My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 254: Corpse Nest

When the last ray of light completely disappeared in this place, a large number of strong lights and searchlights started to operate at the same time. Suddenly, the train station was once again shrouded in light. Compared with the already dark city high-rise buildings outside, the train station was like a bright light in the dark night, so bright and conspicuous.

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The flames outside the train station have not been extinguished, and the zombies have not given up the attack, but because of the flames, the zombies who have already shown a little judgment ability no longer attack, but stand on the periphery of the flames, waiting for the sea of ​​fire in front of them to automatically extinguish.

The soldiers also briefly got time to correct.

"Time is running out, everyone quickly replenish ammunition and prepare to defend the next attack, hurry up!"


All officers urged the soldiers under their management to hurry up to replenish ammunition and solve personal problems. After all, eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping are human instincts, and no one can leave him.

While everyone was rushing to solve their personal problems, Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to observe how many zombies there were around. To be honest, up to now, the number of zombies killed here alone is estimated to be about 20,000, not counting the zombies killed by Li Jianjun's air force. If all are added together, Cai Wenjie estimates that there are at least 50,000.

This number, plus the zombies killed before, is almost 80% of the population in the entire city.

But when Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to observe the surrounding situation, he was shocked, because the entire train station was full of zombies, which means that the entire train station has been surrounded by zombies, and what is unusual is that the number of these zombies is still increasing. Although the increase is not large, it can be determined that the number of these zombies is still increasing steadily.

When Cai Wenjie noticed this, he immediately began to investigate the reasons for the unusual and continuous increase of zombies around him. Soon, Cai Wenjie found a strange building. The reason why this building was strange was that most of the building had turned dark, but only the middle part of this building showed a strange green light.

"Wait a minute! Green light? Could it be, no! It's a zombie nest!"

Thinking that this building was the legendary zombie nest, Cai Wenjie finally began to feel a little uneasy.

The zombie nest mentioned by Cai Wenjie is actually a kind of barracks similar to the game, which can continuously produce zombies, and the continuously flashing green light is actually a unique phenomenon when the zombies are found. Unlike zombies converted from humans, zombies from zombie nests are more dangerous and smarter.

For example, although ordinary zombies now have some judgment ability, they can only make ordinary judgments, while zombies from zombie nests have the same judgment as five-year-old children.

Even the appearance of the two is different. For example, the eyes of normal zombies are blood red, but the eyes of the zombies in the zombie nest are dark green, and the skin is paler than that of ordinary zombies, and the facial features are more blurred and chaotic. In short, anyone can tell the difference between the two.

And the probability of this zombie nest appearing is also very low. It requires a large number of zombies to be crowded in a small space, and then because of hunger and other factors, they start to eat each other. After the zombies inside are almost eaten, the zombie that survives will mutate due to the huge amount of virus accumulated in the body.

And unlike ordinary mutations, this mutation is more like the heart of the blood plague. The whole zombie no longer maintains the appearance of a human, but like a piece of conscious flesh and blood tissue, it clings to the surrounding buildings, and then mutates into a square pool with a length and width of two meters, which is filled with some kind of blood-like thick liquid, and constantly emits green light.

And using the scattered flesh and bones and other human tissues in the surrounding area as materials, it keeps producing at a rate of one zombie every six hours, no! Giving birth to the kind of zombies that are all pale.

Of course, this kind of reproduction has restrictions. First, the zombie that survives must be a female zombie. If it is a male zombie, then although it will also mutate, it will not mutate into a zombie nest, but into something else. I will talk about this later.

Second, to give birth to this special zombie, there must be sufficient flesh and blood and human bones. When it just becomes a zombie nest, it will give birth to the first batch of ten special zombies. In order to simply distinguish these zombies, these zombies produced from the zombie nest are called white zombies. Then these white zombies will go out to collect flesh and blood and human bones. Whether it is human or zombie, there is no difference in their eyes. As long as it is flesh and blood, it will be fine, even if it is a mutant animal. Only when enough flesh and blood and bones are collected, this zombie nest will continue to give birth to zombies.

The third, and this is also the most important condition, is that the mutation process must last for 24 hours, and during the mutation process the zombie will lose all its offensive and defensive capabilities. Simply put, it is like a thin layer of ice that has just formed and cannot be disturbed by anyone. Even if a mouse breaks in and bites one of the blood vessels, it may cause the mutation to be interrupted and then explode to death.

Although the zombie nest has various restrictions, if it is left alone and allowed to grow freely, then in the later stage, this zombie nest can even breed various white zombies indefinitely, as well as mutated white zombies mutated from white zombies, and the time of each reproduction is shortened from several hours at the beginning to a few minutes.

Now that this zombie nest has been discovered by Cai Wenjie, Cai Wenjie will certainly not ignore it. As soon as he discovered the zombie nest, Cai Wenjie contacted the armed helicopters and drones far away in the Xinguang gathering place.

"I have sent you the location. I have only one request, that is, to completely destroy the building. Do you understand!"

"I understand!"

"Let's go!"


Because the train station has been surrounded by zombies, Cai Wenjie can only use the armed helicopters and drones far away in the Xinguang gathering place. Although he also thought about sending ground troops, he gave up the idea when he saw the surrounding scene.

"Fortunately, I discovered it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. There are countless gathering places that have been completely destroyed because of this kind of zombie nest in the future. If you leave it alone, you will hurt yourself sooner or later"

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