My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 861: trust

After the progress of "Stone of Destiny" catches up with Weibo in light reading, it has been delayed for three or four days. At the same time, Shen Xin also wrote a paragraph on Weibo.

"Since I have other things to do, this is the end of the color pages and illustrations for the entire book. Thank you for your support. The novel will continue to be updated."

Soon after this Weibo was posted, readers started to leave messages under Weibo.

"Teacher another, why didn't you draw a coloring page?"

"That's right, if there are no color pages and illustrations, the novel will not look interesting."

"Without illustrations and color pages, light novels will have no soul."

"Teacher another, you can't be like those level light novels..."

In addition to some regretful messages, there are also some messages that are not so friendly.

"Another level is not as big as snow."

"Two levels, okay?"

"It's estimated that another also knows that it's about to show up, so he said so deliberately. Is there anything else to do, is it an excuse?"

"No? If there is someone else who drew the illustration, I haven't heard of him?"

"There is no similar illustrator at Station M, right?"

Station M is the largest illustration website in China. Many powerful illustrators or newcomers upload illustrations or fan art on Station M in order to obtain cooperation from platforms such as games and magazines.

Any illustrator with some strength will upload color pages on the M station.

Every illustrator has his own style. After spending a while with the people at Station M, seeing the color pages, he can basically guess the identity of the illustrator.

However, the style of another is really unfamiliar.

"You are too innocent, another can invite another person to paint. Just give the money, and the illustrator will not say it. In this way, everyone will think that another is a person who can write novels and can Illustrator."

"But, what is the advantage of another doing this? So far, "Stones of Destiny" hasn't got any benefits yet, right?"

"This is a character design. A light novelist with such a good painter and capable of composing stories is worth far more than other light novelists."

"If you don't believe me, the value of another will definitely go up in the future."

"If he does this, I don't think it is interesting."

"I was reading a novel just for Hong Liqi. Now that Hong Liqi is gone, what else to watch?"

"The plot is not bad, but it's too depressing. Wait a minute and see if it gets better."


Lu Ning also moved the studio to the 10th floor after discussing the cooperation with Ji Yinxuan.

The room where Shen Xin placed some old instruments and workbenches was vacated and used as Lu Ning's studio.

During this period of time, Xu Jie called her, asking her to be the painting of "The Daily Life of a Small World", but she refused.

It's not that she has opinions on "Daily in a Small World"-in fact, she has never read this light novel-she is not underestimating the webcomic, but she has agreed to Shen Xin.

He is also a painter. Faced with the two novels "The Gate of Destiny" and "The Daily Life of a Small World," any cartoonist should not have a hard time making a choice.

Now Shen Xin uses another's Weibo to announce that "The Gate of Destiny Stone" will no longer draw illustrations. Many doubts make her very anxious, but Shen Xin has no intention to explain.

Obviously one sentence can eliminate these doubts, but Shen Xin just doesn't say "he is another."

I don't know what the teacher thinks.

Lu Ning compared the color pages on the Internet and used the digital screen to practice character drawing.

She has been using pens and drawing boards before, and now to improve efficiency, she has also started to use the pen display. Once she really decides to serialize on the Internet, she will scan the drawing into a picture and upload it to the Internet. This process is indeed a bit cumbersome.

Therefore, everything must be re-adapted.

Putting down the pressure-sensitive pen, Lu Ning rubbed her forehead, and suddenly saw the Penguin jump.

She hurriedly opened the document that Shen Xin forwarded to him.

Lu Ning immediately downloaded it to the desktop, and Shen Xin sent another message.

"There are the content of the latest story, and the sketches of the illustrations. Please help me to draw it. It's hard work."

Huh? Episode 20 Novel? There are sketches?

Lu Ning was overjoyed when she heard this.

On the Internet, there are endless discussions about Chapter 20, but Shen Xin has never meant to serialize it again. Unexpectedly, a new chapter will appear in front of her. More importantly, Shen Xin also provided a sketch.

In the stage of drawing a drawing with a pen, the pen-through table is an essential tool for the cartoonist. It allows the cartoonist to see the lines clearly. In addition, if the cartoonist needs to copy the drawing or complete the sketch to the original manuscript, he must also use the pen Writing desk.

After using the pen display, Lu Ning can create a new layer to achieve a similar effect, and it is more convenient to modify.

Shen Xin's sketches also gave Lu Ning a chance to learn. Of course she would not let it go.

However, what Shen Xin did made Lu Ning somewhat puzzled.

"Teacher, any readers on the Internet question the identity of another, why don't you explain?"

It didn't take long for Shen Xin to reply.

"There is nothing to explain. They questioned another, not me."

Eh? What else to say?

Lu Ning’s mouth jumped and Shen Xin are indeed the same person, but the other is not Shen Xin, because the identity of the other is more free, so you don’t need to take too much into account, you just need to be happy. .

The novel is updated at will, even if there is no following, another can not care.

But Shen Xin can't. He has to consider a lot when he is doing things now. He has to take into account the readers and also the interests of the platform.

Thinking of this, Lu Ning suddenly understood Shen Xin's mind—he didn't want to be tied too tightly.

"But, in this way, I might steal the teacher's limelight." Lu Ning put the worries in his heart into the dialog box.

"Don't worry, I don't lack this point of exposure. Moreover, if my name appears in the original position, then your efforts may be obscured. Your success will also be taken for granted, right? I believe that even if the manga of "Stone of Destiny" only bears your name, it will be successful. Come on."

Lu Ning looked at this line of words, her eyes warmed, and it must be fake if she said she was not moved.

If Shen Xin really appears in "The Gate of Destiny" as the original work, then her efforts must be questioned.

The name of Another is not well-known in the industry now, and if she can really take this opportunity to paint the "Stone of Destiny" perfectly, this is a proof of her own strength, and at the same time, she has not lived up to Shen Xin. Look forward to.

Shen Xin gave her such an opportunity, which made her feel more pressured. At the same time, she also knew that this was Shen Xin's trust in her.

Lu Ning encouraged herself, clicked on sai, opened the sketch sent by Shen Xin, and created a new layer. The pressure-sensitive pen in his hand slides along the lines of the sketch, and the lines appear on the new layer.

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