My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 511: Meng Qingyuan

Meng Qingyuan dragged his numb pace and followed the crowd forward. From time to time, he saw exhausted people falling to the ground and unable to get up. The brutal soldiers going back and forth would pull the whip with a beautiful whip and drew it at the fallen person. If there is any strength on his body, he immediately gets up and continues to move forward. If he has no strength, the brutal soldier will yell his horse to step on the fallen man.

The faces of the people around were expressionless, and it seemed that only a wooden stake fell on the ground.

Dayun Dynasty has been unable to protect his people.

Meng Qingyuan looked back and saw that there was only a long line of people who could not see the end. After Taihan Pass was already in Baili, tears came in his eyes. Grandpa, Eminem, Dad, Niang, and Sister were all in Taihan. After Guan was broken, he was killed, but the family of Jiaweng...I don't know, the army is in chaos, and who knows what happened.

There are barbarians calling the horses to pass by. These energetic barbarians occasionally throw out nooses. If an innocent person is trapped in the sleeve, they will drag him to death or trap him from the team. The eldest girl and the little daughter-in-law, after venting their animal desires, torture them.

Although all the people looked numb, they still instinctively circled the weak women and children in the inner layer, talking to protect them from being ruined by these inhuman things.

It was getting late, and the team finally stopped. The barbarians began to yell and beat and scold the captives to settle down. Meng Qingyuan was surrounded by a semi-inner enclosure because he was young, and was not drawn to do coolies.

Taking advantage of the darkness, a few youths fled out, but it didn't take long before they were discovered by the barbarians. Three or five barbarians riding horses and jokingly bent their bows and arrows to shoot and kill these fleeing young people, every day. There are a few people who dream of escape by chance, but are tortured and killed by the savages every day.

The eating and drinking of tens of thousands of exiled people is a very headache for the barbarians. I don’t know where these barbarians came up with the method, and they actually invented the idea of ​​two-legged sheep. They were reluctant to feed the people over the pile of rice. More than ten bags of rice and dozens of cauldrons were used by women who were tortured during the day. They were stripped of their skins to obtain meat, and mixed with the rice to make porridge.

The adults looked sad and indignant and did not want to eat these gruel mixed with lamb, but the children were so hungry that they could not bear the smell of gruel mixed with meat.

It was freezing cold, and most adults chose to refuse to eat, but endured grief and anger. The children were fed up. The sparse hay was crushed by these tens of thousands of people, and a road appeared, but How many people remember how many bones of the dead were laid down on this road?

Finally, today’s luck is good. Tens of thousands of people have been driven into a valley. The cold wind of the call sign is blocked on three sides of the valley. Otherwise, after tonight, I don’t know how many people will be frozen to death.

Some barbarians brought a translator:

"These days, there are people fleeing every day. From today onwards, everyone has registered and joined the ranks, one escaped, one group of people sitting in a row, and those who can read characters, help copy the roster, and reward a catty of rough wheat after all!"

As a result, the tossing was completed in the middle of the night, and Meng Qingyuan was incorporated into a team of young people.

When the campfire went out, Meng Qingyuan heard the other four people talking in low voices:

"How? What did others say?"

"Alive is also suffering, are willing to fight to the death!"

"How many people are there in total?"

"About three thousand."

"More than three thousand... the brute force is strong, and Dayun has obtained a lot of sophisticated weapons, and more than a thousand people escorted us. We are afraid that we are not opponents."

"How many people are we killed by them every day? If we endure this way, Qingzhuang will be killed! They only want women!"

"Wait two more days! The terrain here is not suitable. They only have to block the Taniguchi with a shield spear and shoot with a bow and arrow in the back. No matter how many people we have, it is useless if we reach an open area, even if we can't kill them, we will escape from all directions. There is a chance."

"Going further, it is the Gobi, where there are no mountains, trees, or water, and escape is just a death."

"Contact some more people, you can't delay it anymore, in case someone betrayed...Launch today! Connect some more people."

It was extremely cold in the Xuewozi, and Meng Qingyuan was cold and hungry, coupled with his young and weak, listening to them, as far as the sky floated, his eyelids were glued, shaking and falling into a drowsy sleep.

"Heaven is not benevolent, and everything is a dog."

A voice said, Meng Qingyuan opened his eyes in confusion, but couldn't see anyone.

"Who? What kind of heaven?" Meng Qingyuan asked nervously.

"The way of heaven is the law and principle of this world..." the voice replied.

"Is it God?" Meng Qingyuan tried to ask.

