My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 167 The “younger brother” position in the family (38/50)

Chapter 167 The "younger brother" position in the family (3850)

Turn around.

Kashiwagi brought Boscodora and the auspicious egg to the big steel snake.

The latter raised his eyelids slightly, and his body trembled slightly when he saw Boscodora.

It was obvious that this behemoth had developed a fear of the big monsters, and the system of the weak surrendering to the strong brought about by wildness was successfully triggered.

This also made Kashiwagi feel slightly relieved.

I am afraid that the big steel snake will hold its neck and refuse to give in.

It is indeed correct to go head-to-head one-on-one. If it were a group of people fighting against a big steel snake, even if they beat this guy, it would probably be difficult to convince him.

"Well... I'm sorry, I suddenly let you out and immediately beat you up, but it seems that you understand that we are not easy to bully."

He began to adopt a gentle policy, stuffing berries into its mouth and winking at the lucky eggs.

The auspicious egg walked around the front of the big steel snake, and while Kashiwagi was caressing it, he quietly used [Healing Wave] to restore its lost physical strength and a small amount of injuries.

The big steel snake felt the gentle touch on its head and chewed the fruit. A comfortable heat slowly surged through its body, and it quickly relaxed.


"You must be hungry, right? Try this again."

Kashiwagi took out the glowing food he had prepared and stuffed it into the big steel snake's mouth.

Even though the teeth of the Big Steel Snake are neat and beautiful when its mouth is closed, when it opens its mouth, the teeth are actually arranged up and down, which is like missing teeth, one growing each other.

It's really a bit funny.

After being beaten violently, the big steel snake felt a little hungry, and he couldn't wait to eat the food when he smelled the aroma.

Unfortunately, the quantity was too small and could not satisfy its stomach.

It glanced at Boscodora cautiously, then turned to look longingly.

"Do you still want to eat?"


"Then hang out with me from now on. He is the big brother and I am the big brother. Come and call him!"


"Call Big Brother!"


"By the way, there is a eldest sister here. Let's call her eldest sister."


There were two pops of the Poké Ball opening.

Kashiwagi pointed at the big-mouthed baby again, "This is eldest sister! Call me eldest sister!"


Pointing to the single-headed dragon, "This is...this is our little brother, so there's no need to shout."


At this time, the big steel snake has entered a state where Kashiwagi says whatever he says, and it is doubtful whether he understands the specific content.

for test results.

Kashiwagi stuffed the last bit of food into its mouth, stood on its huge platform-like head, patted it gently, "Stand up!"

The big steel snake slowly straightened its upper body.

If a person is allowed to stand on its head, it is basically certain that the big steel snake is really convinced.

Before his head touched the ceiling, Kashiwagi quickly lay down and couldn't help laughing. This feeling of being at the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains was so comfortable.

"It seems that Boss Soshiro is well versed in the path of PUA, but he doesn't understand the heart of Pokémon."

Kashiwagi sighed.

Conquering the big steel snake was much smoother than he expected. He originally thought it would take at least a while. Now it seems that the investment cost is not a loss, but a huge profit.

Talk about it.

Being able to master level 60 Pokémon is equivalent to mastering how many badges?

If I go to the tournament at this time, will I be able to win...

It probably wouldn't work, he only had two level 60 Pokémon, and he didn't even have the minimum of six Pokémon. It is prudent to prepare at least nine Pokémon when participating in a tournament, to avoid having Pokémon that are not at 100% in the next game after a fierce battle in the previous game.

"There's a long way to go. Thank you for your hard work. Please let me go."

Kashiwagi patted the big steel snake's head, signaling it to let him go.

The big steel snake complied quite obediently.

And now that the opponent has become his teammate, Boscodora put away his fierce aura and smiled at the big steel snake.

The latter immediately shook his head in flattery.

The thick tail behind it also waggled, like a puppy.

"There is already a dog at home. You'd better be calm and change your personality." Kashiwagi whispered. He put it away under the puzzled eyes of the big steel snake, then took back Boscodora and waited for a while. All Pokémon.

"Thank you for your hard work."

He walked out of the room and asked the boss to check out.

The boss said cheerfully: "How is it? Is it particularly strong?"

"Well, it's pretty good. I'll come to your place next time I have a chance." Kashiwagi nodded, handed him the key and left.

“Thank you for your patronage~”

The boss is smiling

Two minutes.

The boss came to Kashiwagi's room to inspect the damage, and sang a ditty as he walked, "Cute little~wocao!"

He stared dumbfoundedly at the walls of the room, which were filled with large and small holes. Many of them were already covered with cracks, reaching the limit of metal fatigue.

There are even whole broken ones.

Missile land washing is nothing more than that, right?

"This...who is this person..."

The boss took a breath, recalled Kashiwagi's face, and exclaimed: "I wonder why he looks so familiar! It's him!"

Kashiwagi's nickname was not only spread among major organizations, but also heard by various businessmen in the underground city. After all, those in business need to be well-informed, and making money at this juncture requires an eye and an ear.

Otherwise, if your store is robbed one day, you won’t know who did it.

"It's amazing."

The boss quickly took a photo of the wall and sent it to their underground city shop group, along with a message.

"Today Yaomu came to patronize business!" This young talent is truly extraordinary! (`)』

"Really! 』

"Is it the new cadre of the Quicksand Team? 』

"Mr. Ikegami is on the line with Youmu?" I don’t know if it’s convenient for me to give you a recommendation? 』

"Me too. 』

"Me too. 』

The following started to quickly flood the screen with emoticons.

The boss looked at the screen of his mobile phone, his vanity was greatly satisfied. As for introductions... He hadn't gotten to know the person yet, so introductions were just a piece of cake!


Return to the villa.

Kashiwagi was finally able to release the big steel snake.

The clear blue sky also further relaxed the latter's mood. For his size, the semi-enclosed battle field was too depressing.


"It's been prepared for you, hurry up and eat."

Kashiwagi walked out of the room holding a large basin of food and placed it in front of the big steel snake.

to be honest.

In terms of size difference, the basin is actually smaller, but it’s almost enough to run back and forth three times. Firstly, eat less and often, and secondly, in terms of food quality, the various nutrients and calories contained in it are actually enough.

If the big steel snake is looking for satiety, it can rely on eating soil and stones containing iron sand, which are usually the staple food of wild big steel snakes.

But as long as you get used to it, there is no need to eat so much at one time.

The big steel snake is not a big eater like Kirby, who eats as much as he can and digests it.

But even so.

Having raised two behemoths, Boss Cordora and Big Steel Snake, as well as a single-headed dragon, a big money-maker, Kashiwagi must consider his wallet.

"We are the three of us in the family who have the smallest appetites and are the most economical."

He looked at the lucky egg and the big-mouthed baby with infinite emotion.

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