My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 991: request

Yu Chen in the audience was very happy when she heard Shen Xin's words.

In fact, he knew in his heart that despite the high sales of "", it was not easy to break through 1.3 million copies without other assistance.

The animation of "" has not yet started, let alone promoted for "".

Unless, "" is particularly brilliant in this year's plot, and the heat is quarreled, will this be possible.

The animation is in charge of "Young Leap", and "ComicFuture" has no other choice. At most, a full-color version of "" will be published.

From the current point of view, the full-color results of "DN" are basically at the top level, which also makes it possible for "" to publish a full-color pamphlet.

How to prevent the full-color version from affecting the sale of the black-and-white version is also something "ComicFuture" must consider.

After Shen Xin stepped down, he and Xi Muhan looked at each other and smiled.

In fact, he could have not said things like "small goals", but if there was no last sentence, then this speech would be too flat. If it can arouse the fighting spirit of certain cartoonists and create some better cartoons, he would be happy to see them. After all, the larger the "plate" of the cartoons, the more he can get.

How to make the "plate" bigger?

Good work!

Moreover, many good works must appear at the same time to make this market bigger.

After he said these words, some cartoonists did not feel convinced. It's not that I hate Shen Xin for ignoring them—in fact, when they watch certain rankings, they automatically ignore ""—but the numbers Shen Xin said.

1.3 million copies? Do you know what this concept is?

By the way, anyway, just casually talk about it, who wouldn't?

Shen Xin didn't care about the thoughts of these cartoonists, but set his sights on the stage again.

Shang Haozhi took the stage and mainly talked about "ComicFuture" and the harvest of Light Reading in the past year.

In the magazine, the grades of "" have always been very good. Although the volume is not as high as "DN", "" is a long-form comic. As long as the story does not collapse, the better the results will be.

In addition, things like "Magic World", "Demon Road", "No Demon Under Heaven", "Idol Times", and "Alien Restaurant" are all pretty good, and the sales of single-line books of "Dad's Daily Life" are also surprisingly good.

In light of reading, due to the serialization of high-quality works such as "The Gate of Destiny", "The Demon King's Family Education", "Heavenly Mystery" and other high-quality works, it has finally emerged from many web comic platforms. Similarly, the remastered version of "DN" also has a very high reputation. Achievements, not only the top two in the click list, but also more than 100,000 subscriptions-the number of subscriptions does not seem to be much, but you must know that members can also read for free, which to a large extent affects the uniform subscription of "DN" .

In the past two years, Qingyue has been taking a second look, but compared with, there is still a long way to go.

After Shang Haozhi came down, Bao Jiyi gave a brief summary, and the first half of the annual meeting was also declared over. Then, the annual meeting entered the dinner session.

The dinner is a buffet. The waiter fills the table with food and drinks, and the cartoonist or guest picks it up. It is convenient to move around freely at all times, and it is also convenient for the cartoonist to communicate with the guests.

Shen Xin put some fried noodles on the plate, and just after two bites, someone came up to say hello.

"Mr. Shen, hello..."

Shen Xin quickly put down the plate, nodded slightly, and looked at the person in front of him.

This person is about 60 years old, with gray hair, deep sunken eye sockets, and a relatively thin body.

Shen Xin didn't know this person, and had never met him.


Shen Xin replied and received the old man's business card, only to find that the old man was the president of the Cartoonists Association, whose name was Shi Ping, and he had doubts in his heart.

He has no contact with people from the Cartoonists Association, and the only intersection should be the "Comic Festival".

In fact, apart from being responsible for the "Comic Festival", the Cartoonists Association does not have much overlap with Shen Xin in other matters.

Such as the registration of cartoon training institutions, the infringement of cartoonists, and the mediation of contradictions with the platform, these all belong to the "cartoonists association".

It's just that Shen Xin solved it by himself many times, and if even he couldn't solve the problem, the effect of bringing in the "Caricature Artists Association" would not be too great, so Shen Xin didn't have much communication with them.

"Before, Teacher Qiu Gongyu took good care of me. I have never had the opportunity to express my gratitude. I didn't expect to meet the teachers of the'Caricature Artists Association' here." Shen Xin said.

"Ms. Qiu has retired. Our group of old guys also want to use our meager strength to help China's comics business." Shi Ping smiled.

Already retired...

Shen Xin was taken aback.

However, if you think about it, it should be the same. At that time, when Qiu Gongyu presented Shen Xin with the "Best Newcomer Award", it was already more than sixty, and it is normal to retire now.

Time flies, time has passed so long...

"It turned out to be like this. I don't know what's the matter with you looking for me?" Shen Xin doubted.

"Actually..." Shi Ping looked a little bit but after thinking about it, he said his future intentions, "Actually, there is one thing that may be troublesome for Teacher Shen."

"What do I need to do?" Shen Xin asked puzzled.

"Let me make a long story short? In fact, we have been working on regulating'manga training institutions'. After all, the levels of these institutions are not uniform. Sometimes, young people who aspire to become manga artists are deceived by some institutions for various reasons. Perhaps, a lifetime may be delayed."

Shen Xin nodded, if it is true as Shi Ping said, the "cartoonists association" does indeed need to exist.

"Now, we are facing a problem. Previously, the teaching materials used by major training institutions were those in District 11, but you also know that the publishing model in District 11 is different from that of China. For example, the reading habits of the lecturers are always deliberate. Again, it will not be too easy to use. Moreover, the comics used in the textbooks are also works 20 years ago, and the style of painting is very different from the present. Therefore, the "Manga Artists Association" Some members have an idea—to prepare a set of textbooks suitable for China..."

It turned out to be so.

Shen Xin nodded, but he still didn't know Shi Ping's intention.

"However, comic textbooks must have examples, and domestic cartoonists have different levels and levels, and some works are not suitable for quoting in textbooks. So..." Shi Ping crossed his fingers, but stared at Shen Xin, "our editorial board member. The people at the meeting looked through hundreds of comics and finally chose one of your comics, so they hope to get authorization."

"Which set?" Shen Xin asked in confusion.

"Steel Refining." Shi Ping said the name of the work. "Of course, we will also pay for the related licensing fees, but the copyright of "Steel Refining" is too big, so I want to ask you. Can you authorize some of the screens of "Steel Making" and the disassembly of the script to us."

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