"Either you think so, and it's not wrong." The voice replied.

"God, please help us!" Meng Qingyuan pleaded with blessing to his soul.

"Killing is the truth under the Heavenly Dao, and resistance is also the truth under the Heavenly Dao. Helping you, Yu Tiandao will not benefit you at all, why should I help you?" The voice said flatly.

"But... but they are bad! They killed so many people!" Meng Qingyuan was anxious.

"I have said it, in my eyes, there is no difference between good and bad." The voice replied.

"How come there is no difference? God, they only know killing and robbing women. We Yunchao people know that good and evil are rewarded. Please God, you save us! I will let everyone believe in you and burn more incense!" Meng Qingyuan said anxiously.

"Well, it's not impossible to give you a way out..." The voice sighed softly.

"Thank God! Thank you, God!" Meng Qingyuan kowtowed sharply.

"According to you, "The Battle of Ten Thousand Tribulations" and "The Essentials of Marksmanship", if you have good luck, take these people with you and become stronger." The voice said.

Meng Qingyuan felt a shock in his mind, and a lot of information poured into his mind. Suddenly his naked body appeared in front of him, with a large number of red dots on his body, and then lit up one by one. The whole body was painful and unbearable. The voice was stern:

"Remember the process by which these red dots light up! These red dots are called the Acupoints, and the lines connecting the Acupoints are called the meridians! I have poured the knowledge of words into your sea of ​​consciousness, and you practice according to this, and you have the infuriating vitality from me. , You can get started in two days, small in a month, great in half a year, after the successful completion, you will become an enemy of ten thousand people, pass this cultivation technique to people you approve, and kill all these barbarians..."

The voice faded away, Meng Qingyuan was shocked, and wanted to sit up, only to find that his body was crushed to death, and there was silence around him.

Turns out to be a dream? Meng Qingyuan only felt that he could not breathe under the pressure, so he learned the skill, but he wanted to suffocate here alive?

He was hungry and hungry, and felt uncomfortable breathing. He called for help a few times, but no one responded. He was terrified and fainted suddenly.

The cold awoke him from the cold. He is now under pressure from his bloodline, but he doesn’t know where the vitality comes from. He is hanging on his life. From the temperature change, he vaguely feels that this is what he is being pressed on. The next day under the pile of corpses, he was so hungry several times that he wanted to eat the corpse next to him, but finally suppressed this desire.

Suddenly, there was a faint voice, and Meng Qingyuan murmured: "Help...Help..." The voice was as weak as a powerless little beast.

The sound from outside was erratic, and he didn't hear clearly, only vaguely heard a few "green strong", "escape", "jingguan" and so on.

Knowing that this is the only chance to survive, he earned a small life and shouted desperately: "Help! Help!"

But after only two screams, the pressure on his lungs made it difficult to inhale more air. At this time, a heat flow burst out of the pubic field. He didn't know where the power came from, and he screamed, "Help!"

"It's a human! No! It's a corpse! What happened? Why am I being crushed among the dead?" As he thought, the dizzy Meng Qingyuan was extremely uncomfortable in his chest and couldn't help coughing a few times.

"Someone! Still alive!" Someone faintly heard the cough and roared, his voice full of excitement.

"Where?" someone asked anxiously.

"It sounds like that direction!" someone replied.

"Hurry up, look for the barbarians of Gouri! More than 70,000 people! Actually slaughter the young and strong! They will be punished!" There was an old voice trembling and cursing.

Meng Qingyuan was a little exhausted. Hearing Dayun Mandarin, he made a faint voice and said, "Help...Help!"

"Here! Here! Move the corpse away! There are really people alive!"

Meng Qingyuan felt his eyes slowly brighten, and the corpses in front of them were dragged away, but suddenly, seven or eight corpses slid down from above, smashing the people who were cleaning up, but these people kept screaming.

Finally, the sky came in, and the two men grabbed Meng Qingyuan's arm and dragged him forcefully.

"Boy! Are you still alive? Just say a word when you are alive!"

"Still...alive, cough cough..." After Meng Qingyuan tried to say this, his eyes went dark and he passed out.

Meng Qingyuan woke up again leisurely. A thin old man with a calm face put a hand on his left wrist vein door. Seeing Meng Qingyuan woke up, there was a smile on his face: "Child, you are finally alive."

Meng Qingyuan wanted to speak, but found that his throat was so dry and it was a bit difficult to speak. The old man stopped and said, "You have been in a coma for four days and four nights. When you escorted you, your lack of food and clothing was caused by your fate. You were taken out of the dead and lived a life. Pitiful, more than 70,000 exiled people, except for more than 20,000 women, all others were killed. ..."

