My British Empire

Chapter 61: Battle of Pink (3)

In less than two minutes, a quarter of the earl's light cavalry had been wiped out, and the Scottish casualties were three times that of the English.

But it was of no use, the Scots were crushed by the sheer numbers of them. As a result, the remaining cavalry united closely with Earl Wellington, working together to resist the Scottish cavalry, and waiting for the arrival of the heavy cavalry by the way.

A part of the Scottish cavalry slowly surrounded the earl's group, leaving about 3,000 people to meet the slow heavy cavalry.

The last time Duke Edward robbed Edinburgh, he used light cavalry. The Scots now have no intuitive impression of heavy cavalry, and the only information they get is that it is very powerful.

So the Scots put up a big formation to meet the last heavy cavalry.

Boom! Boom!... An irregular voice came to the ears of the cavalry, and they could only see a row of monsters in iron armor and leather armor on their horses, walking heavy steps, leading He ran over with a loud noise.

And Earl Allen, who was on the high ground, could see the heavy cavalry in the distance running with heavy dust, rushing towards the self-conscious cavalry with an unstoppable momentum, the earl hurriedly ordered:

Tell the nobles to retreat first, and let the group of highlanders rush up!

Looking at the count with a scared expression on his face, the attendant didn't dare to delay for a moment, and hurriedly gave instructions to the messenger.

In the Middle Ages, the nobility was the representative of the place where the king ruled. Obviously, the nobility was much more important than those barbaric highland warriors.

The messenger came to the heavy cavalry composed of nobles with the Lord Regent's password, and conveyed the regent's order.

Seeing the heavy cavalry getting closer and closer, the nobles couldn't help stepping on their mounts one after another, turned and ran to the rear in a hurry.

Seeing the nobles running back, the highland warriors started to make noise, shaking their shields constantly.

What are you doing? The Lord Regent ordered you to support the cavalry at any time! Who dares to disobey the order, be careful of your own head!

Seeing the highland infantry gradually becoming chaotic, the orderly reprimanded them loudly.

Because of the absence of the tribal leader, even the warlike highland warriors would not contradict the order of the regent.

Slowly, the soldiers' attention was drawn to the situation ahead again, and the tense atmosphere could not help but eased.

The orderly's nerves relaxed immediately, he took a breath, and steered his mount back to the Regent's back.

The time seemed to be quite long, but in fact, it was only a short while before the heavy cavalry from England crashed into the Scottish cavalry who were waiting in full force.

The knight with iron armor all over his body can only see the eyes under the iron mask, which looks cold, especially the round and bright eyes, as if Satan from hell.

The cavalrymen in the front row were pushed down several feet by the long javelin along with their horses, and the cavalrymen behind were also implicated and used as cushions. In just an instant, hundreds of cavalrymen disappeared into this world.

Then, the heavy cavalry continued to rush forward by virtue of inertia, and the Scottish cavalry in front seemed to be frightened, allowing them to crush, many of them stared wide-eyed before dying.

However, the Earl of Wellington and the others saw that the front, which was still full of cavalry a few breaths ago, was suddenly emptied, leaving only various rotten meat and severed limbs, and white brains flowing everywhere.

Lord Earl! Are you alright? The leader of the paused heavy cavalry came out first and asked the stunned Earl.

Oh! En! It's okay! Knights! Let's continue to kill the enemy! The Earl stared at the knight with white brains on the armor in front of him. He was stunned, but he quickly reacted and issued an order.

Follow your orders! Honorable Earl! The earl's voice awakened the dazed cavalry behind him, and all the cavalry responded as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Soon, the situation on the battlefield was reversed. The Scottish cavalry who had just abused the English cavalry very happily, now seemed like a bereaved dog, letting the English cavalry with fewer numbers than themselves chase after them.

The cavalry ran around in a panic. Many people were either tripped and fell to death, or were hacked to death by the cavalry behind.

When the cavalry fled back to the rear of the infantry, there were only less than 2,000 of the 5,000 troops at the beginning, but after the statistics, the conclusions drawn were ridiculous. Much higher than those killed by English cavalry.

The failure of the cavalry duel was most likely caused by Earl Allen's miscalculation.

Since the Scottish monarch James IV was killed in battle with the English army at the Battle of Froden Fields on September 9, 1513, Scotland has also withdrawn from the Holy League War due to its defeat.

Scotland and England have long maintained

Small-scale conflicts, while England has been fighting France, it is very learned from France's heavy knight style.

Therefore, the unfamiliarity with the heavy cavalry led to the defeat of the cavalry.

The English cavalry flicked their tails, and returned to their rear with joy to recuperate.

Next came the confrontation of infantry. The Scots set up their small bucklers and walked slowly forward, while the English also sent out their own infantry.

The two armies approached slowly, and within five minutes, the infantry handed over shortly. With the ferocity of the highland warriors, the English were not only inferior to them in height, but also difficult to match in strength.

After a while, the English infantry in front were routed and rushed back to the infantry in the rear, disrupting the infantry's pace.

Seeing this, Duke Edward nodded to the leader of the longbowmen, and the leader immediately nodded understandingly.

Immediately, England's world-renowned longbowman began to show off.

Longbowmen in England usually have their faces and ears tightly wrapped with cloth, their shoulders are covered with chains, their wrists are protected with leather ropes and leather blocks, their finger joints are protected by leather sheaths, and their belts are hung with daggers and leather bags. They wear all kinds of armor, some of which are just a simple layered bodysuit.

Each archer carries 24 arrows, bundled and put into the quiver. When you run out, go to the supply caravan to get it. Most archers would rather carry arrows in their belt than laboriously place them in their quiver. Arrows can also be hung behind the back. When defending, they put arrows on the ground in front of their feet, which can be used more conveniently.

The three thousand longbowmen shot a round of sharp arrows in unison, and the highland warriors on the opposite side saw the flying arrows coming from the sky, and hurriedly raised their round shields.

It's a pity that the shield is too small. Three thousand sharp arrows fell from the sky, taking away many brave warriors.

It can't be brought to the remaining fighters either! An obliterated nightmare.

After ten rounds of volley, more than 1,000 English infantry were taken away, as well as more than 3,000 highland soldiers, and more than 5,000 soldiers were injured and unable to move.

Many soldiers protected the fatal parts, but were captured by the English because of their injuries.

Seeing the disastrous defeat of the Scottish army, the Lord Regent immediately gave the order to retreat regardless of calming down his mood, and hurriedly fled with the nobles.

Seeing the collapse of the Scottish infantry, Duke Edward shouted sharply from his white horse:

The whole army is attacking! Go!

Afterwards, the guard battalion rushed into the battlefield following the Duke, and Earl Wellington didn't care about resting, and led the cavalry to the battlefield again.

At this most intense moment, the Earl of Warwick is urging the logistics team to deliver food and grass.

Thanks: gfjnfg, Mi Wanqianyao, Shanhu Qingzheng, yuongshinc, book friend 1887429393, LancadterKoo, Ala Leiyong, lp001735, book friend 1255061203, holding hands 2015, Earl Katywen, speechless A Fei, little white veteran, love Stratosphere, Legolas~Windrunner, Jinyu Yujin, Prussian nobleman, cute Hengheng, graffiti TTy, Rym, 56-legged Maoge, Plato's symposium, everyone's big votes support.

Regarding the time for the protagonist to be in charge, it's coming soon, don't worry! Girls will too!

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