Subverting Hollywood Companies
1631 How to beat Hollywood?
This question is placed in front of filmmakers all over the world.
Either past or present.
Hollywood has nothing to lose in the world.
never been beaten.
The status of the world’s three major awards ceremony is so high.
In front of Oscar seems to be unknown.
Instead of being defeated, Hollywood is getting stronger.
All filmmakers look at Hollywood as if they were looking at a mighty devil.
But there was a company in a previous life that almost subverted the entire Hollywood.
What kind of company is Netflix?
Now, Netflix is ​​a well-known DVD rental company in the United States.
They have a lot of loyal customers.
There are tens of millions of meters in income every year.
It can be said to be very successful.
But only Han Qi understood.
It’s just that they succeed.
No one could have imagined that p this company has boldly started to abandon dvd rental,
Go all in on the streaming business.
No one will know that the value of this company will increase forty-fold in the next ten years.
At one time, he overcame the most buggy Dad Di in the Big Six.
If this is the only case, Netflix will not be so important in Han Qi’s heart.
In Han Qi’s view, Netflix has literally killed the entire Hollywood.
The streaming media business is killing the cinema.
The entire Hollywood theater chain is boycotting Netflix.
Very simple, I can watch the premiere online, so why go to the theater?
More than that, Netflix is ​​the opposite of Hollywood.
Hollywood’s production method is to use Hollywood talents to produce Hollywood-style films
Then export to the world.
Netflix is ​​not, he is playing the game of rural Baogucheng.
Entering a market, he will find the best crew and directors in that country and give him money.
Make a movie that fits that country.
occupy the local market.
What is this called?
This is called the union of filmmakers from all over the world.
Resist the oppression of Hollywood!
Whether or not Netflix really contributes to film and television people around the world.
But objectively, he is subverting the entire Hollywood model.
This is also the reason why Netflix is ​​suppressed by the whole Hollywood.
If Han Qi invests in the digital field, it is to strengthen his own strength.
Investing in Marvel is to take a bite on the biggest cake in Hollywood in the future.
Then invest in Netflix.
It’s the real killer.
It’s a pity that Netflix is ​​too valuable now, and he can’t afford it.
But even if he could afford it, he wouldn’t buy it.
The development of Netflix was sucking the blood of Hollywood in the early days.
Americans can suck.
Xia people go to suck the blood of Hollywood?
Do you feel like you are dying?
Hollywood is almost the most exclusive field in the entire United States.
Few of Asian-American directors and actors can make their mark.
At the time, Fusoguo acquired Columbia, one of the six largest companies.
After that, shoot whatever you want.
Can only rely on if Spider-Man lives on.
Han Qi is not so naive.
After investing in Netflix, Han Qi almost ran out of money.
He also did not go to other companies.
Stocks of some companies do go up.
But it has nothing to do with the film industry.
Han Qi is not interested.
He invests in companies, or around his own industry.
Han Qi bring the heat,Was shopping around in the Big Apple.
After all, Han Qi took the hot bar to negotiate and invest everywhere these days.
No leisure time at all.
The hot bar is no complaints though.
But Han Qi understands that hot bars are a bit boring.
Sure enough, when Han Qi said he was going around with a hot bar.
Hot bar’s eyes lit up.
She knew that Han Qi was doing business for the past two days, and she never disturbed her.
But it was not easy to get to the United States.
The most important thing is that she can put down her identity as a star and play everywhere.
It’s hot right now in Xia Guo, p makes it difficult for her to go out normally. cfec
Now in the United States, not many people know her. For her, she has too much freedom.
Han Qi took the hot bar to start the tour from the most famous attractions in the Big Apple.
Han Qi became a photographer.
The hot bar starts from the Statue of Liberty and goes all the way to Times Square.
“Han Qi! Han Qi! Hurry up!”
Hot bar in front of Meng jumping and walking.
Seeing Han Qi behind him, he shouted happily.
She was finally able to go out without a mask and hat.
Happy to fly now.
Han Qi looks so lively and hot.
Heart is also sigh.
Celebrities are of course lucky.
The life of the hot bar is especially good.
Fired without graduation.
But celebrities also have their own troubles.
It’s like hot, there’s so little time to be so comfortable.
Times Square is probably the most famous commercial plaza in the world.
The most prosperous area in the Big Apple.
But for the hot bar, there is only one idea.
“Buy! Buy! Buy!”
Looking at the hot bar, he looked at the shops on both sides with his eyes shining.
Han Qi understood.
A woman’s happiness is so unpretentious and simple.
Han Qi took out his bank card.
“Brush it!
He handed the card to the hot bar.
Hot Bar’s eyes brightened. “Give it all to me?”
She stared at Han Qi.
It’s hot, but I know that Han Qi spent more than 900 million meters on this w.
But the card has a lot of money.
At least 100 million meters of knives are still there.
All for yourself now?
Han Qi smiled.
“Money is happy when it’s spent!”
Han Qi really thinks so.
What is the purpose of making money?
Isn’t it just evil to burn money?
The hot bar is speechless.
This is what she heard, and she felt that it was not human!
“Then I’m welcome!”
Hot Bar grabbed Han Qi’s bank card.
Turning around, he went into the store next to him.
To be honest, Han Qi regretted it after half an hour.
He doesn’t care about money.
I really feel sorry for my feet.
He still underestimated girls’ enthusiasm for shopping.
A street, a hot bar and a shop do not pull all of them.
Some even go back and do it again!
Is it so good to go around?
However, looking at Hot Bar’s enthusiastic appearance, Han Qi still did not resist.
Happiness is the most important thing.
mas pas pi
“I said, I told you to buy things, and you bought all my things?”
Han Qi looked at the shopping bag in his hand, and asked for a hello.
After shopping for a full three hours, I bought a lot of things at the hot bar.
Almost all of them are for Han Qi.
Versace suit, Armani jacket.
And some ties, cufflinks.
The money spent is not much, and it adds up to less than 100,000 meters.
It’s hot, I bought a small handbag, and I’m watching it happily.

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