My British Empire

Chapter 98 Recruitment

At the same time, in Windsor Manor, the current chief instructor Alexander Knight gathered more than 200 orphans over the age of ten and started a lecture mode on the grass.

Alexander Knight, who usually has a gentle face and is handsome, is the favorite instructor of these children.

In his class, not only is the task very light, but Mr. Knight sometimes finds time to teach them some riding and sword skills, which is very popular among children.

In fact, Knight Alexander, who has always been single, likes children very much. Perhaps it is because he has no heirs. Mr. Knight regards these children as his own children and cares about them very much.

These children not only satisfied his deep desire, but also entrusted his inheritance of his own swordsmanship.

To be honest, if the royal family did not allow the title to be passed on to people who are not related by blood, he would have adopted many adopted sons long ago.

Looking at the group of children in front of him, Mr. Knight couldn't help being touched deep in his heart. He thought of Henry VIII.

He was as old as these children back then, and after seeing Henry VIII hunting once, he was completely fascinated by this strong and mighty king.

Therefore, in order to be able to become a member of the royal family's knights, he joined the expeditionary force in 1522 at the age of fifteen, and followed Henry VIII to Calais, the only territory of England on French territory.

The subsequent plot is the same as in the novel. He saved Henry VIII's life and then became his bodyguard. After the defeat of France, he accompanied Henry VIII back to London.

After some indescribable scenes, his relationship with Henry VIII has been further sublimated.

Came back to his senses, looked at the noisy children in front of him, and swept away his depressed mood. Knight Alexander moistened his throat and said loudly:

You bastards, what are you arguing about? Is the queue ready?

Seeing Mr. Cavalier, who is usually gentle, lose his temper, the children all looked a little scared. After a minute or so of panic, they finally lined up.

Knight Alexander in white clothes nodded in satisfaction, and brushed back the wavy golden hair on his forehead. Mr. Knight raised his face rarely, showing a serious look.

Looking at the stern Alexander knight, even though Jack likes girls, he still can't help but want to praise: she is so beautiful

Golden wavy long hair, smooth long neck, exquisite facial features, slender figure, plus a white cape, black leather boots, and a slender sword in his right hand.

If one ignores her somewhat protruding Adam's apple, she is a heroic and charming female knight.

Ahem! It's been two years since everyone came here, and two years is neither long nor short!

Hearing the ethereal voice of Knight Alexander, more than two hundred boys and girls calmed down consciously, and listened carefully to what the instructor who had been with them for almost two years was about to say.

The youngest of you is twelve years old now, and the oldest is sixteen!

Every day you have to practice during the day, and you have to learn English writing with the teacher at night!

Just like that, you came to this well-fed Windsor Castle from your poor, hungry, full, and naked life!

Looking at some teenagers and girls who were caused to cry by what he said, Knight Alexander couldn't help stopping for a while to give them some buffer time.

Here, you don't have to worry about how to find food tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about being a corpse in the hands of the corpse collector the next day!

And at the cost of five hundred pounds of rye a day, and as much as two hundred pounds in gold a month!

And these are all paid by our King Edward, and what do we need to pay?

Looking at the immature faces in front of him, Mr. Knight asked loudly.


What else do you have to pay?

Only loyalty and life can repay His Majesty's kindness!

Standing in the first row, Jack answered hoarsely. Like the other companions, he only remembered what the instructors had been talking about.

He didn't think much about it, he just wanted to let the excitement in his heart come out, so he shouted with all his strength.

There were a lot of people like Jack, and these two hundred people blushed, their eyes widened, and they exuded a fanatical aura.

Very good! Glad you remember who brought you these happy days!

So, now is the time to repay His Majesty the King.

Hearing these words from the children who had been trained so hard, Alexander Knight couldn't help but smile on his handsome face.

Because of the recent unrest in the area, His Majesty the King is planning to recruit more guards. This is not only an opportunity for you to repay Your Majesty!

Glancing at Jack in the front row who was listening to him carefully, Knight Alexander couldn't help but increase his volume.

This is also an opportunity to change your destiny. As long as you become the royal bodyguards, you will not only get a handsome salary once a month.

