My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 902: Server... pumped

To be honest, Ye Hexu never expected that Shen Xin would choose the subject of basketball. Without him, the creation of this subject is really difficult.

In action comics, there are two most basic problems to be solved. The first is the action of the character.

Under what circumstances, how the athletes react and whether their movements are natural, these are very particular about these, a little carelessness, the drawn character will be blunt.

The second one is the storyboard.

How to reflect the speed and trajectory of basketball, what moves the offensive player must do to get rid of the opponent when facing the defensive player, and how the defensive player should follow the defense, these must be reflected through the lens.

A good sports scene, such as mercury, will have a sense of elegance in the action of the character. These should start from the details, such as the dynamics of the hair, clothes, and the character's movements to improve the realism of the picture. Like a stone statue carved with a carving knife, not only the movements are clumsy, but also the shape is stiff.

The basketball storyboard is not something you can do if you want to paint it well. Just like Tamagawa Haruka's "Slam Dunk", this manga is already very popular in District 11, but the scores in the game are still not good. It's like dribbling a person, his cartoons only show the result of the dribble, but how to pass a person is not drawn.

Isn't Tamagawa Haruka good? He was also the person who won the No. 1 small book in "Shoun Leap", and was also a genius cartoonist in District 11, but even he was still not good at drawing these storyboards.

In fact, the problem of storytelling is not unique to a certain cartoonist. Even the top cartoonists in District 11 still can’t do everything. More people can only show in one aspect or some aspects. My own good.

In Shen Xin's previous comics, most of the characters were relatively quiet and would not engage in his fierce movements. His level of drawing sports storytelling is only reflected in "Steel Refining", but "Steel Refining" is a fighting comic, which is very different from sports comics such as basketball.

However, just by looking at this coloring page, Ye Hexu can see that Shen Xin's basketball comic is of high quality-clear muscle lines, natural character movements, and real look. In addition, the sweat of the skin is also drawn. It is meticulous, and it is reflected in the skin, jersey, hair, and even the air. As a reader, he can clearly feel the physical exhaustion of the character.

Ye Hexu pulled down the post, and black and white pages appeared one after another in his field of vision.

He didn't bother to read the text in the dialog box, but put all his energy on the storyboard.

A dozen pages flashed by, Ye Hexu felt that he was not satisfied, and refreshed the web page again. This time, 65 pages of drawings were printed.

"Ms. Shen... what does he want to do?" Ye Hexu said silently.

"I don't know. If these drawings are submitted to the magazine, it will be a lot of money."

At Shen Xin's current worth, these sixty pages of paintings can really sell for an exaggerated price, but he has all posted them on the Internet, and it looks like it should be a complete story.

Ye Hexu did not respond, but quickly scanned the screen. The protagonist played a 3v3 street basketball with others. Another role of the author in a wheelchair joined him. The protagonist also had a competition with a wheelchair youth.

The tension of the story was conveyed to his heart through the lens, and his eyes did not want to leave the screen for a moment.

Seeing the last frame, Ye Hexu sighed on his back: "There are such cartoons, black and white and color pages, is there any difference?"

Jian Xiaomei also sighed, and a surge of pressure emerged in his heart.

She has also worked as an editor for ten years. She thinks she has a good vision. After reading this comic, she has a hunch that this short story will be screened.

If such comics cannot be serialized on "ComicFuture", it will be a pity for "ComicFuture".

Picking up the mobile phone, and ignoring that it was late at night, Jian Xiaomei called Yu Chen.

Yu Chen was sleeping, but was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

When he received Jian Xiaomei's call, his mind was still a little confused.

What short story does Mr. Shen serialize? Not yet?

Jian Xiaomei said it word by word, Yu Chen immediately woke up, sat up quickly, took the pad, only to find that he couldn't open the app.

He took the notebook again and clicked on Manjia. The webpage only left a sentence.

"Because a large number of readers have flooded in in a short period of time, which exceeds the capacity of the server, it is now being repaired, please don't worry.

The server turned out to be... pumped! ?

Yu Chen rubbed his face, unlucky secretly.

Despite the grievances in his heart, he fully understands the collapse of's server.

It is a place for senior comic fans or creators to communicate. The traffic is basically a fixed value, usually a little more or less.

Now, Shen Xin suddenly put a short story on It will definitely attract a large number of comic readers in a short time. The server of may not be able to handle it.

Yu Chen looked up to the sky and sighed.

The wife opened her distressed eyes, glanced at him, and then closed.

"What's the matter? Go to sleep... I have to go to work tomorrow."

"I guess I won't be able to work tomorrow."

Yu Chen is not stupid either.

If Shen Xin really wanted to sign a contract with "ComicFuture", he would have signed it a long time ago, how could he wait until now?

Since he put this short story on the Internet for everyone to read, he actually waits for the conditions proposed by the major platforms, and which platform has the best conditions, he will go to which platform.

Want to find a new author to balance Shen Xin?

Ha ha……

It should be "balanced" now, right?

The wife opened his eyes, her eyes full of doubts, and he patted his wife, "You go to sleep... I guess there is no time to sleep tonight."

After getting up Yu Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Shang Haozhi's number.

Since he can't sleep, let another person stay up with him.


Just as the forum collapsed, the comics forum in District 11 also set off a climax.

The 65-page manuscript was translated into Japanese and posted on the largest forum in District 11. After more than ten minutes, this comic immediately became the hottest post on the forum.

Tamagawa Haruka was going to rest, Ishizawa called and asked if he knew what Shen Zheng was doing recently.

"I don't know, I haven't contacted him for a long time." Tamagawa was at a loss, not sure why Ishizawa called.

"Looking at the sticky post of'Man Community', somehow, a short comic by Mr. Shen was posted to the forum. If you want to watch it, hurry up. If it's late, the server may crash. Huaxia's Manjia network has collapsed. Up."

"Oh, but, Mr. Ishizawa, why do you care about Teacher Shen?" Tamagawa Haruka was a little surprised.

Ishizawa and Shen Xin have no intersection.

"Do you know what the subject matter of this short comic is?" Ishizawa asked.

"do not know."

"Basketball. First, someone will compare it with "Slam Dunk"; second, this is a sports comic that overlaps with your readers. Also, the magazine hasn't serialized two sports comics at the same time for a long time. Want news."

Tamagawa Haruka was energetic in an instant.


I don't know what kind of basketball cartoons Mr. Shen will draw? Like "Slam Dunk", or better than "Slam Dunk"?

Thinking of this, Yu Chuanyao suddenly became nervous, immediately turned on the computer and found the "Man Community". As expected, he saw Shen Xin's cartoon at the top post.


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