My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 410 North Court Equipment Market

North Court.

It was snowing heavily and covered in silver, but it couldn't cover up this giant city standing on the land of Xia Kingdom.

Beiting Base City.

It was built on the original site of Beiting urban area. At the beginning of the end of the world, Beiting did not suffer major damage. The entire base city is still full of high-rise buildings. Even heavy weapons such as mortars and anti-aircraft guns can be seen in many places. The whole city is a little more chilling, but it still can't hide the prosperity of this former international metropolis.

Just one Beiting base city has tens of millions of survivors, much more than the entire Tiannan Province.

This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the end of the world, the army in the Beiting area responded quickly, possessing the top army in the whole world, quickly killing the tide of magic, and suppressing several abyss cracks.

Today, with Beiting Base City as the core, the defense circle established by eight large shelters as satellite cities covers an area comparable to one-third of Tiannan Province.

Unlike Tiannan Province, which is mostly desolate and uninhabited, the activities of human awakeners can only be limited to a small area. The Beiting defense circle is a safe area!

There are a total of 28 abyss cracks of different sizes in the circle, all of which have been suppressed by the army and turned into resource points that can continuously extract source crystals.

The wandering demonized beasts have also been strangled again and again.

Nowadays, within the range of the defense circle, even if ordinary survivors travel, as long as they follow the road, they will basically not encounter demonized beasts.

Beiting Base City has also built several railways connecting major satellite cities and transit stations. The defensive circle seems to have a pre-apocalyptic scene, and humans are no longer forced to stay within the cramped city walls.

Outside the base city, in the vast wilderness, a large number of fields have been reclaimed. In addition to the cultivation of conventional crops such as rice and potatoes, there are many post-apocalyptic mutants such as green fruit trees, earth dragon corn, etc., with high yield and short growth cycle. crop.

Provide a lot of food to the people living in the Beiting defense circle.

Only the eight satellite cities are farther out, where outposts and fortresses are dotted, and battles break out every day, resisting the impact of the magic tide like a rock.

Every day, Awakened teams from surrounding provinces and cities, and even large-scale migration teams, come from other places and enter the defense circle to seek shelter.

The strength of Beiting is also growing.


"Beiting is indeed the safest place in the world. If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't believe that the wild is safe."

"That is, and there is a patron saint in Beiting. I heard that the patron saint can shatter mountains with a single slap, and can easily destroy the magic tide by one person... When we came to Beiting, we finally don't have to worry anymore. ."

The two young people were carrying a cart of building materials, talking and laughing and walking away.

Gray Blade stood on a high tower, overlooking the busy figures below, and mixed voices came into his ears.

He frowned slightly.

Hui Ren is not a native of Daxia, but he doesn't want Beiting to be too strong to frustrate the lord's plan.

'However, according to my speculation, the patron saint of Beiting, that is, the extraordinary powerhouse, there are at most three people, and if there is less, there may only be one surnamed Meng, but I am not very worried...'

It is unlikely that a conflict will break out, but as an intelligence leader, Gray Blade needs to think about any possible situation and leave a way out.

‘On the contrary, there are more and more masters in the territory. If I don’t improve my strength, I may be left out in the cold… No, after this mission, I must apply for retreat and strive to break through the extraordinary. ’

I think that Hui Ren was also a genius with A-level qualifications. These days, he was running around outside. Although there was no shortage of cultivation resources, it was not as convenient as in the territory.

It has gradually fallen behind the first echelon.

Hui Ren was somewhat anxious, looking at the burly man next to him, "How is the recruitment?"

"At present, our mercenary group has 500 places full, and the other ordinary employees have also recruited 500 or 600 people." The big man scratched his head, "Brother, our transfer station has not started operation yet. It's a loss."

"It's worth a few days in exchange for a little source crystal. When our transfer station opens, hundreds of source crystals will be up and down in minutes, understand?"

Yan Dazhuang scratched his head, not quite understanding.

As an awakened person who was convinced by "physical" in the early days, and later joined the Intelligence Department, Yan Dazhuang can be regarded as a veteran. However, he does not know how to disguise or detect, so he can only use one word, reckless.

Just go through it recklessly.

Hui Ren is very clear that he ordered Yan Dazhuang to do things, and it would be better to use Yan Dazhuang as a microphone to inform his subordinates.


The newly built transfer station is located about 20 kilometers southeast of Beiting Base City.

The lord ordered to investigate the information of the North Court and find a place to establish a station... Huiren initially planned to buy a large piece of land in the North Court, but after calculating, the price of leather in the base city is extremely high , not unaffordable, but might as well choose to build in the wild.

After the resumption policy, many survivors of the shelter moved into the North Court, and the rest were transformed into transit stations, and the number was much smaller than before.

Some people took a fancy to the business opportunity and chose to build a transfer station at the main traffic crossing.

However, there are strict requirements for the establishment of transfer stations. In theory, they are all affiliated to the government. There is no private transfer station. The procedures for applying for construction are also very complicated. .

There is no size limit for the transfer station. In the future, the lord feels that it is too small and can continue to expand.

Even if the labor cost, material cost and other construction costs must be borne by oneself, plus the source crystals for the application procedures, the total amount is only a few thousand units.

Extremely cheap.

The Ashblade packaged this information and passed it on to the distant green shade through pacts.


Lord's Castle.

After several hours of delay, Tang Yu finally received the contract information.

"The transfer station is almost completed, and the first batch of rune equipment to be shipped to the North Court should also be prepared."

In order to open up the market as soon as possible and earn the source crystals in the pockets of the North Court Awakened, the information from Gray Blade's investigation naturally also includes the rune equipment market in North Court.

Compared with the general large-scale shelter, it is quite mature.

There are D-level rune equipment in circulation in the market. According to Gray Blade's prediction, Beiting even has the ability to produce C-level rune equipment, although the output must not be high.

"Although the rune equipment of the same level is better produced by the shade, but if you want to make a hit, you must consider carefully in the choice of commodity types."

It must be impossible to establish an adventurer's guild in Beiting, so Tang Yu planned to add B-grade equipment to the first batch of goods, and even put one or two A-grade rune equipment to attract customers as a treasure in the shop.

Knives, swords, firearms, armor, props... Many weapons and equipment flashed in my mind.

Suddenly Tang Yu's eyes lit up.

In the Beiting market that Gray Blade investigated, it seems that there are no puppets.

Thank you for the 1,000-coin reward of "Big and Small Handsome", and the 100-coin reward of "Drunken Dream Drama Hongyan". . . . .

Still Calvin, sorry QAQ. . . . . . . .

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