When the old man said this, his eyes were wet. He turned his face away and wiped his eyes. He was always strong, but then he remembered the tragedy of the day, and felt that the people of Dayun were tortured and killed, and they were not as good as dogs. Self.

"Since you have survived, you should live well, with the share of the more than fifty thousand people who died tragically..."

Meng Qingyuan's face flushed, what he wanted to say, the old man stopped and said: "You are too weak now, don't talk too busy, and take a rest. You should be able to recover, Xiaodie!"

"Here, Jia Weng!" a clear voice replied.

"Jia Weng! The medicine package wakes up?" Meng Qingyuan saw a seven or eight-year-old girl walking in with a bowl.

"Jia Weng take it! It's so hot, so hot!" The girl looked very smart with fine make-up, and after a few years, she would be a beautiful little beauty.

The old man took the bowl and blamed: "Don't give people a mess, why don't you know how to get a plate?"

Xiaodie stuck his tongue out: "Forget it!"

The old man said with a stern face: "Girls, what are you doing?"

Xiaodie was not afraid of his scolding at all, shrugged his nose, turned and ran.

The old man smiled at the corner of his mouth and shook his head slightly: "Qiuzhi!"

A young girl walked in, blessed and said: "Master."

The old man nodded: "Serve this child and take this decoction. After tonight, he should recover some, and I will see again tomorrow morning."

The girl who was called to Qiuzhi held him against the head of the bed, and carefully fed him the medicine with a spoon. Although the medicine was terribly bitter, she lost her stomach but gave birth to a blast of heat, which made her body much more comfortable.

Meng Qingyuan was a child who was only twelve years old. Before the city was destroyed, he was just a child of ordinary people. Usually, he sneezes and catches a cold and headache. At most, he fills a large bowl of hot water, and then covers it with a thick quilt to cover his sweat. After all, how can you live such a fine day?

Smelling the scent of the girl, and being treated gently by her, Meng Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little shy. The girl saw him blushing and smiled while covering her mouth: "You are also lucky. Our master is a rare good person in the Dayun Dynasty. I heard that Tai Han After the Guan was broken, the righteous men were gathered and came to support from hundreds of miles away. It is a pity that among tens of thousands of people, you have survived a single seedling. You will have to repay my master in the future."

Meng Qingyuan nodded repeatedly, this is the grace of life! I must find a chance to repay!

Qiuzhi then told Meng Qingyuan the origin of the old man. It turned out to be the number one scholar in Qinghe's twelfth year. Qinghe was an emperor on Dayun. This old man, whose surname was Moshan old, was Zhou Mingliangmu and Zeng Guanzhi. During the six departments of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, because they didn’t want to get involved in party disputes, just when their parents were in the funeral, they used the name of Ding You, regardless of political affairs, and sent love to the landscape. This week’s family was considered to be a big family, Zhou Liangmu He was kind, and his tenants only accepted very few tenants. In addition, he was quite a good name for saving people in the famine years. Emperor Qinghe regained his love several times, but he refused to accept it, and he was even slower. Slowly became the leader of Dayun Wenzong. In the 27th year of Qinghe, the first emperor died, the new emperor Xingli succeeded, and he remembered Zhou Liangmu, but Zhou Liangmu knew that the new emperor was greedy for enjoyment, not like Mingjun, so he was old. He was pushed back again for the reason of physical decline. This time the barbarians were forced to pass, and the frontier army was depleted, and they were beaten down. Zhou Liangmu was shocked and angry. He could not imagine that the state affairs and the military had fallen to such a degree, so he entangled with the courage of the country, Jia Ding, The righteous men, a total of more than two thousand people, rushed to Taihan Pass from more than three hundred miles away, but when they arrived, the ruins, scorched earth, and blood were everywhere. It was terrible. Zhou Liangmu's righteous men went to inquire and heard that there were only more than a thousand people escorted. The abducted people braved their morale and led their troops to find an opportunity to rescue them, but when they arrived, they saw more than a hundred Beijing temples piled up on the Gobi. They almost fell to the ground, and let their subordinates converge on these innocent deaths. Who knew that Meng Qingyuan was rescued from Jingguan.

The next day, Meng Qingyuan was slightly better, Zhou Liangmu came to see him again, pitying Meng Qingyuan's miserable life, so he accepted him as a disciple. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 511 Meng Qingyuan) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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