With the fate of Nami and others, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group suddenly suffered a tragic blow.

After all, the strength of Nami and several people is very strong, all of them have reached the level of admirals, although they are not comparable to real admirals, but their combat power is not comparable to some small minions.

Even the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group are not Nami’s opponents.

Especially Nami’s childlike fruit, all enemies touched by her, turned into toy people, and then in turn helped the navy deal with pirates.

It can be said that the people on Nami’s side are fighting more and more, and the harm to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group is the greatest.

Even Charlotte Lingling couldn’t see it, and personally came to kill Xiang Nami, so that Fujihu rushed over in time and blocked Charlotte Lingling.

Although Charlotte Lingling’s strength is very strong, Fuji Tora is much easier to deal with, at least stronger than facing Kaido.

After all, Kaido’s strength is too strong, and his resilience is amazing, and Fujitora really doesn’t want to fight this monster.

Compared with Kaido, Charlotte Lingling is inferior, at least Fujitora can drag her down.

On the other side, the battle between Lei, and Kaido, was completely in the upper hand.

Without the participation of these two four emperors, Nami and the others became more and more arrogant, almost no one was their opponent, and every pirate ship was easily destroyed by them.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly tended to the side of the navy, and the observers who saw it from a distance were shocked.

“These navies are really terrifying, they actually overwhelmed the two four emperor pirate groups head-on!”

“Thread fruit, shadow fruit, rustle fruit… These are the Devil Fruits of the Origin Seven Martial Sea, and they have actually been given by them. ”

“It seems true that Admiral Linlei, like Blackbeard Tichy, has the ability to deprive enemies of their Devil Fruit.”


There was a lot of talk.

In the crowd, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirate Group was also shocked, obviously they didn’t expect that Linlei had the same strength as Blackbeard Tichy.

“If that’s the case, then-”

Blackbeard Tichy listened to the discussion around him, his pupils suddenly shrunk, and his eyes were fixed on Lei, who was fighting Kaido.

“It was Lin Lei who killed his father in the first place, could it be that the Shock Fruit has already been obtained by him?” Blackbeard Tichy gritted his teeth and glared fiercely at Lin Lei in the distance, and suddenly realized in his heart that everything was understood.

No wonder he couldn’t get the Shock Fruit in the first place, it turned out that he was taken away by Lin Lei first, and he was still embarrassed there like a clown.

Blackbeard Tichy suddenly felt a huge shame, and he couldn’t wait to rush up and slaughter Leilei.

“Wait first, when they are both defeated, I will kill him and take the Shock Fruit.” Blackbeard Tichy looked at Lin Lei in the distance with a murderous face, and thought secretly.

He is not impulsive because now is not a good opportunity to shoot.

Although the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group are now in the inferior position, their combat power is still there.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the two big four emperor pirate groups have gradually regained their disadvantage and began to gain the upper hand in turn.

This is because human physical strength is limited.

Although they were strong, they only had a dozen people, but the enemies they had to face were more than 200,000.

It can be said that each of them must fight one enemy to do it.

Even if 10,000 pigs are placed there for you to kill, they will exhaust you, not to mention that these people are all powerful pirates.

After a long time, Nami and Dusty, who are not physically good, have gradually consumed most of their physical strength, and they can no longer use the powerful tricks in the Devil Fruit.

Battle Peach Maru, Smogg, Burnham, Karna, etc., these people who have been cultivating in the navy since childhood, can still maintain physical strength.

Fuji Tora’s physical strength was originally sufficient, but his opponent was Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, so he consumed more physical strength.

Therefore, as time passed, the balance of victory began to tilt in favor of the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates.

Lin Lei also noticed this situation, and couldn’t help but look at him.

“It seems that we have to solve some garbage first!”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Lei’s pupils expanded sharply, and a terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura suddenly swept out and swept out in all directions.

Suddenly, some pirates with weak strength immediately rolled their eyes and fainted on the boat, or fell into the sea.

After this wave of overlord-colored domineering impact, the two major Four Emperor Pirate Regiments lost tens of thousands of troops.

It is a pity that there are many pirates who are too far away from Linlei, and the impact of Linlei’s overlord color domineering is much smaller.

But Lin Lei was not disappointed, his body suddenly disappeared, turning into a bolt of lightning, shooting towards the surrounding pirate ships.

“Huh?” Kaido was stunned, and then hurriedly looked for Lei’s figure.

However, the lei in the stealth state was not something he could see at all, Kaido just felt a powerful aura flying around the battlefield.

This was actually Lin Lei flying fast, and he touched both the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group in just a moment.

When Lin Lei appeared again, he slashed a series of terrifying slashes towards the sea in front of him, and these slashes seemed to have a tracking function, turning and slashing towards the pirate ships that had been touched by Lin Lei.

Suddenly, one pirate ship after another was destroyed under the slash of Lei.

This is the ability of the target fruit, as long as what has been touched by Lei, it will be marked by him, and then he will swing the slash casually, and these slashes will automatically track these marked objects.

Under the attack of Lei’s slash, those marked pirate ships could not resist at all.

After all, except for Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, no one present could resist Lei’s slash.


“Lin Lei little ghost, your opponent is me!”

Kaido roared angrily and killed towards Lei.

However, although his strength was strong, his speed was too far behind Linlei.

In front of Lei’s lightning-fast speed, Kaido could only follow Lei’s to eat ashes.

And the slashes that Lin Lei swung out made the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group suffer a lot, one pirate ship after another was bombarded, countless pirates were killed, or fell into the sea.

In an instant, the two sea thieves, who had gradually gained the upper hand, suddenly suffered heavy losses, which made De Nami and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

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