My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 137 Alliance Vision

Shanmin tried to target Roz.

While establishing the Pokémon Alliance, inject an economic system into the Orei region that will make it prosperous.

This sounds like a fantasy.

After all, the interest groups headed by Erjin have not yet been resolved, but Shanmin is already focusing on the future after the dust has settled, which is inevitably a bit too ambitious.

But Kashiwagi had to admit that what really drove him to agree was Shanmin's identity.

With no money, no resources, and no connections, everything belongs to the flower in the mirror. As a member of the interest group, the latter can just make up for these shortcomings by rescuing the descendants of one of the leaders of the force.

In other words, their starting point is much higher than that of Lords.

The original unbelievable hypothesis has become a lot more realistic. Of course, the liberation of Huangtie Town is still the main goal.

In the living room.

"Let my father and the others deal with the silicon beryllium market. Our basic base is here." Yamamino continued to describe his philosophy to Kashiwagi.

Although Huangtie Town is desolate, it has resources that the whole world craves.


Not only iron ore, copper ore, and tin ore, but also various rare metal elements are included. This phenomenon of multiple metals appearing in one area is probably only possible in the Pokémon world.

As long as they can capture Huangtie Town, Shanmin believes that they are half secure——

What surrounds the commercial city from the resource city.

Kashiwagi cursed, and then heard Shanmin say: "At this stage, you should listen to Frobo and Liuge's orders and continue according to their strategy."

"how about you?"

"I want to recruit more knowledgeable people. It just so happens that you and I are both famous, especially you, who will help us a lot."


"Of course, you were born a commoner, and now you are in the middle stage of Huangtie Town. You are closer to the hearts of ordinary people and middle-class families in Huangtie Town than me, a master, so I said it must be you, do you understand?"

This is to set him up as a role model...

Kashiwagi twitched the corners of his lips, and seeing the matter-of-fact expression on Shanmin's face, he understood that both parties knew how meaningful an example was.

People will follow blindly, especially for people with little education.

Talk about it.

During the years of preparations by Liuge and the others, they must have made more people literate. If they are not literate, they will not understand the truth. If they do not let more people understand the truth, they will not be able to repair the Ourei region from the soul level.

"Can I bring others in?" he asked.


Shanmin couldn't help but laugh, "Our relationship is equal, not superior and subordinate, don't get me wrong."


Kashiwagi nodded.

He naturally hopes to attract Chenghong and others. Under his supervision, Chenghong and others have become literate, and even their family members are taking the opportunity to become literate. This is also a force.

Of course, it must be done step by step, so that they can gradually accept the idea of ​​saving Ourei and realize that they can do something great.

Ah Wu on the side felt dizzy after hearing this.

"What are you talking about? Why do I understand less and less?"

Shan Min said: "In short, we are preparing to fight the bad guys."

This is too simple.

Kashiwagi said helplessly: "I'm going out to find my elder brother. You can do whatever you want from now on."

"Go." Shanmin waved.

Not long after.

Small office building.

Visited again today.

Kashiwagi didn't hesitate, and went straight upstairs to say hello to Flobo and others who looked full of inquiry. He then found Liu Ge in the office and told him what he was thinking.

"I see……"

Liu Ge pondered for a moment, then stood up and stretched out his hand, "Welcome to join us!"

"Thank you, thank you."

He was stunned for a moment, then shook his hand and said, "Don't you want to persuade me?"

"There is nothing to persuade. First of all, as I said before, you are already deeply involved and cannot stay out of it. You have a part in the current wave of Huangtie Town. Furthermore, since you have awakened, I cannot and should not give up. Your positivity.”

Liu Ge said sincerely: "If possible, we don't want any child to be involved. After all, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable, and you are the future of this area.

"But when you have this awareness, it proves that you have the qualities that an adult should have - taking responsibility, then we will be like-minded partners."

After returning home yesterday, it was not only Kashiwagi who had some thoughts. The former also thought about how he should treat Kashiwagi, and even more people like Kashiwagi.

There is always no shortage of heroes in this world. When other regions know what is happening here, there will be thousands of trainers who will lend a helping hand and contribute to peace.

At that time, Liuge will have to face more young people full of ideals and beliefs.

Kashiwagi said gratefully: "Thank you for your trust, what should I do now?"

“Do what you have always done, gather strength, and wait for the opportunity.”


He said with excitement that although he had already realized something in his heart, before he came he still couldn't help but worry that he would not be able to get Liu Ge's approval.

Whether he thought he couldn't do the same thing or had doubts about his age, it made him extremely uneasy.

Fortunately, Liu Ge was more thoughtful than he expected.


The Scorpio King, who didn't know where he was, hung upside down and looked at Kashiwagi with a smile on his face.

The latter smiled and touched its chin, "Hello, please take good care of me in the future."


The Scorpio King yelled, hugged Kashiwagi's head, rubbed it hard twice before slowly letting go, and looked at his messy hair style quite proudly.

But the next moment, its head was hit hard by Liu Ge.

"Don't do such silly pranks!"


King Scorpio covered his head in grievance.

Kashiwagi stood up to say goodbye. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Liu Ge shouting from behind, "By the way, should you take the salary of the Liusha team or use the resources as you should, don't feel any pressure."


"You can use those people without using them. Try to increase your strength as much as possible. Adding more combat power is what you should do most. Do you understand?"


He turned around and went out, and immediately saw Flobo and others approaching with smiling faces.

"The young man is not bad, he has a high level of ideological consciousness."

"With people like you here, our hard work will not be in vain!"

"Would you like to try joining the International Police?"

"Don't mess around! There's no time to train him now! Besides, he has a more suitable future, much better than the international police."


They were talking in gibberish, and their words could not hide the intimacy between them.

Kashiwagi was surrounded by these people and realized that he was truly accepted by these people. The way they looked at him was no longer an object that needed protection, but a partner who went hand in hand.

This made him extremely happy.

Flobo stepped forward and said:

"Do you remember the big wolfhounds I took from you?"


"They were picked up by the International Police Headquarters as test samples for research on that particular drug. Without them, we would have had to find other ways to conduct actual parameter testing. Of course, we also received more similar Pokémon.”

"Wouldn't that mean my big-mouthed kid..."

"Yes, it comes from the Pokémon Zoo of the International Police. You have to treat it well. This sentence may be a bit redundant for me. How well you take care of it, Big Mouth, is obvious to everyone."

"I'm relieved that I didn't disappoint you."

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