Fire all over the Internet
1465 “Will the anchor sing for those years?”
In a live broadcast room of Shark Live, a female anchor was singing to Mai, and a barrage suddenly asked.
The female anchor rogue said to the microphone: “I have sang it three times today in those years…”
Not just this anchor.
As long as it is an anchor who can sing, the song “Those Years” has been ordered more than once in the past two days.
Some anchors are more clever and have learned “Those Years” and gained a wave of fans.
“What song were those years?”
Someone doesn’t know.
“It’s a really cool song, you can see it on the charts! I cried when I heard it!” There are fans of “Those Years” in the barrage, crazy Amway.
The song “Those Years” has sparked a more powerful trend in this world than in previous lives.
The lyrics and music are moving, and more importantly, under the masterful interpretation of Han Qi, the quality is better than the previous life.
Those netizens who were curious to listen to “Those Years” became Amway fans of the song after returning.
Who doesn’t have a girl who had a crush on him back then?
Who doesn’t stare at a girl’s ponytail and stare in a daze?
Who is not once at the wrong timeFound the right person in love?
“I want to go back to those years
Before and after returning to classroom seating
Deliberately begging you to scold you gently
Arrange combinations on the blackboard
Are you willing to untie
Whoever sits with whom he loves her”
Someone copied this lyric and swiped it frantically in the barrage.
Some people wrote the name of their crush in their student days on the bullet screen.
Confessing loudly in the barrage, expressing the love that has not been expressed for so many years.
Some people, in front of the screen, wept silently.
“I just attended the wedding of my childhood sweetheart. She was very beautiful. I drank a lot of wine. When I heard this song, I cried like a dog.”
A barrage floated past, leaving the anchor unable to say comfort.
Among the music software reviews, one review is highly rated.
“I’m getting married today. My wife is my junior high school classmate. After so many years, I have never regretted meeting you.”
This comment has received many blessings.
Some people also told the story in the comments that they fell in love with their first love, but gradually broke up.
No complaints, only regrets.
“I wanted to conquer all
It was only when I finally looked back that I found out
Everything in this world is all about you”
This lyric has become the signature of many literary and artistic youths.
It seems that for a moment, “Those Years” seems to reveal
Opened a scar in the hearts of many people.
Those past events that no one knows, and even do not want to recall, were dug up by this song.
After a while, another comment popped up.
“I went and confessed to the girl I had a crush on in high school. We’re together!”
This lucky man has also been blessed by many people, and many people, like him, went to confess to the name hidden in their hearts.
Some people succeed, others fail.
But everyone understands that the important thing is not to be together, but to work hard.
In just half a week, “Those Years” not only became the hegemon on the list.
And among young people, there is a trend.
“Han Qi wrote the lyrics, composed the music and sang? Who is Han Qi?”
Someone noticed Han Qi.
In the past, although Han Qi had some reputation.
But in fact, his name is only familiar to people in the film and television industry.
No matter how much more, it is his Weibo fans and Hot Bar fans.
But this time, all the young people in the Xia Kingdom knew the name Han Qi.
“I love his voice!”
When those fans who were intoxicated by Han Qi’s voice were looking for Han Qi’s information.
Only then did I find out that Han Qi is a rich man, a screenwriter, an actor, and even a director!
But he is not a singer!
“No business!”
“I beg Han Qi to sing!”
“Brother Han Qi, we are your fans!”
Fans who were fascinated by Han Qi’s voice ran to Han Qi’s Weibo and frantically asked Han Qi for business.
Even Han Qi already has his first fans.
Will Han Qi take care of them?
Obviously not!
“Han Qi! I want to listen to “Those Years”!”
Compared with those netizens, the hot bar is Han Qi’s biggest fan!
She pestered Han Qi and wanted to listen to “Those Years” every day!
“I’ve heard it five times today!”
Han Qi said helplessly.
“I’m going to listen! Do you listen to my sister!”
Hot bar took out Han Qi’s face
Photos with lip prints.
“I sing!”
Han Qi was helpless.
Now it seems to have caught Han Qi’s weakness.
Tian Tian said that he wanted to find Han Qi’s father to complain.
Han Qi took the guitar and sang “Those Years”.
Hot Bar held his cheeks and looked at Han Qi who was singing with his eyes closed, with a smile on his face, as if there were stars in his bright eyes.

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