And from now on, you are no longer the humble common people, you have a decent identity!

So you must try to pass all the tests, this is your best chance!

After saying this, the flushed faces of everyone in the audience turned even redder, and everyone stopped worrying about discipline, and chattered.

Some people even think of their future life with joy, and just smile silly.

However, these were just the joyful expressions of the boys, while dozens of girls had serious expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of worry.

My lord! Excuse me, do we girls have a chance to become bodyguards?

My lord, we have never missed a single thing in our usual training, and we even do better than those boys in some areas!

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him asking himself in a timid voice, Knight Alexander admired her courage very much.

He knew this little girl, the most prestigious of dozens of girls, whose name seemed to be Emma.

As the eldest sister, she is not only outstanding in appearance, but also among the best in various trainings, and what is even more powerful is her fighting skills.

The girl lived up to her five-foot height, and gained fame by beating boys who bullied girls black and blue.

Emma! Yes, His Majesty the King specifically explained that as long as you pass the assessment, you can become a member of the guards!

He likes this heroic girl very much, so his words are full of pampering.

This is really great! The girls hugged each other happily when they heard the news.

. Okay! Let's start now! Knight Alexander yelled, reminding the girls who were huddled together.

First, let's compare endurance...

………………The Evil Dividing Line……………

The Duchy of Lancaster, Anson Parish, Anson Cathedral, more than 500 people with their families came to the church to worship.

Here it is necessary to clarify the difference between a parish and a manor and a village.

The parish refers to the church’s grass-roots organization managed by priests, who spread faith and relieve charity; the village is a geographical concept, and it is the basic settlement where farmers live; the manor is the territorial management center with nobles or squires as the core.

A parish may include several villages, and sometimes a village does not belong to a parish.

Likewise, a village may belong to two or more manors, and a lord's manors may be spread over several villages.

Therefore, in the whole place, the villagers are firmly controlled by the church and the manor. The church controls the mind, and the manor controls the person. This is the main reason why there were no large-scale influential peasant uprisings in the Middle Ages.

However, the religious reform carried out in England made churches everywhere unable to collect the original tithes and other miscellaneous taxes, and could only rely on the barren land left after being seized by nobles and gentlemen, as well as donations from believers.

Moreover, the right to appoint and remove local bishops is completely in the hands of the king, the sheriff, and the magistrate.

That's why Bishop Anson was so flattering when he saw Sir John. After all, Sir John had a lot of power to make suggestions on the appointment and dismissal of bishops in Lancaster, so there was no room for him not to flatter.

Seeing the villagers who had been working all morning preparing to go back, Baron Smith on the side quickly blocked the way, gesturing to Bishop Anson with his eyes.

My fellow believers, please wait for a while today. His Majesty the King has sent Sir John, the Minister of Royal Affairs. He is about to announce something. Please listen carefully!

After presiding over the service, Bishop Anson comforted the restless villagers, and then explained the reason.

Hearing the explanation from the presiding bishop, the flustered villagers immediately felt relieved, but the voices became louder, and everyone was very curious.

So! Your Excellency, what does His Majesty the King in London want us to do?

Looking at the well-dressed middle-aged man in front of him, Sir John knew that he was a gentleman from a local area, and the main management personnel in the local area.

The main reason is that His Majesty the King is merciful and will select royal guards in the territory. This time, free people, gentlemen, and knights and nobles can all be selected!

So between the ages of sixteen and twenty, after seven days, you can send your nephews here for screening!

The time is not waiting! Everyone can go back! After saying this, Sir John stepped off the stage, and Baron Smith also took away a group of knights who blocked the way.

The lively crowd also left the church amid a burst of surprise and laughter.

My lord, don't you need to go to another parish? Baron Smith glanced at Sir John and asked in a puzzled tone.

Don't worry, my lord, this is the largest church and parish in the duchy. In a few days, the news of our recruitment will spread to all parts of the duchy!

Let's think about where to arrange the selection, it's not easy to arrange with so many people!

Sir John smiled, shook his head, and explained, leaving Baron Smith with a serious face.

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