My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 154 Exploding the Floor (31/48)

Chapter 154 Exploding the Floor (3148)

When Kashiwagi and Otsuka discovered the lurking Vicious Dog members.

The Dogs team members also discovered the two men who were hiding, and relied on the observation of their companions from high places to confirm that the two were not teammates, even though they were wearing the uniforms of the Dogs team.

But they didn't act rashly.

Because it is unclear how many people are hiding behind these two people, and how powerful reinforcements will be attracted by killing these two people.

Since the power supply station was bombed, many instruments in the building have lost their function, which makes them fully realize that they and others are now equivalent to an isolated island.

Unable to contact his companions, unable to contact the dungeon, and afraid to let Pokémon fly, he could only rely on the most primitive body to spread the news.

If there is no help from insiders, they may still be able to rely on encouragement and threats to the lowest level civilians, so that these useless guys can block the opponent's attacks.

But when things have developed to this point, I'm afraid those civilians have long thought of surrendering.

To be honest, they also wanted to surrender, but firstly, there was a loyal big brother in the building who was unwilling to surrender. Secondly, they were worried that after surrendering, the Quicksand Team would not be able to defeat the big brothers above, and they would be liquidated later.

In short, we haven't reached the end of the road yet. Everyone wants to wait and see and hold on.


This idea is difficult to satisfy.

Especially for the Quicksand Team, who took the initiative to invade. Although they had put on a long-term battle posture, they were burning money all the time. If they could capture the Evil Dog Team as soon as possible, no matter who they were, it would be a dream.

So even though the members of the Evil Dog team prayed repeatedly in their hearts, Kashiwagi and Otsuka still launched the offensive.

A large amount of smoke suddenly expanded and spread from the corner of the block. Then there was a rumble, and a huge rolling stone broke through the smoke at an extremely terrifying speed and crashed towards the bunker!

"Stop it!"

"The great wolfhound roars loudly!"

“Coyote dogs throw mud!”

"Darrubi! Sparkle!"

At this time, the members of the Vicious Dogs could not sit still, and they immediately jumped out from everywhere.

Some were hiding behind bunkers, and some were hiding behind the windows of the houses on the other side, often accompanied by the same evil-type canine Pokémon.

Most of their combat prowess hovers around level 20, and many Pokémon have not yet evolved, fully demonstrating their miscellaneous nature.

The attack was fierce, but the rolling stone rolled and knocked away many bunkers, then stopped as if it had been deliberately beaten.

The next moment.

The huge rolling stone released a dazzling white light and exploded!

boom--! !

The ground shook violently, countless rubbles flew everywhere, and the surging general attribute energy blew away all the Pokémon and Dog members closest to the bunker!

The surrounding glass exploded one after another, and the people behind the window who could not dodge were also attacked by the glass particles.

Thick smoke covered the outside of the building, and screams came from all directions.

Kashiwagi and Otsuka took the opportunity to rush forward, quickly passing through the acrid smoke and dense fog.

When the latter passed by Rumble Rock, which had fainted and fell to the ground, he put it away with great distress. When the big explosion was released, it would cause the Pokémon a moment of pain. It was a lose-lose move.

Otsuka is actually unwilling to let Longlongyan use it except under special circumstances.

But knowing that there is an opportunity to perform, he cannot let it go, otherwise if he continues to attack, he will only stay at the stage of an ordinary member for the rest of his life.

"Electromagnetic levitation! Take the baton!"

Kashiwagi released Big Mouth Baby and decisively ordered it to transfer its state to Boscodora.

The big monster exuding a terrifying aura fell to the ground and opened the door of the first floor like a heavy tank. A group of ordinary people running towards the depths, screaming in panic, suddenly came into view.

There seemed to be a few Vicious Dog members among them.

"There are many civilians here! What should we do?"

Otsuka was a little flustered.

"Ignore them, come here!" Kashiwagi ignored the fleeing people and directly grabbed Otsuka with one hand and the back of Boscodora with the other hand. "Charge at the risk of your life! Charge directly!"


Otsuka didn't understand yet.

The next moment, he felt his feet suddenly leaving his body, and there was a terrible roar above his head. Countless dust rushed into his face, making him cough continuously.


boom! !

There were constant explosions in his head, and the smoke was so irritating that he couldn't open his eyes.

But even so, he could not hide his emotion.

He actually smashed through the floor and rushed upward!

Is this something a Pokémon can easily do?

Otsuka recalled that he was unable to defeat his three Pokémon Kokodora a few months ago. It was difficult to connect it with the monster in front of him. Did Kashiwagi really not change Pokémon on the way?

Even my companions are like this.

What's more, the members of the Vicious Dogs and ordinary people who witnessed it with their own eyes were shocked and stood there dumbfounded, almost unable to believe the scene in front of them.


"It must be at the cadre level!"

"The cadres of the Quicksand Team are here! They are the cadres of the Quicksand Team!"

They screamed in panic.

Outside, the members of the Vicious Dogs who had been injured by the big explosion and had finally recovered could not help but look at each other and tremble when they heard this.

As formal members, they know best the power of cadres, whether it is power or strength.

How shocking!

The members of the Vicious Dogs looked at the smoke and dust falling in all directions and the huge hole created by Boscodora, and they could not help but pray in their hearts for the team leader who was clinging to the defense.


The building has only seven floors in total, with the squad leader on the top floor.

When the smoke rose and the explosion exploded from Rumble Rock, he anxiously sent people to the stairs to block the intruders from the Quicksand Team with Pokémon or civilians.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not go on the normal path at all.

Before he could get feedback from below, his feet suddenly shook violently, as if the building was about to collapse.

Moreover, the earthquake felt more and more intense as time went by, and he couldn't help but wonder if the Quicksand Team was planning to collapse the building and directly destroy their group.

But just when he was struggling in his heart.

A huge figure burst out of the ground, smashing into the hard ground with a bang, causing countless rubbles to hit the surroundings like bullets. It was extremely terrifying!

Everyone present felt as if the sky was falling, and they fled around one after another, and some even rushed down the stairs.

At this time.

"There are the most people here! Who is the leader?"

The voice of inquiry suddenly sounded from the smoke, and without waiting for anyone to respond, a blue light lit up from inside, imprisoning everyone present.

The team leader was so fast that he just had time to take out the elf ball.

"Attack! Attack!"

He yelled in a voice that broke defenses, but failed to receive a counterattack from his teammates. He only received a huge monster holding a blue spiral light ball in his hand.

The giant beast smashed the ball of light onto the ground, causing huge waves out of thin air to rush around like a tsunami.


It let out a terrifying roar and swung its tail as thick as a tree trunk at the Pokémon that stood up under the impact of the waves!

Bang! Bang!

One after another, the Pokémon whimpered and was smashed away, immediately losing their ability to fight.


From the large hole in the floor, the people below screamed hysterically.

"A cadre! It's a cadre!"

"The officials from the Quicksand Team are here!"

The team leader, who was controlled by the auspicious egg using his mind to move objects, heard this and his face was ashen.

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