wrote "heating" and "drying" on the "fire element" paper.

After thinking for a few seconds, write "ignite" and "explode."

Ignite, heat, dry, explode. Exactly four words, corresponding to the four qualities of the fire element.

It turns out that this is the relationship between alchemy and elements. In the process of learning alchemy, you will always be in contact with the properties of elements.

Unruly elements have different elemental qualities.

In a large number of alchemical operations, if you deepen your understanding of the characteristics of elements, you can tell which unruly elements are more suitable for you.

Just like people have many kinds of personalities. Either lively, old-fashioned, cunning, or snobbish

If you want to be friends with someone, you must first know what the person's personality is, and identify which personalities are worth dating, and then you can take action.

Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at the three pieces of paper "Water Element", "Wind Element" and "Earth Element".

Judging by intuition, the characteristics of the water element should be the best to guess.

Clean water can be used to wash clothes, glass bottles, crucibles and spoons.

It can also dissolve powder or other things.

In common sense, humans must drink water, and so do plants and animals.

Xia Zuo wrote "clean", "accommodate" and "nourish" in turn. After pondering for a moment, he wrote the fourth word "soak".

He thought for a moment, removed the word "clean" and replaced it with "moist". Because "accommodate" itself is a prerequisite for "cleaning", juxtaposition of the two would be somewhat repetitive, and it would be better to retain "accommodate" with a broader meaning.

Next are the elements of air and earth.

Wind is invisible.

It will flutter.

The refreshing and clean wind can purify the dirty environment in the alchemy room.

At the same time, smelly wind can spread the smell.

Intangible, floating, purified, spread. Xia Zuo wrote about the four qualities of the wind element. However, two seconds later, he crossed out "purify" and replaced it with "connection".

Finally, there is the element of earth.

What are the characteristics of the earth element?

He scratched his cheek and hesitantly wrote the word "stable".

Then I remembered playing in the mud and sandpits as a child, building crooked gadgets out of mud and sand, and wrote the word "shape" on the paper.

Then what? What are two other qualities of the earth element?

I frowned and thought for a long time, but I couldn't think of the right words.

Xia Zuo put down the pen slightly helplessly, picked up the paper he had just written on, and glanced back and forth on the paper.

Is it too subjective?

Everyone understands elements differently and conceives different qualities of elements.

Just like the evaluation standards for other people, everyone has their own opinions and judgments. There will inevitably be obvious differences in the evaluation standards for others between people.

Xia Zuo scratched his head for a while, wondering whether the elemental characteristics he conceived were consistent with those summarized by the alchemy school.

He moved his steps and walked back to the basic alchemy room. After much hesitation, he woke up his meditating mentor.

Kulov was interrupted from his meditation. He was not annoyed or impatient. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was attracted by the pages in the other person's hand.

"Is this an elemental quality that you conceived yourself?!"

He took the paper and held his brow with his left hand.

It won't work if I don't press it, my eyebrows are beating wildly.

Ever since Xia Zuo's alchemy potential was rated as top-notch yesterday, his eyebrows have been restless. Either it's beating, or it's on the way to beating.

Xia Zuo looked at his mentor's downcast expression and asked cautiously:

"Professor, is what I wrote correct? It's a pity that I can only think of two qualities of the earth element."

"Yeah." Kulov made an unknown hum, "For you, it's already pretty good. A little worse than me at the time. However, this is due to age. I was in my 20s when I conceived the elemental traits. I’ve been exposed to many more things than you.”

He handed the paper back, waved his hand and said:

“Go back and think about it.

“You only have one chance to submit your idea.

"Otherwise, it will be me guiding you in disguise. Forget it this time. It was my negligence. I didn't expect that you would have your own idea so quickly inspired by the four-pointed star array."

"Yes, Professor." Xia Zuo turned and walked towards the advanced alchemy room.

"Wait a minute." Kulov stretched out his hand toward the other party and knitted his eyebrows together:

"Why can you come up with so many ideas, but it hasn't been long since the spiritual ocean started to transform?"

"Huh? What?"

Xia Zuo turned his head and looked at the soft sofa.

What is the instructor saying?

He scratched the back of his head in confusion.

With a solemn expression, Kulov picked up a heavy album from the bookcase.

Xia Zuo remembered this album.

Before taking Anruer into the poison alchemy area for the first time, the instructor had used this book to learn about her past experiences and her performance in the school.

Xia Zuo's own growth information is also included.

