My British Empire

Chapter 17 Reforms in the New Situation

When Edward was troubled by the lack of food due to the large number of adopted people, our Lord Regent, the Lord Protector, the Duke of Somerset, was discussing a new reform bill with the ministers.

Before Henry VIII died, he appointed an auxiliary team for Edward. Among them were conservatives. For example, Queen Catherine's younger brother, Duke William Parr, was a typical conservative and one of the three abstentions.

In the Regency Council, the reformers are the biggest force, such as Edward Seymour, who added the title of Duke and Protector to himself, John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, who is against the Duke, and Canterbury, who has always pretended to be a transparent person. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer... and so on, and so on.

The Duke of Somerset is a radical Protestant. He believes that the religious reform in England is not thorough, and it still retains the Catholic layer.

For example, he believes that the current Anglican religion believes in a kind of Catholicism without a pope. This is a thorn in the throat of a Protestant like him, and it has reached a level of unhappiness.

Therefore, the Duke of Somerset has always wanted to reform England's religion according to the continental model, and give England and Wales a thorough baptism.

Gentlemen! We can no longer bear England being exploited by the Pope in Rome, His Excellency the Duke snapped. It's time to give those hypocrites a hard blow!

It seemed that they were shocked by the Duke's voice, or they didn't care at all. All the ministers who were working fell silent, showing a kind of majestic and immobile demeanor.

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn, like the time before the heavy rain, the whole air was filled with oppressive atmosphere, making people feel uncomfortable and it was difficult to breathe.

After saying these words, His Excellency the Duke's eyes could not help but glanced over the crowd, and then he closed his eyes tightly, like a candle, although motionless, it was still so dazzling in the dark.

Some ministers closed their eyes, looking rested; some ministers looked up at the murals on the Duke's mansion, as if they were cultivating their sentiments; some played with the rings on their hands, as if they didn't hear the Duke's words.

A little bit of time passed, and no one had the intention to speak first! Even in the morning, the light in the room seemed even dimmer.

Your Excellency, the Duke of Somerset, is right! We can no longer let the rotten degenerates of Rome dictate to England, which is thousands of miles away!

The Earl of Warwick was the first to break the silence, and his rough voice brought the wandering ministers back to the conference room.

The air that was stagnant just now seemed to be alive at once, and even the sunlight coming in from the window felt much warmer!

Unknowingly, many ministers shouted and complained to express their resistance to the church, and the entire conference room was filled with pleasant noises.

The Duke of Somerset, who was sitting upright, nodded slightly to the Earl of Warwick, his eyes calm.

The Earl of Warwick also slightly nodded his head to the Duke's overture, and showed a smile that was half-skinned!

The Earl actually hated the Duke of Somerset very much, especially when he saw his expression of being in control of everything, the Earl wanted to use his wide thick cocooned palm to make intimate contact with his face.

Just when the atmosphere was about to reach its climax, Duke Parr, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up from his chair.

Everyone stopped their noisy voices immediately, and they all raised their heads to look at the Duke of Parr, and a voice almost sounded in their hearts: finally made a move!

The Duke of Parr looked at the people who were looking at him, without any fluctuation in his heart, and said in a thick voice: Our priests in England have severed ties with that decaying church in Rome, and they also It is impossible to have the opportunity to dictate to us!

So, as the shepherds sent by the Lord to England to guide the lost lambs, we don't need to let them change anymore! Everything is still good now! Duke Parr's words were resounding and shocked the ministers present.

The ministers, including the Duke of Somerset, did not expect that the Duke of Parr, who had always remained silent, had such a side.

You can't say that! My dear Duke, who can guarantee that those priests who still use Roman standards don't have a trace of nostalgia for Rome? Duke Seymour knew that it was his turn to act.

The Duke of Parr was still not very good at words, his mouth was choked by the Duke's words, and he could not utter a word of rebuttal.

He is not God, so how can he know what those priests are thinking?

Because of such a sentence, Duke Pall sat back helplessly, and returned to his previous taciturn state! It seems that the Duke of Northampton also knows the truth of being outnumbered, and it should be the last effort just now!

Another round of voting followed, and, as expected, thirteen of the sixteen voted in favor and only three voted against.

The Duke of Seymour passed the decision to carry out more in-depth reforms to the Church of England with crushing votes. No matter what feelings the reformers present had in their hearts, their faces were all filled with happy and joyful expressions.

The ministers represented by the Duke of Par left the conference room with indifference, while the many ministers who were happily discussing the reform plan didn't care at all.

Leaning on crutches, the Duke of Northampton walked slowly towards the carriage in the Duke's mansion.

After leaving the brightly lit meeting room, His Excellency could still see all kinds of vague figures arguing fiercely from the window.

snort! A gang of thieves who only want to steal their property, my poor William, is in trouble again!

Duke Parr's second son, William Parr, went to church according to the rules at the time. From a small priest, through the management of the Duke of Parr and his own efforts, he quickly became the archbishop of Dorset.

The eldest son, Bud Parr, will succeed him as the Duke of Northampton, and his most beloved second son, William Parr, was managed by him to become the bishop. Who knows that he has survived the clutches of Henry VIII with difficulty? , and now faces a new crisis.

The Duke of Northampton was helped into the magnificent carriage by the groom, and walked home amidst the groom's shouts.

At this time, our King Edward is coming to the manor near Windsor Castle to be entertained by the butler here.

Your Majesty, please come with me, I have prepared a comfortable room for you! Edward was greeted warmly by the butler as soon as he got off the carriage.

Hundreds of serfs, both male and female, were kneeling in front of the manor, and more than 20 little devils were held down by their parents.

Obviously, the butler's action greatly shocked Edward, and made Edward, who had always thought that the West could only kneel on one knee, raise his posture. It turns out that as long as the power is in place, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

Thank you Minhang Menghua, Meteor Emperor, rangdaodi, ignorance is not wrong, Master Fan has been in Aurora for three thousand years, Lili 599 everyone for your support!

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