My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 106 The big one is coming (7/44)

Chapter 106 The big one is coming (744)

There are limits to a peaceful life after all.

For the extreme.

As long as there is the possibility of expanding the power, there is no way to let it go away.

This day.

Kashiwagi arrived at Liuge's office after being summoned, and was surprised to find that all the team leaders under the latter had arrived. When he opened the door and entered, they all turned their heads to look over.

He quickly apologized and said he was late.

"Sit down quickly!"

Liu Ge directed him to sit down and said with a serious face: "Two days ago we got the unmistakable news that the boss of the Evil Dog Team was arrested."

The words fell.

The squad leaders each showed different expressions.

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the boss of the Dog Team and the boss of the Quicksand Team were called to Silica City for a meeting. As a result, this meeting lasted for several months, causing panic among the people under his command.

The Sunagumi side is fine, Aoshiro's prestige is very high and he can handle it under high pressure, but Akiragumi and Ishigumi can't.

One quickly began to become corrupt, deceiving his superiors and hiding his wealth from others. The other one hurriedly mutated in the direction of Erwu Zai, trying to divide the family property like the second senior brother so that he could return to Gao Laozhuang and become king.

The Dog Team probably won't be much better, everyone is just as bad, that's all.

Now that the boss of the Dog Team has been captured, what about their boss?

"Boss is fine. The boss of the Evil Dog Team was first placed under house arrest in Silicon Beryllium City. After escaping from prison, he escaped from the Orei area via a passenger ship and was captured by the international police."

Liu Ge explained again, "The news spread to the Dog Team not long ago, and now they are in chaos internally."

The International Police, this organization was purely a decoration in Kashiwagi's previous life, but in the Pokémon world, its power and size are terrifying, and it is a very classic criminal fighting organization.

Unlike Junsha who only protects one city, they have a foot in almost every region.

Now that the international police have arrested the boss of the Dog Squad, does it mean that they are going to attack Huangtie Town and even the entire Ole area?

Kashiwagi felt happy, but when he thought about it, he couldn't help but sigh.

The problems in the Ourei region can never be ended by arresting those Yakuza members. Its entire social landscape is different from other regions, and arresting one group will only give birth to a second group of people with the same problems.

How many groups of people can the international police arrest?

Rather than simply attacking those evil leaders, what the Ore region needs more is a bottom-up purge of social consciousness. Someone needs to stand up and tell them what is right and what is wrong.

Only in this way can we truly integrate with the mainstream areas.

He frowned and listened to the main point of this meeting.

"Boss Soshiro, Yugo, and Chester discussed with the boss remotely yesterday and decided to take this opportunity to conduct a test raid on the Dog Team."

Liuge snapped his fingers, and a light screen appeared on the wall behind him, "The goals of Shizu and Jingzu have nothing to do with us, so we won't mention them here.

"There are five mines set up by the Bad Dog Team outside Huangtie Town. There are two mines adjacent to us, both of which are large mines. Our goal for this operation is to capture these two mines and strive to use them Make it our own.”

The big one is coming.

Kashiwagi knew very well that the Quicksand Team was planning to tear off a piece of meat from the Evil Dog Team while it was leaderless.

It's just that although the Bad Dog Team has lost its boss, it is not a vegetarian in terms of strength. Therefore, the level of danger of this mission is not low. No wonder Soshiro said before that if he behaves well, he will be stuffed into the reserve cadre.

From then on, Co-author began to think about taking action against the Vicious Dogs.

not far away.

Flobo stood up, took a piece of white paper from the table and distributed it to all the team leaders.

"Our team will work with the Ayana team and the Sanghe team to guard a mine. On paper, it shows the scope of the area it is responsible for and the specific process of implementing the plan. The task is very heavy, so remember to destroy it after reading it."

Liu Ge added, "Since the situation is quite urgent, in order to avoid leaking the tactics, remember not to say too much to the people under your command. Just tell them to go on a mission."


"One o'clock in the afternoon is a critical time when the opponent's defense is relaxed. You should gather your team members as soon as possible and gather for action at twelve noon!"


A group of people stood up and saluted, then dispersed like birds.

Kashiwagi also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Liu Ge.

"This is your first big mission, so you may not be used to all aspects. Remember to keep your team close to Flobo's team. I have already given him instructions."

"Okay, thank you, brother."

"Don't leave in a hurry. I'm asking you, what will you do if you have a conflict with the mine guards or even the miners? Will you be able to kill someone?"

", what do you mean?"

"Remember, don't kill if you can, and focus on capturing the other party. On the one hand, the population is our precious resource in Huangtie Town. Taking down the other party's mine also requires manual work, and it is difficult for machines to completely replace it. On the other hand, you You are still too young, and you will be lost if too many lives are suddenly taken away from you. Remember to suppress the animal nature in your heart."

Liu Ge patted Kashiwagi's shoulder sincerely.

Taking too many lives will cause huge changes in people's consciousness, which will be harmful to the future of young people. He never wants a talented young man's thinking to be distorted.

Theoretically, he didn't even want Kashiwagi to go on a mission, but the latter was named by Soshiro.

The boss probably felt that he might be giving a young man a chance. After all, he had been through this himself and knew the importance of "opportunity".

But Liuge didn't think so.

"I understand, brother."

Kashiwagi nodded again, this time his tone was much more sincere.

He is not an unscrupulous person. Liu Ge can remind him before the war and even ask people on the same team to take care of him. This is already a kind of partial care.

He had to express his gratitude to his good brother no matter what the circumstances.

The other party can also be regarded as his noble person. In the hands of other bosses, there is no chance for him to make money from his pocket without showing any filial piety. His pocket has been squeezed over and over again.


Come to the surface.

Kashiwagi summoned his team members as quickly as possible——

Eight people including Cheng Hong from Qingyi Street and one person from Otsuka.

There are nine team members in total.

He explained in the simplest way possible that they were about to embark on a large mission, and when these guys showed excited expressions, he poured a lot of cold water on them.

"This mission is very dangerous. Rather than creating any great achievements, we should pay more attention to protecting ourselves and surviving as much as possible."

Kashiwagi said seriously: "Don't forget that everyone's strength is still very immature. Except for Otsuka who barely passes the test, your Pokémon are all weak. If the Pokémon loses its fighting ability, what will you do? Do you use your body to resist?"

Cheng Hong and others looked at each other, their passion suddenly disappearing.

"So I reiterate our mission this time - to survive. Apart from this, there is nothing else. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Everyone roared.

"Very good, ready to go!" Kashiwagi nodded with satisfaction.

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