Kulov stared at the words on the page, nodded slowly, seemed to have some realization, and regained his composure:

"It should be the experience of suffering in the darkness of a cave that seriously damaged your spiritual world.

"Fortunately, okay, you are strong-willed and have successfully recovered from the mental trauma."

He looked at Xia Zuo with kind eyes and said warmly:

"Go and refine the poison and refine the powder. It will be very helpful in conceiving the elemental characteristics."

"Yes, Professor."

Xia Zuo nodded, walked into the corridor, and walked slowly under the bright lights.

What did the instructor just ask?

I can come up with so many ideas, but why did the spiritual ocean just start to metamorphose?

What's the meaning?

The spiritual ocean begins to transform when its spiritual attribute reaches 9 points.

My initial spirit is 1 point.

If you are not as lucky as others, you will have a spirit of 8, 9, or even 10 or more when you are born.

Relying on reading and endorsing the book honestly, I finally improved to 9 points.

Relying on the experience and imagination of the previous life, I came up with the idea of ​​so many elemental characteristics.

Does it have anything to do with whether the spiritual ocean has undergone transformation?


! ! !

It really does matter!

Xia Zuo was stunned and stood in front of the high-level alchemy table, with cold sweat dripping down his back.

Before the conversation just now, in Kurov's eyes, I was just a country boy in distress. I was able to enter Starry Night Academy with my strong will and the fire resistance brought by the fire-breathing performance.

Growing up in a remote village, it was difficult to have access to knowledge. Even if one has the ability to have photographic memory, it is difficult to tap.

How could a person like me come up with the idea of ​​elemental qualities in such a short period of time when the spiritual ocean has just begun to metamorphose?

Careless, careless. Almost exposed.

Xia Zuo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Holding those pieces of paper in his hand, the sweat from his fingers and palms soaked the paper surface. It's all thanks to the smooth sailing during this period, which made me relax my guard.

He sat on the chair close to the shelf, feeling that his blood pressure was a little high and his head was dizzy. He rested for a long time with his arms supporting his head, and finally recovered from his fear.


Xia Zuo breathed a long sigh of relief, leaned back on the chair and looked up at the alchemy lamp above his head.

Fortunately, the instructor found a suitable reason himself.

The mental trauma Kulov mentioned should be the negative effect of reducing mental attribute values ​​within a certain period of time.

He may have thought that my spiritual attribute value was originally very high, close to the level of transformation of the spiritual ocean like his, and that the experience in the cave had left the spiritual ocean in a damaged state.

More than 2 years have passed since escaping from the clutches of the evil old man.

With willpower and perseverance in reading, I recovered from the mental trauma and allowed the spiritual ocean to begin to metamorphose.

Then, inspired by the four-pointed star array, I successfully summarized the concept of elemental characteristics.

Makes sense.

It makes sense!

Xia Zuo smiled.

Sometimes, it's just such a coincidence.

The biggest flaw turned out to be the best way to deal with it.

The parents of this body were all sacrificed in the village that was burned to ashes. The village is located at the southernmost tip of the kingdom, the most remote and backward place.

No survivors, no witnesses, no documentation…

No one knows what the real "Xia Zuo" is like.



No wonder that when he traveled through time, he had no memory of the original owner except for basic knowledge of the language.

Daqing is of no use at all.

"Brother Goldfinger, the time you chose to time travel is really amazing!"

Xia Zuo complimented silently in his heart, but as expected did not reply.

The system master is very aloof and will basically ignore the host's teasing.

He was used to it. It's more important to do business.

Xia Zuo stood up from the chair, stretched his arms, moved his shoulders, and arranged the toxin bottles on the shelf.

Since Brother Goldfinger has already arranged a flawless life background, the anomalies he exposed also have a reasonable explanation...


Just go for it!

Learn the entry-level poison formula within 6 months, and spend another 6 months learning the corresponding refined powder formula.

It will take up to a year to finish most of the entry-level content, and then devote all your energy to studying the characteristics of the elements.

If after one and a half years, you still cannot understand the characteristics of the elements, then you can find a tutor to take lessons at that time.


Ok, deal.

Xia Zuo stood in front of the crucible with high spirits and stretched out his hand to pull the rope ring of the blower. A strong flame spewed out from the mouth of the stove, and the flame licked the bottom of the cauldron, sending out waves of heat.

The whirring of the vents, mixed with the gurgling of bubbling liquid, provides a wonderful accompaniment to the rapt Poison Alchemist.

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