My British Empire

Chapter 402 Cabinet meeting

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Such scenes began to be staged all over Spain. Inquisitions, large and small, began to move around to try heresy and maintain the glory of God.

This action has deep political intentions.

Everyone must remember that every action of the government is not because of the king's whims or selfishness, but with deep intentions.

This was the case with Philip II. What he wanted was to use a religious trial to maintain his rule, embody the dignity of the king, and let all the nobles know that Spain ushered in a new king.

Obviously, tens of thousands of people across the country were arrested at the same time, which shocked the whole Spanish atmosphere.

The Pope, who was far away in Rome, also sent a congratulatory message, praising Philip II's behavior of defending God.

In England, after almost a year of adjustments, the nascent United Kingdom is finally slowly running.

London, Palace of Westminster, United Kingdom Cabinet.

As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, William Selsey sat in his own seat and listened carefully to the discussions of the ministers.

This is a cabinet meeting that is held every day, and the discussions are all about unresolved proposals and some policies with relatively large objections, which need to be resolved together.

As a cabinet, except for the prime minister and the nominal deputy prime minister, all the ministers are responsible for specific matters, and then submit the proposal to the prime minister. After the prime minister discusses it with his staff, if he agrees, he will transfer the document to the palace affairs office , the Palace Affairs Office will transfer it to the king, and it can only be implemented after the king approves it.

Under the Cabinet:

Prime Minister and Civil Leader: Coordinating the Cabinet and Leading Cabinet Ministers

Minister of War, responsible for communication between the government and the army, and for national war mobilization.

Chancellor of the Exchequer: Responsible for the government budget and taxation.

Home Secretary: Leads and commands the national police, and is responsible for a range of security matters, such as fire prevention, riot prevention, etc.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Responsible for the Kingdom's foreign affairs

Minister of Transport: Responsible for a series of matters such as roads, ports, and rivers.

Minister of Civil Affairs: Responsible for the promotion and demotion of county chiefs and central officials in the kingdom

Minister of Education: Responsible for civil service selection examinations and leadership of the National Institute of Education

Minister of Trade: Responsible for domestic and foreign commercial trade matters.

Keeper of the Seal: The king's observer in the cabinet, responsible for supervising the cabinet, recording cabinet discussions, and reporting to the king.

Minister of England: Responsible for England affairs, served by the Speaker of the Privy Council of England, actually concurrently held by the Prime Minister.

Scottish Minister: Responsible for Scottish affairs, concurrently held by the Scottish Consul

Minister of Ireland: Responsible for Irish colonization and governance, concurrently served by the Governor of Ireland

Minister of Wales: Responsible for regional affairs in Wales, held by the Welsh Governor.

Minister of France: Responsible for the cities of Boulogne and Calais, which belong to the French region.

Of course, in the enlarged meeting, there are also judges of the Supreme United Court, the Palace Office, the Army and Navy, and members of the major parliaments.

Generally speaking, the ministers of the other three regions basically only govern in their jurisdictions. Only on December 8th of each year, when they return to London, the cabinet holds an enlarged meeting.

The enlarged meeting is presided over by the King and the Prime Minister.

Regional leaders conduct a one-year political report, followed by a political report by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, and regional ministers also need to consult with the cabinet to engage in a tug-of-war for the budget for the coming year.

The central government uses finances, and the king uses the army to control major regions.

In this cabinet meeting plus the Prime Minister’s words, there were a total of ten people at a long table. The Prime Minister sat at the head seat, while the Keeper of the Seal, who was in charge of supervision, sat opposite and began to take a pen and record.

Minister of Trade, how is the tax rate table? Prime Minister William Selsey glanced at the ministers and asked first.

The tax rate table is the tax basis list for various tax types and goods carried out by the state, and is the basis for national fiscal taxation.

The Minister of Trade is a skinny man, because of thinning hair and wearing a wig, he looks a little sluggish. Obviously, he is very tired these days.

Your Excellency Prime Minister, due to the refusal of His Majesty the King last time, after a week of recalculation by the Ministry of Trade, we have finally obtained His Majesty's approval. Here is our tax rate table!

As he said that, the secretary at the side handed the tax rate table to William. His Excellency the Prime Minister read it, and then passed it on in turn, and all the ministers read it one by one.

Since this is the case, do you have any objections? If not, please submit it to the Palace Affairs Office! Your Excellency the Prime Minister glanced at the ministers and said softly.

We have no objection! The ministers said in unison.

In that case, let's start the next topic! The Prime Minister continued loudly: His Majesty the King requested that the cabinet add another minister, the Colonial Minister, to be responsible for the kingdom's external expansion and the colonial movement in the New World. Do you have any objections?

The ministers looked at each other, discussed in a low voice, and after finding that nothing harmed their own interests, they agreed in unison.

Next topic: Expanding the Irish Colonial Movement!

Your Excellency, it seems that the Minister of Ireland hasn't arrived yet! The Minister of Finance on the side quickly reminded.

It's nothing, the Minister of Ireland has sent a message and agreed, and now we are asking for everyone's opinions! William glanced at the agitated Minister of the Exchequer, and said loudly.

However, the Kingdom's finances have been aiding Ireland for one year in a row, and coupled with the construction of national roads throughout the Kingdom, the finances are already overwhelmed! The Minister of Finance complained bitterly.

Also, in terms of civil servants, I haven't prepared so many officials! As he spoke, he winked at the minister of civil affairs, implying.

Haha! Sir Anthony, don't worry, our civil service department has already started preparations for half a year, which is completely enough for Ireland's next expansion!

The Minister of Civil Affairs seemed to have not seen the hint, and said a word leisurely, completely shattering the hopes of the Minister of Finance.

The other ministers immediately laughed, and for a moment, the entire meeting room was filled with joy.

Even so, but, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, there is really nothing financial can do to postpone it for a year! Sir Anthony's face became more bitter, and he looked at the Prime Minister pleadingly.

Sir Anthony, I sympathize with the situation of the Ministry of Finance, but the second step of Ireland's expansion is a policy set by His Majesty the King, please forgive me for being powerless!

In this regard, William could only look at the Chancellor of the Exchequer sympathetically, and said softly.

In this way, the Minister of Finance shook his head helplessly, Alas! It depends on the situation! For the current plan, we can only make loans and borrow debts!

The rest of the ministers felt sympathy when they saw this scene.

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